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Gifts given to me

Faejolee made this for me so I could attend the Masqurade Ball for Halloween. She did it out of the kindness of her huge heart, without me even asking...just like a Faery Godmother!! Thank You Faejolee!!

and here we all are at the Ball (another gift from Faejolee)

If you click on the pic you can visit her.

Willow (Genevieve) made this for me. She also did it out of the kindness of her heart without me asking... Thank You Willow!! She also painted the pic herself! Wow!!

click pic to visit her too!

Nytngale made me these LOVELY signatures! You can click on them to visit her two sites.


This pretty little fae was a gift from Sarah.             And this one is from Theresa


Snow Bunny Butt gave this to the members of Special Moments for making her a Birthday Page and signing the guestbook.

Thank You Lady Shaishana

Bunny sent me a blooming basket, Thanks Bunny!!

The Site Fights Blooming Baskets
Send a Blooming Basket!

Lady Amanda sent me this evolvong image. Thanks Amanda!!

Emerald made me a faery

Both of these cuties were from Purplebutterfly Fairy

Faejolee made this for The Faeries of the Web members who helped her celebrate her Anniversary.

Purplebutterfly Fairy sent me a friendship flower