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Las time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Rita and Zedd began what they believe to be, their ultimate plan. They sent an army of monsters and Rito leading them down to distract the Rangers outside the Power Chamber. Zedd then sent down some Tenga’s and Putties, keeping Tommy and Jason separated from the others as Adam leads the rest of the Rangers against the monsters. With the Rangers battling outside the Power Chamber, it is now safe for Goldar to enter unnoticed in his attempt to take the Zeo Crystal. What will happen? Next in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return……………


Outside the Power Chamber, Tommy and Jason were finally starting to decrease the numbers of Tenga’s and Putties. The other Rangers though, were having more and more trouble continuing the battle.

Rocky: "We….have, to keep going. We need to save the Power Chamber."

Karone: "But these monsters are too much for us."

Adam: "We need some more help."

Billy: "Hopefully Jason and Tommy will finish off the Tenga’s and Putties soon, otherwise we’re done for."

Rito and the monsters then closed in on the Rangers and Ninjor.

Rito: "You may ask for more help. But your not going to get it. Your end has begun!"


The Astro Megaship turned around, ready to head back to Earth.

Carlos: "Well, the Universe is safe for now."

T.J: "We better head back to Earth, the Zeo Rangers may be in trouble and need our help."

Andros: "D.E.C.A, bring up a visual of the Zeo Rangers on the screen."

D.E.C.A: "Yes Andros."

An image appeared on the screen, and the Space Rangers stared at the army of monsters attacking the Rangers.

Cassie: "They’re in trouble."

Ashley: "The monsters are trying to get towards the Power Chamber."

T.J: "We have to help them."

Andros: "Set a course for Earth."

Carlos: "Course set!"

Andros: "Hyper rush 9!"

T.J: "Hyper rush 9!"

Andros: "Hold on guys, we’re on our way."

The Astro Megaship sped off, flying through space, heading back to Earth.

Goldar: "Should I head down to the Power Chamber yet master?"

Zedd: "No. Wait just a little longer. I am enjoying seeing those miserable Rangers fail against our monsters."

Rita: "If Rito and the monsters keep this up, we won’t have to worry about sneaking into the Power Chamber, the Rangers won’t be there to protect it. Ahahaha!!"

Tommy lunged at 2 Tenga’s hitting them both with a Zeo Power Punch. Jason got rid of the last 3 Putties, hitting them all with his Golden Power Staff. 3 Tenga’s advanced towards Tommy, but Jason jumped up into the air and hit them with a corkscrew kick.

Tommy: "Thanks man! They almost had me."

The Red and Gold Ranger turned towards the last two Tenga’s.

Jason: "So you gonna stay here and fight?"

Tommy: "Or are you gonna leave before we kick your butt?"

The two Tenga’s looked at each other, then turned around and flew away, back to the Palace.

Tommy: "Haha! That’s the end of them."

Jason: "Let’s go help the others!"

The two Rangers ran over to where the battle was still going on, and they joined in.

Zedd: "This can’t be. The Rangers are now outnumbering our monsters, thanks to that annoying walking blue fungus Ninjor."

Rita: "Have no fear Zeddy! Let’s make Rito grow!"

Rita and Zedd: "By the Power and Forces of Evil, make our Rito GROW!!!!!"

Lightning shot out of the combined staffs and shot down to Earth, making Rito grow to a huge size.

Tommy: "Oh man, this is not we need. We can’t call for our zords, we need to command them ourselves."

Adam: "But if we do that, it leaves the monsters free to attack the Power Chamber."

A huge noise came from the sky, and all the monsters and the Rangers looked up to see what it was. The Astro Megazord flew down and landed opposite Rito.

Andros: "looks like your going to have more trouble than you thought Rito."

Rito: "What? The Space Rangers? You’re not supposed to be here, you’ll ruin everything."

Zhane: "That’s what we’re planning on doing. I need the Mega Winger!"

The Mega Winger appeared and Zhane jumped into the cockpit.

Rito: "Hey, no fair, I’m supposed to be the one who cheats."

Tommy: "Yes, it’s the Space Rangers. Man, am I glad to see them."

Adam: "Excellent, now they’ve got Rito, let’s take care of the monsters."

Zack: "Yeah, they won’t know what hit them!"

Zedd: "Blast those annoying Space Rangers. If they hadn’t shown up, Rito could be squashing those pathetic Rangers even as we speak."

Rita: "Its time Goldar went and snuck into the Power Chamber."

Zedd: "Yes. Goldar go, and capture the Zeo Crystal."

Goldar: "At once my master!"

Goldar teleported down, and landed just outside the Power Chamber’s entrance. Alpha, inside looked on and saw Goldar in the viewing globe.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiayai! Rangers, Goldar is coming into the Power Chamber."

Billy: "What? We’ve got to get back there."

Zack: "We can’t we’re still dealing with the monsters."

Rocky: "Yeah, if we leave them to get Goldar, they’ll just raid the Power Chamber too."

Ninjor: "I shall go!"

Ninjor ran off, heading towards the Power Chamber. The Mega Winger charged towards Rito, and they began to exchange blows. The Astro Megazord came up behind Rito and knocked him down with a shot from the Astro Megazord Blaster.

Rito: "Hey, sneak attacks not allowed!"

Goldar entered the Power Chamber and saw Alpha quivering by the Zeo Crystal.

Goldar: "Hand it over puny robot."

Alpha: "Your not getting anything Goldar!"

Ninjor ran in and struck Goldar down with a punch to the back. Goldar got back up onto his feet and turned towards Ninjor.

Goldar: "If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave."

Ninjor: "Ninjor will never leave. You will be the one to regret your decision Goldar."

Goldar: "We’ll see about that."

They charged at each other and began to exchange blows.

Tommy: "Zeo Cannon, fire!!"

A powerful blast shot out from the Zeo Crystal and connected with Bushido. He spun around and exploded into dust. Zack then charged at the Octophantom and nailed him with a powered up Zeo Blast from his Zeo Dagger. The Octophantom then exploded into nothing as well.

Adam: "Alright, only four monsters left. Let’s get to it."

Zedd: This can’t be happening. The Rangers are starting to win. This plan was perfect. Its time I took matters into my own hands!"

Rita: "Zeddy, where are you going?"

Zedd: "I’m going down to Earth. I shall capture the Zeo Crystal myself."

Goldar was knocked down by a fireball from Ninjor.

Ninjor: "Had enough?"

Goldar: "Never, I will……."

Goldar paused mid sentence, he and Ninjor turned to where the Zeo Crystal stood. A crackle sounded and mist appeared next to it. When the mist faded, Lord Zedd stood next to the Zeo Crystal, ready to take it, and all its powers……….