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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Zeo and Space Rangers defeated Master Vile, whilst Ransik headed back to Silver Hills with the Time Force Rangers in hot pursuit. Rita and Zedd left the battle after Finster discovered the location of the original 4th piece of the Zeo Crystal. With it, Zedd could take the Zeo Crystal without being harmed. Now he plans to create a new evil Ranger to steal the Zeo Crystal. Will this new Ranger be able to do it? Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return………….


In the Power Chamber, the Mysterious Figure was finally revealed…..

Alpha: "Its…..Its……Zordon!!!!"

Andros: "But how? I destroyed you when I broke your tube."

Zordon. "Yes you did Andros. But before you did; I told you my spirit would forever live on in all that is good. What I did not know is that my spirit would exist as a being. The being in which you see me now."

The new being Zordon’s spirit had taken, had a blue body. The same color blue as his head had been in his tube. He was wearing a white cape on his back.

Zordon: "However, you Rangers must know, that I can only exist as this being for a short time, and that time is running out."

Tommy: "So you were the one who gave the Zeo Megazord its new finish."

Adam: "And you brought back Tor and Ninjor."

Cassie: "And you gave the Phantom Ranger the Dragonzord."

Zordon: "Yes. Indeed I did. Now Rangers, the reason I have revealed myself to you now, is because Zedd has laid his hands on the original 4th piece of the Zeo Crystal."

Billy: "The original 4th piece?"

Rocky: "I thought there were only 5 pieces?"

Zordon: "Yes, five pieces which only permit good to touch them. However, the original 4th piece when combined with the rest of the Zeo Crystal can enable evil beings to touch and command the powers of the Zeo Crystal. Zedd has this fourth part, and with it, he is creating with its power the original fourth Zeo Ranger. As Adam, you are really Zeo Ranger 5, Green. And Tommy, you are truthfully Zeo Ranger 6, Red. However, until the fourth piece is in your control, you must still say the numbers you have been saying for all this time. We must retrieve this piece from Zedd, otherwise, the world is doomed."

T.J: "Not good. We better work out a plan."

At Rita and Zedd’s Palace……

Rita: "So who are you going to pick as our Ranger Zeddy?"

Zedd: "I will show you now."

Zedd sent out a bolt from his staff, and someone appeared at the other end of the throne room.

Zack: "Woah! Where am I?"

Zedd: "You are at my Palace, and are about to become my new evil Ranger!! Ahahaha!"

Zack: "You can forget that Zedd. I won’t work for you."

Zedd: "Oh is that so?"

Zedd shot another bolt out from his staff and it hit Zack. When Zack looked up, his eyes had turned to red.

Zack: "I will obey."

Zedd: "Excellent! Now, here is your piece of the Zeo Crystal."

Zedd handed Zack, the 4th piece of the Zeo Crystal, and when Zack touched it, the Zeoniser appeared on his wrist.

Rita: "Now when you morph, you shall become our Ranger."

Zedd: "That’s not all my wife. Finster has been hard at work and has created a zord for our Ranger to pilot. Now Zack, morph!"

Zack: "Gladly. ITS MORPHIN TIME!!!! Zeo Ranger White!!!"

Zack morphed into the original 4th Zeo Ranger. The White Zeo Ranger. His suit was completely white, with gold trimming around the neck, with a black visor which was in the shape of a crescent.

Zedd: "Excellent! Now the zord you will pilot is called the White Battle Zord. It is much like that pathetic Ranger Tommy’s battle zord, except it is white, and looks exactly as you do now Zack. Now go, and destroy Angel Grove!!"

Zack teleported down to Angel Grove, and began to attack innocent people in the park. The alarm went off in the Power Chamber…..

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Zedd has sent down his new Ranger to attack."

Rocky: "He doesn’t waste any time does he?"

The Rangers turned to the viewing screen and saw the new White Zeo Ranger attacking in the park.

Karone: "A white Ranger?"

Billy: "Incredible."

Carlos: "It would be if that Ranger was on our side."

Andros: "Zordon, do you know who that Ranger is?"

Zordon: "Unfortunately Andros, that human is so consumed with evil that I can’t tell you who it is."

Adam: "I guess we better find out for ourselves. Ready?"

Space Rangers: "LET’S ROCKET!!!!!"

Tommy and Adam: "ITS MORPHIN TIME!!!!!"

Karone: Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Four, Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Jason: "Gold Ranger Power!!"

All 12 Rangers morphed and were teleported to the park. When they arrived, the Phantom Ranger appeared.

White Ranger: "Ah! The Power Rangers! Are you ready for your doom?"

Jason: "No! We’re ready to bring you over to our side."

White Ranger: "Ahahaha! That will never happen!"

Zack charged at all the Rangers. He punched each Ranger, knocking them down. Except the Phantom Ranger who disappeared before Zack could reach him.

Zhane: "Man. This guy is quick."

Billy: "Zedd must have given him some of his own power so the Ranger could battle us effectively on his own."

White Ranger: "You see the power I have Rangers? You have no chance in stopping me!"

Ashley: "We’ll see about that!"

Carlos: "Quadro Blaster!"

Carlos formed the Quadro Blaster, and the Rangers fired at the White Ranger. It connected but it did not send Zack down.

T.J: "I….I can’t believe it. It didn’t phase him."

Andros: "We better head back and form a plan to try and stop this guy."

Tommy: "Good idea. Lets go."

The Rangers teleported back to the Power Chamber. Zack, the White Ranger, then returned to Rita and Zedd’s Palace. The Phantom Ranger looked on, hidden in some trees.

Phantom Ranger: "That Ranger was extraordinarily powerful. I’ll have to sneak into the Palace and break the hold Zedd has over him myself."

The Phantom Ranger then vanished. At the Palace……

Zedd: "Good work my new evil Ranger. Soon, we will have control of the Zeo Crystal and the world!"

Rita: "Your right my darling husband. The world will be ours. Aahahhahaa!!…………"




Next time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Rangers try to unravel who the White Ranger is. Jason has some trouble with Zack, his new room mate, and the Phantom Ranger sneaks into the Palace to try and break Zedds hold over the new Ranger. Will he be able to succeed? Find out in the next episode of Power Rangers Zeo: The Return…………..