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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Alpha 6 rejoined the Space Rangers; Noma destroyed the Quasar Sabres and the Galaxy Ranger powers, Zedd formed the Evil Empire consisting of Ransik, Noma, Rita and Zedd and Master Vile; and the Zeo Crystal told Jason, Kai, Zack and Mike that they would have to battle each other. Whoever wins becomes the new Gold Ranger. Will the Evil Empire win? Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return……….


Master Vile: "The time has come to launch our attack on Earth. Putties, Tengas, Cyclobots; go and attack Angel Grove!"

Over 100 of each fled down to Earth and landed in the forest on the outskirts. The alarm then went off in the Power Chamber.

Alpha 5: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Look, over 300 monsters in the forest."

Rocky: "Oh man Rita and Zedd have the worst timing."

Tommy: "OK, guys we gotta go, make sure to tell us who becomes the new Gold Ranger."

Zack: "Don’t worry we will."

Tommy and Adam: "ITS MORPHIN TIME!!!"

Karone: "Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Four Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Alpha 6: "Andros, hundreds of monsters are in the Angel Grove forest."

Andros: "Ok, we’ll go down and get ‘em!"


The 11 Rangers landed right in front of an army of Putties.

Adam: "Ok guys, lets get to work!"

All the Rangers split up and began to try and take out as many of the army as they could. T.J and Carlos took down 4 Tenga’s, some Putties were taken down by Billy and Rocky, and 6 Cyclobots taken down by Andros and Zhane, but the huge army of monsters and robots was proving too much. Eventually each Ranger was knocked to the floor.

Karone: "There’s too many of them, what are we gonna do?"

Distant Voice: "Maybe we can lend a hand!"

All the Rangers turned around and looked into the distance. There stood Wes, Jen, Trip, Katie and Lucas.

Cassie: "Who are you?"

Jen: "We’re the Time Force Rangers. Those Cyclobots work for Ransik, someone we’re trying arrest."

Adam: "You’re the Time Force Rangers? Unbelievable!"

Wes: "Ready?"

All: "Time For, Time Force!!"

The 5 Time Force Rangers morphed and all 16 Rangers began to attack the army……

Alpha 5: "The Zeo Crystal says that you will battle in a square ring which will be shown by a light."

A light in the shape of a square shone down onto the Power Chamber’s floor.

Alpha: "A person is eliminated when he is knocked out of the square by any means necessary."

Jason: "Ok, lets do this. The others need the Gold Ranger’s help."

All four potential Gold Rangers stepped into the square.

Alpha: "When ready, begin."

They all stared at one another, then Mike went after Kai, each exchanged a blow to the upper body, but neither budged.

Jason: "What do you say Zack? Shall we take care of the others first?"

Zack: "Yeah! Lets do it Old Ranger Style!"

Jason and Zack then jumped up into the air, and each came down with a flying kick on Kai. Kai was sent flying out of the square. As soon as he landed on the floor, he was teleported away. He landed on Mirinoi.

Leo: "Kai? Where have you been?"

Kai: "You wouldn’t believe me if I told you…."

Now with only three left, Jason and Zack continued to team together working on Mike.

Mike: "Hey, isn’t this a bit unfair?"

Alpha: "The Zeo Crystal says working together shows a person’s ability to work as a team."

Mike: "Oh great!"

Jason and Zack each did a tornado kick which sent Mike out of the square. He was then teleported back to Mirinoi as well. Jason and Zack then stopped and stared at each other, realising now they would have to face each other.

Zedd: "Goldar, Rito! Get down there and make sure our army gets the job done!"

Ransik: "Gluto, you go as well."

Gluto: "Yes Ransik. Right away."

Goldar, Rito and Gluto teleported down to the forest where the Rangers even with 16 of them were beginning to run out of gas, they were just too outnumbered.

Trip: "This isn’t working."

Ashley: "We have to do something."

Goldar, Rito and Gluto then landed and started to attack.

Tommy: "Oh man! We need some more help."

A voice came from the distance.

"Looks like I’m going to have to bail you all out this time!"

Wes: "Eric? How’d you find us?"

Eric: "I followed you here. Didn’t think I was going to let you take care of Ransik yourself. You don’t stand a chance against him if you can’t take care of a few measly Cyclobots. QUANTUM POWER!!"

Eric morphed and joined in on the fight……..

???: "Can I reveal myself yet?"

Mysterious Figure: "No, you must wait a little while longer. You will know when the time is right."

Ninjor: "Have no fear Rangers. Ninjor is here!"

Ninjor arrived, jumping off his cloud and landing next to Tommy.

Tommy: "Oh man, am I glad you showed up. We’re completely outnumbered even with 17 Rangers, and Goldar is causing some major trouble."

Ninjor: "Do not worry Tommy. I will take care of Rito and Goldar."

Ninjor ran off and began taking it to Rito and Goldar whilst Eric battled with Gluto and the other Rangers fought off the army.

Carlos: "Quadro Blaster!!"

All four Space Rangers lined up and sent off a shot from the Quadro Blaster which took out over 10 Cyclobots.

Cassie: "Yeah that did it!"

Wes: "V Weapons!"

Each Time Force Ranger took out their V Weapons and fired at a group of Tenga’s. The shots connected, causing 14 Tenga’s to explode.

Katie: "Yes, we did it."

Jason: "Ok Zack, ready?"

Zack: "Lets get to it!"

Jason and Zack then started to battle, but each knew the other person so well, it looked more like they were training. Each potential Ranger exchanged a kick, then a punch. The battle twisted and turned.

Alpha "Aiyaiyaiyai! It looks like we’ll never get a Gold Ranger the way this is going."

T.J: "Aagh!"

He was sent flying by a five Putties. Carlos landed beside him.

Carlos: "Man, this is getting tough. We’re down to our last few but we’re all too worn out."

T.J: "Tell me about it."

Carlos looked around. Eric and Ninjor were still going strong as they were still fresh, but all the other Rangers were on the floor. Just then, Tenga’s and Putties started flying into the air for seemingly no reason. A whole line of them went down. The Putties exploded and the Tenga’s flew away.

Ashley: "What in the world was that?"

???: "It was I!"

One of the mysterious figures appeared, and all the Rangers turned around to see……

Zack flew up into the air and landed just inches away from the boundary.

Zack: "Man. That was too close!"

He got up, and went at Jason again. Both were starting to get tired.

Jason: "Oh man! Thought I has you there Zack."

Zack: You’ll never get rid of the Zackman that easily."

They continued to battle……..

Carlos: "I don’t believe it…..It’s the…."

Cassie: "The Phantom Ranger!!!"

Cassie ran over to the Phantom Ranger and embraced him with a hug.

Cassie: "I can’t believe you’re here…..I thought…….

Phantom Ranger: "Its good to see you again to Cassie. Now lets take care of the rest of these guys."

The Phantom Ranger and Cassie then returned to battle. With each passing second a Ranger took down another Putty, Tenga or Cyclobot.


Jason jumped up into the air and hit Zack with a twisting corkscrew kick. Zack flew into the air and landed outside the square. He was then teleported back to his home. Jason had won.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Jason you’re the new Gold Ranger. This time you won’t become weak because of the powers, they’ve been modified so a human can control them."

Jason: "Excellent. Now I’ve got to go down there and help the Rangers!"

Alpha: "Jason wait… can only take control of the Gold Ranger Powers after the Power Transfer has taken place."

Alpha led Jason through a door, ready to give him the Gold Ranger powers.

In the Palace…….

Noma: "Hahaha! This is going better than expected!"

Ransik: "Yes, even with 18 Rangers, they are still having trouble!"

Zedd: "Mahahaa!! It is only a matter of time before we rule the world!"

Master Vile: "Yes, now let us begin planning the next phase in our attack. It is during this battle that all the Rangers will be destroyed………….!!!"

Back in the forest, all the Rangers continued to battle, unaware of who the new Gold Ranger was and of what the Evil Empire was planning………..



Next time in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Evil Empire launch a huge attack on Angel Grove, calling for the Rangers to join together once again. Meanwhile, with the Phantom Ranger revealed, he is given a Zord to use by the Mysterious Figure. Will the Rangers be able to survive the attack from the Evil Empire? Find out in the next episode of Power Rangers Zeo: The Return…………….