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Mystical Unicorns

The Mystical Unicorns is the name of the team I was in at The Rumbles.

The Rumbles was a fun competition, but the owner shut it down.

Lady Amanda was the Team Leader for the Mystical Unicorns. She's GREAT!! She has made a lot of gifts for buttons, banners, and most of my awards.(for the Rumbles) I won her an award, and I got one too.

Lady Amanda nominated me for an award too, and I won!

My Team got these awards for being so spirited.


I Won in Utopia!! YAY! Here's my Award.

Jan. 7 ~ 12, 2002

Here's my cup and ribbon.


I also got this for good sportsmanship when I lost to a fellow Unicorn. (LittleOwlLuna)

Here are a couple awards I've won for Holiday word scrambles.


Here are some awards my MSN community won

From Mystical Unicorns
 At The Rumbles
 Aug.27,2001 ~ Sept. 1, 2001                                                           September 3 - 8, 2001

Sept 10 - 15, 2001


                              Sept 17 - 22, 2001


My msn community actually made it to Utopia....but I didn't win, here's my award.

I had to go back to the Golden skies and start over,
and that's when I changed to this site.
You may have seen my awards from the Rumbles on the competition awards page...

This was our webring ~ But it doesn't work anymore
This Woodland Nymphs Net Ring
site owned by Kayzandra.

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Midi is The Lost City by J.Robson

Background and some graphics by Lady Amanda

Then,I was on the Country Haven team.
They're gone too

Visit the pages I made for the rumbles Halloween contest.