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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Zack became the White Zeo Ranger and began to attack Angel Grove. The Zeo Rangers unaware of who the new Ranger was teleported back to the Power Chamber in order to find a way to discover who the Ranger is. Meanwhile, the Phantom Ranger made plans to sneak into Rita and Zedd’s Palace. Will he be able to break Zedd’s spell? Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return…………


In the Power Chamber, the Zeo Rangers looked on at the screen, saying goodbye to the Space Rangers.

Andros: "We’re sorry to leave you guys now, but with the Galaxy Rangers losing their powers, we need to constantly search the Universe for any evil, and to do that, we have to leave."

Tommy: "We understand Andros. Good luck, hope you don’t run into any trouble."

Andros: "Thanks. Take care of my sister."

Karone: "Don’t worry, I’ll be fine."

With that, the image of Andros disappeared, and the Astro Megaship sped off on its search of the Universe.

Adam: "With the Space Rangers gone, we’re gonna have to keep an even closer eye on Rita and Zedd."

Billy: "Adam’s right. Without the extra help, its gonna take us a lot longer to find out who this White Ranger is."

Zordon: "You need not worry Rangers. I am certain that Zedd at some point will send his Ranger here to capture the Zeo Crystal. When that happens, if Alpha can capture the Ranger in a force field, I will be able to reveal his true identity."

Tommy: "You mean like when I was under Rita’s spell as the Green Ranger, and you found out my identity that way."

Zordon: "Yes, Tommy."

In the forest of Angel Grove, the Phantom Ranger, uncovered his ship from its invisible position. He climbed in, and took off. Heading for Rita and Zedd’s Palace. The ship flew towards the moon, and landed a few hundred yards from where Zedd was. The Phantom Ranger cloaked his ship again and then became invisible himself. He started his journey towards the Palace.

Inside, Zedd was making another plan.

Zedd: "Haha! That attack was perfect. You out powered them, and made them retreat."

Rito: "Hey, Edd! When am I gonna get another shot at those Rangers?"

Zedd: "Ugh! You numbskull. When will you ever get my name right? But you bring up a very good idea Rito. Goldar!"

Goldar: "Yes, my master."

Zedd: "You and Rito go down to attack Angel Grove. When the timing is right, I will send in my White Ranger."

Goldar and Rito then prepared to teleport down to the city.

Back in Angel Grove, Jason arrived back at his new home, which he shared with Zack.

Zack: "Where have you been?"

Jason: "I was at the Power Chamber."

Zack: "What a surprise! You know I’m your room mate. Your supposed to spend time with me, not with the other guys."

Jason: "I’m sorry man. But this new Ranger is big trouble. He could steal the Zeo Crystal at any time."

Zack: "Yeah, yeah, big deal. Do we always have to talk about you and those idiots."

Jason: "What’s your problem Zack?"

Zack: "Nothing. I just remembered I have to be somewhere."

He then stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Jason: "That was weird."

Rita and Zedd: "By the Power and Forces of Evil, make our Monsters GROW!!!!"

Lightning shot out of the staffs, and hit Goldar and Rito, causing them to grow. They headed towards the city and began to attack. The alarm went off in the Power Chamber.

Zordon: "Alpha, contact the Rangers at once."

Alpha: "Right away Zordon!"

Adam’s communicator went off in the Youth Center. The five Zeo Rangers walked over to somewhere with less people.

Adam: "What’s up Alpha?"

Alpha: "Goldar and Rito are attacking the city!"

Tommy: "Any sign of the White Ranger?"

Zordon: "The White Ranger does not appear to be with them."

Tommy: "OK, we better go take care of Rito and Goldar. ITS MORPHIN TIME!!!"

Karone: "Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Four, Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Jason’s communicator went off in his apartment. But he was taking a shower and couldn’t here it.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Zordon, Jason isn’t answering!"

Zordon: "Then the Rangers will have to take care of Goldar and Rito on their own."

The Rangers landed just in time to see Goldar destroy a building.

Adam: "We need the Zeo Megazord now!"

Tommy: "I need the Red Battle Zord!"

The zords arrived and stood opposite Rito and Goldar.

Goldar: "I was wondering when you pesky Rangers would show up."

Tommy: "Your going down this time Goldar. Your not gonna get away!"

Goldar and the Red Battle Zord squared off. They exchanged blows. Rito and the Zeo Megazord then went at each other.

Adam: "We need the Zeo Megazord sabre!"

The sabre appeared.

Rito: "Oh no you don’t!"

Rito kicked with his right foot. Sending the sabre out of the Megazord’s hands. It landed beside a building.

Rocky: "Oh no! The sabre."

The Red Battle Zord then knocked down Goldar with a star visor blast.

Tommy: "Ahaha! Had enough Goldar?"

Goldar: "Don’t be so cocky. Your in for a big surprise!"

Jason then heard his communicator go off.

Jason: "What is it Zordon?"

Zordon: "The Rangers are in trouble. You must morph and call on Pyramidas."

Jason: "Alright I’m on my way. ITS MORPHIN TIME!!!!! GOLD RANGER POWER!!!"

Rita looked on from the Palace.

Rita: "The Gold Ranger has morphed. Now’s the time."

Zedd: "Go Zack. And destroy the Gold Ranger!"

Zack: "Yes Lord Zedd. Zeo Ranger White!!"

Zack morphed and landed opposite Jason just outside the city.

Zack: "Going somewhere Gold Ranger?"

Jason: "The White Ranger? You better let me call for my zord."

Zack: "And what if I don’t?"

Zack charged towards Jason and pulled out his Zeo weapon; the Zeo Dagger. He struck Jason in the chest, causing an explosion which sent the Gold Ranger down.

Jason: "Oh man!"

Zack: "Hahaha! You Rangers are pathetic!"

Tommy looked down to see Jason and the White Ranger fighting.

Tommy: "Look guys! Jason needs our help!"

Rocky: "We’re kinda tied up here!"

Rito knocked the Zeo Megazord down with a laser shot from his eyes. Goldar then struck the Red Battle Zord down with a shot to the head from his sword.

Goldar: "You Rangers are finished!"

Back down on the ground, Jason struggled up to his feet.

Jason: "Look, I don’t know who you are, but fight Zedd’s spell. You can break free and join us. With your help we can put an end to Rita and Zedd."

Zack: "Never!!!!!"

The White Ranger made another attack on Jason with his dagger, sending him down once again.

In the Power Chamber……..

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai. The Rangers are in trouble!"

Zordon: "Tommy, concentrate your mind and call for Ninjor!"

Tommy: "Right, with Ninjor, we stand a better chance."

Ninjor: "Here I am Rangers."

Ninjor landed in his grown battle mode and began to attack Goldar. He sent out a fireball from his chest which sent Goldar down to the ground. He then did the same to Rito.

Goldar: "Ugh! You’ll pay for that next time Ninjor."

Goldar and Rito; out numbered then teleported back to the Palace, leaving the White Ranger all alone. The zords returned to the holding bay, and the Rangers jumped down, whilst Ninjor shrunk back down to normal size. They landed next to Jason.

Adam: "Alright. Let’s see you deal with all of us."

Zack: "I will gladly destroy all of you in one strike."

Lord Zedd’s head then appeared in the sky.

Zedd: "White Ranger. I will not have you take them all on a once. Teleport back to the Palace immediately!"

Zack: "Yes, my master!"

The White Ranger then disappeared as Adam made a charge towards him. He fell onto the ground, grabbing nothing.

Adam: "No! If we can only capture him and bring him back to the Power Chamber, we’ll be able to get him on our side."

Billy: "We’ll just have to wait til next time."

Karone: "But if Rita and Zedd launch an even more powerful attack, we may not be able to handle them."

Tommy: "We’ll get through it guys. We just have to believe in ourselves."

Back in the Palace, Zedd greeted his evil Ranger.

Zedd: "Excellent work my White Ranger. With your Ranger power boosted by my own power, you handled the Gold Ranger with ease. If it wasn’t for these pathetic fools, you would have destroyed him."

Zedd looked over towards Goldar and Rito.

Rito: "Hey, don’t worry Edd. We’ll get em next time!"

Zedd: "Just don’t talk for a while Rito. Otherwise, I may have to blow that skull off your body."

Unknowingly to Zedd, he was being watched from outside the Throne Room.

Phantom Ranger: "There’s the White Ranger. If he only de-morphed I could tell the other Rangers who he is. Wait, Zedd’s staff. If I can get ahold of that, I can break the spell. I just have to wait til there is no one around."

The Phantom Ranger stayed in his invisible form, waiting for the right time to strike………..





Next time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Phantom Ranger makes his attempt to break the hold Zedd has over the White Ranger. Will he be able to do it? Find out next time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return…………