SDK-001 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
SDK-002 Hitotsu-Me Giant
SDK-003 Ryu-Kishin
SDK-004 The Wicked Worm Beast
SDK-005 Battle Ox
SDK-006 Koumori Dragon
SDK-007 Judge Man
SDK-008 Rogue Doll
SDK-009 Kojikocy
SDK-010 Uraby
SDK-011 Gyakutenno Megami
SDK-012 Mystic Horseman
SDK-013 Terra the Terrible
SDK-014 Dark Titan of Terror
SDK-015 Dark Assassin
SDK-016 Master & Expert
SDK-017 Unknown Warrior of Fiend
SDK-018 Mystic Clown
SDK-019 Ogre of the Black Shadow
SDK-020 Dark Energy
SDK-021 Invigoration
SDK-022 Dark Hole
SDK-023 Ookazi
SDK-024 Ryu-Kishin Powered
SDK-025 Swordstalker
SDK-026 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
SDK-027 Rude Kaiser
SDK-028 Destroyer Golem
SDK-029 Skull Red Bird
SDK-030 D. Human
SDK-031 Pale Beast
SDK-032 Fissure
SDK-033 Trap Hole
SDK-034 Two-Pronged Attack
SDK-035 De-Spell
SDK-036 Monster Reborn
SDK-037 The Inexperienced Spy
SDK-038 Reinforcements
SDK-039 Ancient Telescope
SDK-040 Just Desserts
SDK-041 Lord of D.
SDK-042 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
SDK-043 Mysterious Puppeteer
SDK-044 Trap Master
SDK-045 Sogen
SDK-046 Hane-Hane
SDK-047 Reverse Trap
SDK-048 Remove Trap
SDK-049 Castle Walls
SDK-050 Ultimate Offering