Subject: Duel Monsters: Anime Rules--The Mighty Mollusk Hello once again. Just when you'd thought I was gone, The Mighty Mollusk returns. I still have to update the Deck Archetypes article, but first, something a bit more creative. Now, a lot of people probably don't really care, but some people like to play by the show's rules. It's faster and usually easier, especially for fans of big monsters (BEWD, Dark Magician, etc). But a lot of debates arise from this, because there's no set of official anime rules. So, here's my shot at making some. Enjoy. General Rules: Each Player begins with 2000 life points. All restrictions remain the same (1 Raigeki, 1 Monster Reborn, etc.). You may choose to skip your turn if you wish. If you do so, you still draw a card, but nothing more. The following cards may NOT be used: Direct Damage (Tremendous Fire, Ookazi, etc.), Princess of Tsurugi, Just Desserts, and Soul Exchange. If near an obvious type of field (a lake, an open field, etc), imagine that that's the playing field (unless a field magic card is in play). Monster Rules: Monsters may be summoned in face-up defense mode. Flip Effects are optional. No monster may attack lifepoints directly, unless it's part of an effect (Jinzo #7, Queen's Double, etc). If multiple monsters are on the field, the last one summoned must attack first. No tributes are required for level 5 and higher summons. Any fusion monster with an attack of 2000 or less (except for Thousand-Eyes Restrict) may be included in the main deck. All others must be summoned via Polymerization. All monsters with special summoning requirements (Gate Guardian, Harpie Lady Sisters, rituals, etc) must still be summoned via their requirement. These monsters may be set aside from the main deck and played when the requirement is fulfilled. The effect of the Gate Guardian peices is to be used as a Waboku effect, but can be used once each turn. GG retains this effect. Toons may NOT attack directly. They also do not require a lifepoint payment to attack. However, for the sake of fairness, they CAN still be attacked by normal monsters, and they ARE all still destroyed if Toon World leaves play. If all five peices of Exodia are in hand, you may play it as a monster. It will fill all five monster zones, attacks all of your opponent's monsters at once, and has stats of 12,000/10,000, as per the first episode of the show. You may also simply declare the automatic victory (since, realistically, it amounts to the same thing). If played as a monster, destroying one peice of Exodia will destroy them all. Magic/Trap Rules: Any cards with lifepoint payment requirements (Mirror Wall, Messenger of Peace, etc) lose the requirement. However, Solemn Judgement is excluded from this, you'll still have to pay half of your life points to activate it. If Swords of Revealing Light is in play, monsters summoned afterwards are excluded from its effects. Toon World does not require a lifepoint payment to activate. There's still quite a few wrinkles to work out of this.....for one thing, monsters that have different effects in the show, like Jirai Gumo. Anyone with any suggestions, drop me a line. Be sure to include some kind of obvious term related to YuGiOh, or I might mistake it for junk mail. And please, no cursing, that just makes my finger twitch to the Delete button without even reading it. Coming Soon from The Mighty Mollusk: An updated Deck Archetype article. Also considering writing up a set of rules for multiplayer YuGiOh (as in, more than two players--for players of Magic: The Gathering, think chaos games). As always: Good Luck, Happy Dueling, and May the Heart of the Cards Be With You. (Or for Barrel Dragon and Time Wizard fans, the Heart of the Coins.) The Mighty Mollusk themightymollusk@yahoo.com |