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click here: To stop Artic drilling!!  Please!

 Please show your support for the all of the physically,emotionally and sexually abused children of the world by putting one of these teardrops on your homepage or in your e-mail signature.
I adopted the symbol of the teardrop in sympathy for all of the desperate and lonely tears shed by the children who day after day ,and night after night, silently endure the pain inflicted on them by their heartless abusers.

Thank you for your support.

Breast Self-Exam (BSE)

The American Cancer Society recommends that all women over the age of 20 examine their breasts once a month. The best time is the first week after your period. If you do not have regular periods, just do it the same day every the first... or the tenth...or the day that matches your birthday. (Note: just before your period or during pregnancy, your breasts may be somewhat lumpy or more tender.) If you are taking hormones, talk with your doctor about when to do BSE.

What to look for in a BSE:

After you have done a BSE a few times you will have gotten to know the normal feel, shape and look of your breasts. If you notice any changes, such as:

  •  puckering (dimpling) of the skin on the breast or around the nipples

  • the appearance of patches that are pink, red or normal in colour but where the pores stand out

  • any place in the breast that feels lumpy like a pea or that is thicker or harder than the rest.

  • tenderness or pain in the breasts

  • unusual discharge, bleeding or crusting from the nipples call your physician immediately.

    Save the Rainforests and Big Cats habitat!

    Please help to save the Rainforest and Big cats by clicking on the following links!  They will take you to where you can join for free(if you want to keep track of how much Rainforest you've helped to save) and click on your choice of Big Cats and Rainforest once each day and save some acerage of valuable Rainforest!  It only takes a moment of your time and it's completely free!  And they have cool e-cards you can send to all your friends and get them to help out too!

    Bless your heart!!

    To save the Big Cats click here
      To save the Rainforest click here
    Today's Big Cat Fact:

    Experts estimate that in the year 1900, there were 100,000 cheetahs in the wild. In 1997, they estimated 12,000 cheetahs remain.  That's 88,000 less! 

    Today's Rain Forest Fact
    In 1800, there were 7.1 billion acres of tropical forest worldwide. There are 3.5 billion acres of tropical forest remaining.

    What are the requirements for a forest to be classified as a "tropical rain forest"?
    A "tropical rain forest" must: 1) lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, 2) receive 100-400 inches of rainfall throughout the year, and 3) remain warm and frost-free all year (mean temperatures are between 70 and 85F) with very little daily fluctuation.

         According to The Nature Conservancy, how many rain forest acres are destroyed every second?
    Two acres, equivalent in size to two football fields.       

    What are the major causes of rain forest destruction?
    Oil drilling, cattle ranching, mining, and road construction.