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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the army of monsters continued to attack the Rangers whilst Rito grew in an attempt to squash the Rangers. However his plan was stopped by the returning Space Rangers who came down with the Astro Megazord and the Mega Winger. But now, Goldar is in the Power Chamber battling with Ninjor in an attempt to capture the Zeo Crystal, but now Zedd himself has teleported down into the Power Chamber to take the Zeo Crystal. Will Ninjor and the Rangers be able to stop him? Next on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return……………


Zedd: "Haha! The Zeo Crystal is within my grasp. All its powers will soon be mine."

A voice came into the Power Chamber.

"Stop right there Zedd!"

Zedd: "Who said that?"

The Gold Ranger rounded the corner into the Power Chamber.

Jason: "It was me, your not taking the Zeo Crystal anywhere."

Zedd: "Is that so Ranger? Well, I’m afraid your mistaken, because I will take it, and all its powers."

Whilst Zedd was talking Goldar had come to his side whilst Ninjor went to the side of Jason. Rita looked on through her telescope from the Palace.

Rita: "Oh no! There are only four monsters left against six Rangers. Where’s Zeddy when you need him. Oh well, I’ll have to do it myself. Magic Wand; Make my monsters GROW!!!!"

Rita threw her wand down to Earth. It landed next to the four remaining monsters and made them grow. The Terror Blossom, Bones, Robogoat and Globber all joined Rito standing opposite the Astro Megazord and Mega Winger.

Adam: "We need Zeo Megazord Power now!"

Zack: "I need the White Battle Zord!"

Tommy: "I call on the power of the Red Battle Zord!"

The Zeo Zords appeared and formed the Zeo Megazord, whilst the Red and White Battle Zord joined it at its side.

Andros: "5 Zords against 5 monsters. Pretty fair odds if you ask me!"

Rito: "The odds maybe fair, but it will be us who will win."

Tommy: "We’ll see about that Rito! Star Visor Blast!"

Zack: "Crescent Visor Blast!"

Each Battle Zord shot out a powerful ray blast from its visor. The Red Battle Zord’s blast hit Bones, whilst the White Battle Zord’s hit the Terror Blossom. Both monsters spun around and exploded.

Rocky: "Alright, only two monsters left."

Karone: "Don’t forget about Rito."

Adam: "How could we forget about someone with that bad a smell."

Rito: "Hey, I don’t talk about you guys that way!"

Ninjor: "Prepared to be vanquished Zedd."

Zedd: "Vanquished? Hahaha!!! It will be you who will be destroyed. But, the time to do that is not now."

Zedd began to walk over to where the Zeo Crystal was. Before he got there however, Alpha picked it up and ran over to where Jason and Ninjor stood.

Zedd: "Why you annoying robot."

Jason: "Good work Alpha."

Zedd: "Don’t think you’ve won so easily Gold Ranger. If you want a fight, then you’ve just won yourself a battle."

Zedd picked up his staff and he and Goldar began to approach Jason and Ninjor.

Andros: "Astro Megazord Sabre power up."

The Astro Megazord sabre began to glow a bright yellow, and the Megazord jumped into the air. It came crashing down, striking the sabre onto Robogoat. The monster spun around, electricity flying through the air, it fell and exploded.

Adam: "Zeo Megazord sabre power up!"

The Zeo Megazord Sabre glew a bright color as well, the Megazord swung it down, and the slash connected with Globber. The final remaining monster exploded into nothing.

Billy: "Looks like you’ve run out of friends Rito."

Rito: "I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again. He who fights and runs away, gets to run away once again another day!"

Rito teleported away from the mass of zords and landed back in Rita and Zedd’s Palace.

Rito: "I’m sorry sis, but if I stayed, I would have been just like all those other monsters."

Rita: "Have no fear Rito my brother, Zedd is about to capture the Zeo Crystal."

Zedd approached Jason and Ninjor distracting their attention away from Goldar who was sneaking around to attack from behind.

Zedd: "You’ll never win Ranger. You and that pathetic blue fungus there cannot beat the almighty Lord Zedd."

Jason: "You’ve been beaten once Zedd."

Zedd: "Yes, but that was by Zordon’s wave. Do you see Zordon around anymore to do that? Haha! He has once again passed on because of my powerful spell on Zack. It is because of I, that Zordon is not here to help you right now. Ahaha! What are you going to do now Ranger?"

Jason: "I’m going to take you down, in Zordon’s honour. You will pay for everything you have done."

Goldar snuck behind Jason and Ninjor and walked up to them. He swung his sword at Jason’s hands which were holding the Zeo Crystal. His sword connected and the Zeo Crystal was split up. Four pieces of it went flying and landed next to Zedd, who bent down and picked them up.

Zedd: "Excellent work Goldar. We have 4 pieces of the Zeo Crystal. Now, let’s go back to the Palace."

Goldar and Zedd teleported away, heading back to the Palace. The rest of the Rangers were still outside, having sent their zords back to the holding bay.

Tommy: "Man, that was great. We showed Rita and Zedd never to mess with us like that again."

The 6 Zeo Ranger’s costumes suddenly began to fade, blue electric bolts moving around their body.

Rocky: "What’s happening?"

Billy: "Something’s causing us to demorph."

With a bright flash, the Zeo Rangers suddenly appeared in their normal clothes again.

Adam: "I’ve got a bad feeling about this."

Zack: "Let’s get back to the Power Chamber."

All the Rangers ran inside to the Power Chamber, to see Jason cradling the 3rd and 5th pieces of the Zeo Crystal in his hands.

Karone: "The Zeo Crystal!!!!"

Rocky: "What happened?"

Jason: "Goldar and Zedd attacked the Power Chamber. They’ve made off with 4 pieces of the Zeo Crystal."

Alpha: "Without the Zeo Crystal fully complete, only Jason can morph now. The rest of you have lost your powers."

Tommy: "I don’t believe it."

Adam: "You mean Zedd has the power of the Zeo Crystal?"

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyaiyai!! No Adam, he needs to have the Zeo Crystal fully formed with all six pieces in order for him to harness its powers."

Zack: "We’ve got to find a way to get them back."

Andros: "We could launch an attack on their Palace with the Megaship."

Tommy: "I’m sure they’ve prepared for that. Besides, I’m sure Zedd will be in touch. He’ll want the other two pieces of the Crystal. Without them, he can’t do anything."

Rita: "Ahahaha!! We have four pieces of the Zeo Crystal!"

Zedd: "Yes, but without the other two pieces, we may as well have no pieces at all. We need something that the Rangers will want to bargain for. Something they will risk giving up the rest of the Crystal for."

Zedd turned around, and stared at the wall, which had the Phantom Ranger tied up on.

Zedd: "I think I have a plan. Tenga’s, untie the Phantom Ranger from the wall, but make sure he is secure in your grip when we take him down to Earth with us."

Cassie: "We can’t just wait around for Zedd to make a move, we have to do something."

Carlos: "Cassie’s right, we’ve got to try and get the pieces back."

Billy: "Its too dangerous for you to try anything. We just have to be patient."

The alarm went off in the Power Chamber. All the Rangers turned around to look into the viewing globe. There they saw Rita and Zedd on Earth, with Goldar and Rito behind them. Zedd began to speak.

Zedd: "Rangers, I know you can hear me in that Power Chamber of yours. As you may know, I need those last tow pieces of the Zeo Crystal. Now, I know you may not want to give us them, but I think we have something that you may be willing to trade for."

Rita and Zedd parted to reveal the Tenga’s holding a struggling Phantom Ranger.

Cassie: "The Phantom Ranger."

Zedd: "Meet us in Angel Grove Park, with the remaining pieces of the Zeo Crystal. If you don’t, then we shall destroy the Phantom Ranger! Ahahaha!! See you in two hours! Ahahaha!!"

The image of Zedd vanished from the screen, as the Rangers stared on in shock and disbelief……….