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Hello there. This page is dedicated to Mother Nature and all her curious, glorious creatures, and plant~life. Mostly it's a collection of pictures, and stories of curious animals, or curious situations in Nature.
I hope you enjoy it!!

Jan. 10, 2001

I just took this photo for fun!! It's of one of the huge pine trees in my yard. I'm standing at the bottom looking up, if you were wondering. I dream about this tree a lot!


Summer, 2000

My Mother, cousin and myself were sitting out on my moms deck, visiting, when this squirrel comes flying up onto the deck.( I suspect my cats were chasing it, and they know I'm the local protector) It sees us and decided to jump on the unbrella for safety. I ran into the house to get the disposable camera while my cousin kept it from "escaping". When I came out it had gone to the end of the umbrella, and I told it to go back up to the top so I could take its it did. So I did!

Jan. 1, 2001

This is just a photo of a big icicle on my dogwood tree outside my kitchen window.
That's my garage in the background.(See the squirrel tracks?)

There is a little bat who has taken up residence in my bedroom window, between the storm window and the inside window. I've named him(?)Batty Kota, after the little bat in Fern Gully.I noticed him *Friday morning, and he hasn't moved since. I know he's alive, because when I tap on the window, he starts breathing. When I first checked him out it didn't look like he was breathing , but after I tapped a few times he started breathing fast enough that I could see it~barely.
I took a picture of him and hopefully it will turn out so I can post it here. But I can't promise it anytime soon...I took it with my moms camera.

Summer 2000

This is a picture of one of our cities parks ~ Hornes Hill. I grew up coming here, for family reunions, picnics, and just a place to come be in nature. I've always loved it here! Unfortunately, developers are encroaching ever nearer, and a few have even built houses at the bottom, or sides of the hill. BAD PEOPLE!!  But it is still one of my favorite places to come be in nature for awhile!

March, 1994

This is a picture of Ixchele's Temple in Cozumel Mexico. Ixchele was(is) a Myan Fertility Goddess. This is just one of the temples to her on Cozumel.
Below is a sunset in Cozumel.

April, 1997


                the little mushrooms came from here.