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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Evil Empire began to attack all the Rangers and their zords. Zedd killed Justin, the Blue Turbo Ranger, the Phantom Ranger brought back the Dragonzord. Now with the Zeo Rangers not being able to help in the battle, will the Evil Empire win? Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return……


Alpha: "There. Jason, you can now morph into the Gold Ranger."

Jason: "Excellent. Now, I’ve got to go help the others."

Alpha: "Good luck Jason."


Jason morphed into the Gold Ranger and was teleported to Angel Grove by Alpha. Meanwhile, back in the battle, the Rangers were getting desperate.

Karone: "We can’t last much longer!"

Rocky: "We need more help!"

Zedd: "This is the final end of the Power Rangers!!!"

Jason: "Hold it right there!"

Zedd looked down and saw the Gold Ranger standing below him.

Zedd: "What? The Gold Ranger? But how?"

Jason: "You didn’t destroy the Power Staff Zedd. Now I am the Gold Ranger!"

Tommy: "Yes, its Jason."

Jason: "I call for Pyramidas!"

Pyramidas arrived once again.

Jason: "Ok. We need Zeo Ultrazord Power now!!"

The Zeo Megazord split up and the Red Battle Zord along with the Zeo Zords, combined with Pyramidas to form the Zeo Ultrazord.

Jason: "Lets see you beat us now!"

Back in the Palace, Finster made a shock discovery.

Finster: "I’ve found it! I’ve found it!"

Rito: "uuuh, found what?"

Finster: "The item that Zedd has been searching for since he discovered the Zeo Rangers were back."

Goldar: "You mean……"

Finster: "Yes. Zedd will be most pleased."

Goldar: "I’ll tell him now."

Back in Angel Grove, Goldar’s face suddenly appeared in the sky.

Zedd: "What is it Goldar? Can’t you see I’m busy?"

Goldar: "Yes, Lord Zedd, but I have important news. Finster has found the location of the item you were looking for."

Rita: "He has? Excellent! This is just what we need Zeddy!"

Zedd: "Yes it is. Sorry to fight and run Rangers but we must be leaving."

Rita and Zedd then teleported back to the Palace.

Tommy: "What? Why did they just leave like that?"

Billy: "It must have something to do with the item Goldar was talking about."

Adam: "Well, all I know is, we’ve suddenly got two less people to battle with."

The Shadow Force Megazord and Q-Rex wandered over to where Ransik was standing.

Ransik: "Uugh! Rita and Zedd will pay for this! Time Force Rangers, I’ll see you back in Silver Hills!"

Ransik vanished back to Silver Hills. The Shadow Force Megazord then disappeared back through the time hole whilst the Q-Rex went back to its hiding place. All 5 Time Force Rangers then left on their Vector Cycles whilst Eric flew back to Silver Hills in his ship.

Wes: "Sorry to leave but we have to get back."

Tommy: "We understand, go!"

The Time Force Ranges then left.

Adam: "Well Master Vile. It looks like you’ve been left all alone."

The Astro Megazord walked up next to the Zeo Ultrazord.

Cassie: "Astro Megazord Sabre ready!"

The Astro Megazord jumped up into the air and the Sabre began to glow a bright yellow. It was brought down onto Master Vile and sent him down onto the ground. But he began to get back up.

Jason: "Zeo Ultrazord……FIRE!!!"

An incredible amount of firepower came out of the Zeo Ultrazord. It flew across to Master Vile and connected. He span around and exploded into a million pieces. The Rangers had won. All the zords then returned back to their holding bays and the Astro Megaship returned to space.

Phantom Ranger: "Dragonzord. Return to the sea."

The Phantom Ranger played the Dragon Dagger again and the Dragonzord returned back to its hiding place.

Phantom Ranger: "I’ll see you again Rangers."

He then vanished. All the Rangers then teleported back to the Power Chamber. At the Palace.

Zedd: "Well done Finster. You have finally out done yourself. With this item, I will be able to destroy all the Power Rangers. Ahahahaha!!"

Back at the Power Chamber;

Karone: "I can’t believe we defeated Master Vile."

Billy: "Its all thanks to Jason and the Zeo Ultrazord. Without it, we would have lost."

Jason: "But if it weren’t for Alpha performing the Power Transfer, I wouldn’t have been there to help you."

Ashley: "We can’t forget though, that if Rita and Zedd hadn’t of left to see what Finster had found, we might not be here."

T.J: "Ashley’s right!"

Andros: "Alpha, do you have any idea what Finster could have found that would be so important that Rita and Zedd had to rush off?"

Alpha: "I’m sorry Rangers, but right now your guess is as good as mine."

Tommy: "Man, what could it be?"

Carlos: "Well its obviously something powerful as he wouldn’t have left otherwise."

In the Palace, the mysterious item was handed over to Zedd.

Zedd: "Ah! Excellent. With this, I will be able to hold the Zeo Crystal and therefore have the Rangers lose all their powers. Ahahaha!!"

Rito: "Ummmm. Mind telling me what it is again Edd?"

Zedd: "Uuugh! As I’ve said before. Thousands of years ago, the Zeo Crystal was supposedly complete, able to give off incredible power. However, if an evil being touched it, their body was mutated. That is what happened to me when I touched it. However, I did not know of the existence of the hidden original 4th piece of the Zeo Crystal. With that piece combined with the others, any being can touch it good or evil, and not be mutated. For several millennia I have searched for the original 4th piece of the Zeo Crystal. Just so I can have control of the Crystal’s power. And now, thanks to Finster’s discovery, I have it, and I have the ability to create a Ranger from it, an evil Ranger. A Ranger that will capture the rest of the Zeo Crystal for us. Ahahahaha!!"

Rita: "Yes my darling Zeddy! Now all we need to do is pick a human to take control of these powers."

Zedd: "Don’t worry my wife. I have already selected the perfect candidate."

Back in the Power Chamber…..

Tommy: "Man, what could it be?"

Billy: "If only we could get some idea of what Finster has found."

Mysterious Figure: "I can tell you everything you need to know."

All the Rangers turned around and looked at the Mysterious Figure in shock.

Andros: "I can’t believe it!"

Billy: "This is incredible!"

Cassie: "But it can’t be?"

Alpha: "Its……Its…….."



Next time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Zedd picks his own evil Ranger that gets the power from the true 4th piece of the Zeo Crystal. And the Mysterious Figure is finally revealed…………