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The Woodlands Webring

The Rules

This is the code you will need to place on your page.

<~~~~~ BEGIN ~~~~~>

<table><tr><td align="center"> <table border=1> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"><font face="arial,helvetica" size=2> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=prev"><IMG SRC="ADD PHOTO HERE" width="250" height="180" BORDER=0></a> </td> <td><font face="arial,helvetica" size=2> <P><BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=prev">Prev</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=sprev">Skip Prev</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=prev5">Prev 5</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";action=list">List</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";action=stats">Stats</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=addform">Join</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=rand">Rand</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID#;action=next5">Next 5</a> <BR> <a target="_top" href=";id=ADD ID# ;action=skip">Skip Next</a> <BR> <a href=";id=ADD ID#;action=next">Next</a> <P><BR> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center><font face="arial,helvetica" size=2> This <A HREF=";action=home" target="_top">The Woodlands</a> site belongs to <a href="mailto:YOURNAME@E_MAILHERE">YOURNAMEHERE</a> </td> </tr> </table> <font face="arial,helvetica" size=1>Powered by <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_top">RingSurf</a>!</font> </td></tr></table>

<~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~>

You will have to change the id #, it shows up 9 times,(ADD ID#) change 9 times. Which I will send to you.

This is how it should look.

Skip Prev
Prev 5
Next 5
Skip Next

This The Woodlands site belongs to Kayzandra
Powered by RingSurf!

Also, you will need to save the photo to your own server and add it where it says:

IMG SRC="ADD PHOTO HERE" width="250" height="180" BORDER=0

Should look like this:

a target="_top" href=";id=0;action=prev"IMG SRC="forest.jpg" width="250" height="180" BORDER=0

Then it should finally look like this.

Skip Prev
Prev 5
Next 5
Skip Next

This The Woodlands site belongs to Kayzandra
Powered by RingSurf!

You will of course still have to join. To join just click on the join button on the ring fragment. It's a lot of work, I know....but now you've learned a little about HTML codes....

If you have any questions, or need help, please e-mail me, but put Woodlands in the subject line.