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undefined          TIME TRAVEL SUITE
 Dreamed of a journey down the Nile? Buying slaves in Ancient Rome? Playing leap frog Greek style? 
Travel thru time and tinker with history.



    Time Travel is fully dependent on the fantasy 
     of the characters who enter there. Traveling 
     through history, visiting a specific time, or 
     creating an H.G. Wells enviroment are all 
     acceptable possibilities. Both the future and 
     the past can found.



Thru a rift within the Time Travel Suite, histories most
sadistic, both real and fictional, have established a
haven where they can indulge their darkest desires.


This is a newly created set perimeter and yet to be played.

****Note**** Certain aspects of these characters 
will not be permitted on this list.....
ie. pedophilia/pedestry, beastiality, or scat.


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