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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Phantom Ranger was captured by Rita and Zedd. They took control of the Dragon Zord and sent down Goldar and Rito along with the White Battle Zord to attack Angel Grove. Will the Rangers be able to stop them and free the Phantom Ranger? Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return………..



Karone: "Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Four, Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Jason: "Gold Ranger Power!!!"

The Rangers morphed and landed in Angel Grove. At Rita and Zedd’s Palace, Zedd looked down on to the Earth with his vision.

Zedd: "Ah! Excellent. The Rangers have arrived. Now go White Ranger, and capture the Zeo Crystal. Its time for you to morph!"

Zack who was in the park heard Zedd’s order.

Zack: "Zeo Ranger White!!"

He morphed into the White Ranger and teleported himself to the Power Chamber…

Zack: "Hello, Alpha!"

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! The White Ranger."

Zordon: "Alpha, contact Jason at once!"

Alpha: "Right away Zordon. Jason, the White Ranger is here, we nee….."

Zack: "Oh no you don’t!"

Zack threw Alpha against the Power Chamber’s wall.

Zordon: "I know why you are here White Ranger. But you can free yourself from Lord Zedd’s power. Do not let him control you."

Zack: "I came here for the Zeo Crystal. Not another lecture."

Just then Jason in his Gold Ranger costume teleported back into the Power Chamber.

Jason: "Hold it right there! Your not taking anything."

Zack: "Well hello…..Room mate!"

Jason: "Room mate? Zack? Its you? Your under Zedd’s control?"

Zack: "Yes. And I love it. Now get out of my way whilst I take the Zeo Crystal or prepare to be destroyed."

Jason: "I won’t fight you Zack. But I won’t let you take the Zeo Crystal either."

Zack: "The I guess you have no choice!"

The White Ranger ran towards Jason, pulling out the White Dagger, and striking him in the chest with it. Jason got back up to his feet and pulled out the Golden Power staff. They charged at each other.

Back in Angel Grove….

Adam: "We need Zeo Megazord Power, now!"

Tommy: "I need the Red Battle Zord!"

The two zords landed next to the White Battle Zord and Dragon Zord.

Goldar: "Well, look who it is. The Rangers!"

Rito: "This time, you will meet your doom."

Adam: "What do you think Tommy? Take one each or form the Zeo Mega Battle Zord?"

Tommy: "I say we take one each. That way, they can’t attack either of us from behind."

Adam: "OK, lets get to it."

Back in the Power Chamber, Zack knocked down Jason with a vicious round house kick.

Zack: "Had enough Gold Ranger?"

Jason: "No! I won’t let you defeat me."

Zack: "You may not let me, but you will be defeated."

He struck him down with a forearm to Jason’s ribs.

Zack: "You can’t win Jason. The end of the Power Rangers is near, soon Lord Zedd will control the Universe!"

Ninjor: "I don’t know about that."

Jason: "Ninjor! Man am I glad to see you!"

Ninjor: "Lets see how good you are against two people White Ranger!"

Zack: "No problem."

The White Ranger then lunged at Ninjor………

The Zeo Megazord was knocked down by a tail whip from the Dragon Zord.

Karone: "Stabiliser’s down."

Billy: "That hit cost us. We’re losing power."

Adam: "Tommy how you doing?"

Adam’s question was answered when the Red Battle Zord fell down beside him.

Tommy: "Not good. That zord Finster created is powerful."

Adam: "We have no choice. We need the Zeo Mega Battle Zord!"

The Zeo Mega Battle Zord formed and stood on its feet, standing opposite the two zords.

Rocky: "Lets see them take us down now!"

Goldar played a tune on the Dragon Dagger and the Dragon Zord launched several missiles at the zord. It connected causing a huge explosion.

Rocky: "Main legs damaged. We’re sitting ducks unless we do something!"

Tommy: "Jason we need your help!"

Jason: "I’m kinda tied up with Zack over here!"

Billy: "Zack?"

Jason: "Yeah. He admitted he was the White Ranger!"

Adam: "Well at least we know who he is now…."

Tommy: "Brace yourselves!!"

The White Battle Zord controlled by Rito came over and started to repeatedly kick at the Zeo Mega Battle Zord.

Karone: "We have to do something!"

Ninjor was knocked down by a strike from the White Dagger.

Zack: "Haha! Your pathetic Ninjor!"

Jason walked over to Alpha and switched him back on.

Jason: "Alpha, you need to trap Zack in a force field so you can free him from the spell, and more importantly, stop him before he catches the Zeo Crystal."

Alpha: "Yes, Jason!"

Alpha went to the Power Chamber’s computer and typed something in. Just before Zack could lay another blow on Ninjor, a force field appeared around him.

Zack: "No! You can’t do this!"

Zordon: "Alpha, run a diagnostic scan quickly. If my suspicions are correct, it shouldn’t take long to free Zack from the spell."

Alpha: "Right away Zordon."

Alpha started to tap some more information into the computer.

Back at the battle site…..

Tommy: Wait, I got an idea. Adam, you get out of here and go after Goldar, try to get the Dragon Dagger off him. I’ll try and get into the White Battle Zord and take it controls. Everyone else, try to get the zord back on its feet."

Billy: "Right!"

Tommy and Adam left in their attempt to gain control of both zords.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Zordon, to free Zack from Zedd’s spell, you will have to give him a jolt of your energy force. But if you do that, your life will be shortened considerably."

Zordon: "That is what I feared, but it is the only way."

Ninjor: "I have to return to recharge."

Ninjor left the Power Chamber.

Jason: "And I’ve gotta go help the Rangers."

Alpha: "Wait Jason, we will need you here. If something goes wrong, Zack may escape the force field, we need you to protect the Zeo Crystal."

Adam: "Hold it right there Goldar!"

Goldar: "The Green Ranger? You come looking for this?"

Goldar waved the Dragon Dagger in the air.

Goldar: "Well, sorry, but you have no chance of getting it."

He teleported away, taking the Dragon Dagger with him. The Dragon Zord returned to the sea.

Adam: "Nooooo!"

Rito: "Hey, what? Where’d Goldar go?"

Rocky: "Looks like you’ve been left all alone."

Rito: "I just remembered, I have to go er…..fix Rita’s oven."

The White Battle Zord then flew into the sky, with Rito inside, returning to the moon.

Tommy: "No! We need that for Zack!"

Adam: "Let it go. We have to get back to the Power Chamber."

The Rangers teleported away, and landed in the Power Chamber just in time to see Zordon, give off a jolt of his energy. It struck Zack in the chest, sending what looked to be static shocks all over his body. After a minute of this the shocks stopped, and Zack fell to the ground. Alpha released him from the force field. Jason ran over to Zack and took his helmet off.

Jason: "Zack, you ok?"

Zack: "Where…….Where am I?"

Tommy: "It’s a long story."

Billy: "Zordon!"

The Rangers minus Zack and Jason ran over to where Zordon was.

Karone: "Zordon what’s wrong?"

Zordon: "The power that was needed to free Zack, has shortened my time here further. It is almost time for me to leave………….."





Next time in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, With Zack free from Zedd’s spell, he now joins the other Rangers in their quest to rid the Universe of Rita and Zedd. However, they are still in control of the Dragon Zord and White Battle Zord, and still have the Phantom Ranger. Now with Zordon’s time running out, will the Rangers be able to cope? Find out in the next episode of Power Rangers Zeo: The Return………….