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The name "unicorn" comes from the Latin "unus" which means "one" and "cornu" which means "horn". The unicorn is a mythical and heraldic animal. It is reputed, by mediaeval writers, as having the legs of a buck, the tail of a lion head and body of a horse, and a single horn, white at the base, black in the middle and red at the tip.The body of the animal is white.

Over the years the unicorn has become totally like a white horse, with a single horn on its head.

Hunters were supposed to be able to catch a unicorn only by using a virgin as "bait". The virgin was supposed to be left in the unicorn's haunts, and when a unicorn caught sight of the damsel, it would run to the girl and lie down at her feet. Then the hunter would easily capture the unicorn.

Another popular belief was that a unicorn could dip its horn into any liquid, and tell if it was poison or not. Only the pure of heart can touch a unicorn. These days we don't believe in things we cannot see or touch and too few of us are pure in heart. We encourage you to keep your childlike wonder and belief in your heart.

The Forest

The Forest is the unicorn's territory. Here the unicorn may be glimpsed, but not captured. The unicorn is never caught in its forest--it is the one place it is entirely safe. Hunters who wish to see but not touch may be satisfied in the forest; maidens wishing to befriend a unicorn may do so successfully, but not if the intention is to hand it over to the hunters. There are many rumors of unicorns allowing maidens to ride on their backs or braid flowers into their manes in the forest.

European Unicorn

The European unicorn has a straight horn (almost) which is tightly twisted and sharp as well as large ears, big brown eyes, horse-like tail, and stand about three and a half feet at the shoulders. Males weigh about or sometimes more than 100 pounds and the females, slightly smaller, tend to be only around 80 pounds. Their coats get thicker in the winter months as well as longer and lighten to fawn or creamy tints. A European Unicorns call sounds like a sad wail.

Northern European Unicorn

Supposed to be a relative of the European unicorn, the unicorn from the northern part of Europe differs only slightly. It's coat is much shagger, especially near the ankles, are larger than the European unicorns, they have blue eyes, are bigger in size and have longer, more flowing manes and tails. This unicorn, like the kirin, is extremely shy.

American Unicorn

The American unicorn is mainly known for looking exactly like a magnificent white horse except for the exception of the single magically made straight horn on the center of its forhead. This unicorn loves to eat clover and blackberries. The amereican unicorn has a very close relationship with the pegasus and loves to run with him/her. This unicorn can purify water and air and heal wounds with its horn. A male can grow to over 200 pounds while the female can only grow to about 100 but don't take that as a sign of weakness. Females can move twice as fast as males and are more known to heal wounds and purify air and water. This type of unicorn loves to travel in groups or herds.

Famous Unicorns


Lancelot is a real, living unicorn in California. The unicorn is a very goat-like creature with a ten inch horn on the top of his head. He was specially bred from Angora goat stock and first appeared to the public in 1980. Lancelot was in the circus (may still be) with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus in 1980. His owners, G'Zell and Morning Glory are naturalists who have since produced more unicorns.

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