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Las time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, after Rito ran off from a battle, it left Tommy with the hard decision to destroy his old friend the Dragon Zord. Now, Rita and Zedd are without a zord, but they still have the Phantom Ranger, and Rita has a come up with a plan so vile, it could mean the end of the world….., Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return………


In the Palace, Rita and Zedd were concocting their new scheme.

Rita: "So Zeddy, we raid the Power Chamber with all our best monsters, while the Power Pukes are busy dealing with them, Goldar can steal the Zeo Crystal. If we gain control of it, the Rangers lose their powers, and the world will be ours!!! Ahahaha!!"

Zedd: "What an excellent idea. Finster, bring to me an army of your best monsters. With them, we shall raid the Power Chamber. Hahaha!!"

The Zeo Rangers stood in the Power Chamber…..

Rocky: "That battle was tough, I’m just glad Rito left the Dragon Zord alone."

Billy: "Yeah, that allowed us to destroy it with the Zeo Ultrazord."

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai. It seems since Rita and Zedd have returned, we have been losing zords all the time."

Adam: "Alpha’s right. Because of them, we’ve lost the Warrior Wheel, the Super Zeo Megazords, and now the Dragon Zord. They’ve never done this much damage to us before."

Tommy: "We just need to fight harder. If we do that, we can take them down, once and for all."

Karone: "Right."

Finster: "Ah, Lord Zedd. I have assembled an army of the best monsters we have ever used against those Rangers. The Terror Blossom, Robogoat, Bones, Globber, the Octophantom, Bushido, and to make up the numbers against those Rangers, Rito will join in on the attack, leaving Goldar free to take the Zeo Crystal without any trouble."

The 6 monsters walked into the Throne room.

Zedd: "Excellent work Finster. Rito!!"

Rito: "Uuuh….erm….."

Rito hid the Dragon Dagger from Zedd’s view, before turning around to face him."

Zedd: "What were you doing there?"

Rito: "Oh, nothing Edd. What do you need me to do."

Zedd: "You will lead this army of monsters in an attack against the Power Chamber. Your job is to make sure Goldar is not attacked by them during the battle."

Rito: "Right! I’ll do my best Edd, but I’m not promising anything with what you’ve given me to work with."

Bushido swung a blade down, stopping it right in front of Rito’s nose.

Rito: "Uuuuuh…..As I was saying, this is the best army you could have given me."

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyaiyai! Its been too long since Rita and Zedd have attacked, I’m getting worried."

Jason: "Alpha’s right. Since we destroyed the Dragon Zord, they have gone amazingly quiet."

Zedd: "Monsters….and Rito. Go now, and destroy those Rangers!!!!"

The monsters left the Throne room and teleported down to the location of the Power Chamber. The alarm went off inside.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Rita and Zedd have sent 6 monsters and Rito down to Earth."

Adam: "Where are they?"

Alpha: "That’s the problem, they’re right outside the Power Chamber."

Tommy: "What? If they get in here, they could steal the Zeo Crystal."

Rocky: "That means, we would……"

Karone: "…….Lose our Powers."

Jason: "We have to stop them from penetrating the Power Chamber’s defences."

Tommy and Adam: "Its Morphin Time!!"

Karone: "Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Zack: "Zeo Ranger Four, White!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Five, Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Six, Red!"

Jason: "Gold Ranger Power!"

The Rangers morphed and landed outside the Power Chamber. They saw the army of monsters looming on the horizon, making their way across to the Power Chamber.

Zack: "Lets go get them!"

Zedd: "Now’s the time! Tenga’s, go and attack the Rangers!!"

A swarm of 12 Tenga’s flew down to where the Rangers were. They flew in from behind and one Tenga knocked Rocky down.

Karone: "Oh no! Tenga’s!"

Billy: "We can’t deal with them and take care of the monsters at the same time."

Tommy: "We’ll have to divide and conquer. Jason and me will take care of the Tenga’s. The rest of you, go for the monsters."

Adam: "Right! Come on guys, let’s go!"

Jason and Tommy turned around to face the Tenga’s.

Jason: "Well, looks like its six Tenga’s each. Think you can handle them?"

Tommy: "No sweat!"

Tommy jumped up into the air, and came back down hitting a corkscrew kick on one of the Tenga’s. When he got back onto his feet though, three Tenga’s were ready for him with a barrage of claws to the chest, sending Tommy down. Jason meanwhile, ran through the Tenga’s hitting each one with a blow from his Golden Power Staff.

Zack: "Alright! I’ll take the Octophantom.

Adam: "We don’t have time to form a plan, just attack whatever monster you can!"

The rest of the Rangers ran over to where Rito and the monsters were advancing.

Rito: "Hello, Rangers! It seems your in our way. Looks like we’re gonna have to take you down."

Adam: "I wouldn’t count on it Rito. Its gonna take more than you to take us down."

Rito: "Well, lucky for me, I’ve brought a few friends along with me. Monsters attack!!"

The army of monsters Finster had created stormed over to the Rangers. Rito and Globber went to work on Adam, whilst Robogoat and the Terror Blossom attacked Zack. Bones went after Karone, the Octophantom after Rocky and Bushido after Billy. Outnumbered, the Rangers were having no luck against the monsters. They were all sent down to the floor, hurt badly.

Rito: "Is that all you Rangers have got?"

Adam: "We need some help!"

Ninjor: "Never fear Rangers. Ninjor is here!"

Ninjor swooped down and landed next to the Rangers who had got back onto their feet.

Rocky: "Oh man, Ninjor, are we glad you’re here!"

Ninjor: "When evil strikes, Ninjor will be here to help you.

Billy: "Ninjor, we’re badly outnumbered. Tommy and Jason are over there, battling those Tenga’s, whilst we’re here against these monsters."

Karone: "We’ve got to stop them from getting into the Power Chamber."

Ninjor: "Let your spirits guide you Rangers. I am here to help you. If you follow your instincts, we can beat these monsters!"

Adam: "Ninjor’s right! Lets get back to work!"

The Rangers ran back into battle, Ninjor stood opposite where Globber was standing.

Ninjor: "When will you learn that evil never wins. Not with the Power of the Rangers, and the power of Ninja!"

Ninjor charged towards Globber ready to strike…..

Tommy flew to the floor hitting a Tenga with a powerful punch.

Tommy: "Alright, that’s another one down."

He put his back up against Jason.

Jason: "Yeah, only 7 more to go."

Tommy: "Then we can go and help the guys against those monsters.

Zedd: "He thinks they can help their friends does he. Putties, go and help the Tenga’s!!"

An army of 20 Putties appeared beside the remaining Tenga’s.

Jason: "Oh no! Putties."

Tommy: "Oh man! Zedd’s really set out to destroy us this time. Think we can take them?"

Jason: "The Putties can be destroyed with a hit to their Z. I’ll take care of them. You get rid of the rest of those Tenga’s."

Tommy: "Right!"

Jason charged towards the Putties, and leapt into them bringing his Golden Power Staff down on one, whilst kicking and punching two more of them in the Z. The three Putties he hit then exploded.

Zack landed with a loud thud on the floor. He was soon joined by the others, as the monsters and Rito continued to get the best of them.

Rocky: "We need Tommy and Jason!"

Karone: "But they’re still busy with the Putties and Tenga’s.

Rito: "Hahaha!! You Rangers are about to go down!!" ………………………………