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Last time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, the Zeo crystal picked Adam and Tommy to lead the Power Rangers. Now with two leaders in the team will the Rangers be able to function as well as before? Next in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return………

The Rangers walked into the Youth Center as the mysterious figure appeared hidden by some trees, this time wearing a white cape.

Mysterious Figure: "The Zeo Crystal picked two leaders? Good, the prophecy is being fulfilled."

With that the figure walked away again, just like before. Meanwhile in the Power Chamber, Alpha was searching through the records in the Chamber’s computer, trying to find out if the Zeo Crystal was responsible for powering the Zeo Megazord up. Unfortunately he hadn’t found anything.

???: "Alpha. Its good to see you again."

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! Its you!"

???: "Yes Alpha its me. You can stop searching those records, I was the one who powered up the Zeo Megazord."

Alpha: "You? But how? I’ve got to tell the Rangers."

???: "No you mustn’t. The Rangers must not no I’m here, not until I’m ready to show myself."

Alpha: "But why?"

???: "I have my reasons, trust me, they will find out soon enough. Alpha, the reason I have come here is that I heard of Trey’s demise, so I went to Triforia to make sure there was no threat to the planet. Whilst I was there, I found this."

The unknown person took something out and handed it to Alpha. It was the Golden Power Staff.

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai! The Golden Power Staff. This is what gave Trey his powers."

???: "Yes it is Alpha, but Trey is gone, he is no longer in control of the power. That is why I modified it. A human can now take control of the Gold Ranger power without making that person weak. The Zeo Crystal will pick who will become the Gold Ranger."

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai. This is just what we need with a more powerful Rita and Zedd, but what do I tell the Rangers?"

???: "Tell them it was teleported here by an unknown source."

The unknown person then left the Power Chamber and was met outside by the person in the white cape.

Mysterious Figure: "Did you give Alpha the Golden Power Staff?"

???: "Yes he has it. The Zeo Crystal now just has to pick who becomes the new Gold Ranger."

Mysterious Person: "Good, phase two is completed."

They then both vanished into thin air.

At the Palace;

Zedd: "Rita my darling, I think its time we launched a full scale attack on Angel Grove. Its time we took Serpenterra down to Earth."

Rita: "What a wonderful idea Zeddy. You and Goldar can crush those puny Rangers in one strike."

Zedd: "Yes! Goldar, prepare Serpenterra, we’re about to attack Earth."

Goldar: "Yes my master."

Serpenterra took off from its base on the moon, and it flew down to Earth, ready to attack Angel Grove.

Tommy’s communicator went off.

Tommy: "What is it Alpha?"

Alpha: "Zedd is bringing Serpenterra down to Earth. You need to call all your zords to protect the city."

Tommy: "Serpenterra?"

Adam: "Don’t worry Alpha, we’ll take care of it. ITS MORPHIN TIME!!"

Karone: "Zeo Ranger One, Pink!"

Rocky: "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

Billy: "Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

Adam: "Zeo Ranger Four, Green!"

Tommy: "Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

The Rangers morphed and arrived in down town Angel Grove just as Serpenterra landed.

Adam: "Ok, Tommy, you call for the Red Battle Zord and go for Serpenterra’s right leg. Rocky, Karone, you two take the Zeo Megazord and attack its left leg. Me and Billy will use the Super Zeo Megazord and the Warrior Wheel to try and take it down. If we can get Serpenterra off its feet, it won’t stand a chance."

Billy: "Good thinking Adam."

Tommy: "Alright then, I need the Red Battle Zord now!"

The Red Battle Zord appeared and Tommy jumped into the cockpit and began to go for Serpenterra’s left leg."

Zedd: "Ahahaha! They think they can beat me with one zord? They must have gotten some brain damage whilst we were gone."

Rocky: "We need the Zeo Megazord, now!"

The Zeo Megazord formed and Karone and Rocky flew into the cockpit and went after Serpenterra’s right leg. Serpenterra began to rock back and forth as Adam’s plan began to work.

Goldar: "Uuh, shall I do something Lord Zedd?"

Zedd: "No, wait until my command, lets make these Rangers think they may win."

Goldar: "But they’re starting to drain our……."

Zedd: "Quiet. Obey my orders or you will be assigned as Rito’s babysitter."

With that Goldar became very quiet.

Adam: "Good its working. Ok. We need Super Zeo Megazord power now!!"

The Super Zeo Megazord formed and Adam and Billy jumped into the cockpit.

Billy: "We need the Warrior Wheel now!"

The Warrior Wheel appeared and went into its attack form, ready for the ultimate blow to Serpenterra.

Adam: "Ok, aim the Warrior Wheel. Steady, ok let it………."

Zedd: "Goldar, fire at the Super Zeo Megazord."

Serpenterra’s mouth opened and a huge ball of fire screamed towards the Super Zeo Megazord. It made contact and the Megazord and the Warrior Wheel went flying.

Adam: "Damage report!"

Billy: "Its not looking good, main power down, Warrior Wheel’s down as well. Its gonna need recharging, without it thought we can’t beat Serpenterra."

Zedd: "Ah! Excellent! Now kick these two other pathetic zords off."

With a quick sweep from each foot, the Red Battle Zord and Zeo Megazord went flying through the air and crashed into 3 buildings, knocking them all down.

Tommy: "Oh man! All the zords need repowering, but we can’t leave, Serpenterra will destroy the whole city. What are we gonna do?"

The mysterious figure appeared again.

"The Rangers need my help. Its time to call on an old friend. I just have to change his power source away from the morphing grid. Good, its done. Tor, arise."

Tor suddenly appeared out of nowhere as the figure once again vanished.

Rocky: "You guys look! Its Tor."

Billy: "I don’t believe it. How? His power was connected to the morphing grid, that’s completely destroyed."

Karone: "It must have been the same person who powered our zord."

Tommy: "You must be right!"

Tor went into battle mode as Zedd looked down with a glint in his eye.

Zedd: "Ah! Tor! Now that brings back some memories. Its time to crush this little shuttle zord once and for all. Goldar now!"

Serpenterra’s foot lifted and came crushing down onto Tor, with every second, Serpenterra’s foot pushed down harder and harder onto Tor, until it suddenly stopped.

Zedd: Goldar. What’s wrong?"

Goldar: "Well with all the damage the two zords gave to our legs, and all the power used on Tor, I’m afraid we’ve run out of power."

Zedd: "Nooooooooo! Not again, not by that mangy little shuttle zord!! I can’t believe this is happening all over again. Goldar, take us home."

Serpenterra lifted off the ground and sped back to the Palace. The Zeo Zords went back to the holding bay, along with the returning Tor as the Rangers teleported back to the Power Chamber.

Tommy: "Oh man! If it wasn’t for Tor showing up, we’d be toast. Alpha, have you figured out whose been doing this yet?"

Alpha: "No Tommy I haven’t. Although, I have found this….."

Alpha showed the Golden Power Staff to the Rangers.

Billy: "The Golden Power Staff. Does this mean that there’s going to be a new Gold Ranger?"

Alpha: "Yes Billy. The Staff has been reconfigured to allow a human to now take full control of the Gold Ranger Power’s. All we have to do is await the Zeo Crystal to choose who will be the new Gold Ranger."

Adam: "This is great, but Alpha how did you get it?"

Alpha: "………….."

Karone: "Alpha?"

Alpha: "I………..It………It was teleported to the Power Chamber by an unknown source."

Rocky: "I’m tellin you. Whoever’s giving us all this help really better show himself soon so we can thank him."

Billy: "Yeah. I just wonder whose going to be the new Gold Ranger."

They all stared up at the Zeo Crystal, wondering who it would pick……………..


Next time on Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, will the Rangers ever discover who brought Tor back? Will Alpha tell them who brought back the Golden Power Staff? And just who will the Zeo Crystal pick to be the new Gold Ranger? Find out in the next Power Rangers Zeo: The Return………