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Last time in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Leo, the Red Galaxy Ranger unknowingly said a spell causing two great villains to return and attack Earth. With the Galaxy Rangers having trouble with Noma on Mirinoi, Karone returned to Earth with Billy who was returning to Earth from Aquitar along with Alpha 5. The 5 original Zeo Rangers made their way back to the Power Chamber to reclaim their Zeo Powers, however Alpha discovered the Zeo Crystal would pick its own Rangers on the basis of who it felt was worthy. With that Kat and Tanya were no longer Zeo Rangers with Tommy becoming the Red Ranger, Adam the Green Ranger, Billy the Blue Ranger, Rocky the Yellow Ranger and Karone the Pink Ranger. But who has Leo caused to return to Earth? Find out in The Beginning Returns Part 3……


In the Power Chamber, Kat and Tanya had left, having had their powers given to Rocky and Karone by the Zeo Crystal with Rocky’s original power going to Billy. A discussion was going on to see if the Rangers could find out who would be back to attack Earth.

Tommy: "So Kai worked out that it would be two villains who have attacked Earth before, and were turned good when Zordon’s wave went through the universe. but they could be anybody from human to machine?"

Karone: "That’s what he told me. He said that’s probably how Scorpius and Trakeena seemed to avoid the wave. The fact is they didn’t but someone unwittingly brought them back.."

Alpha 5: "Aiyaiyaiyaiyai!! The two villains could be anybody."

Adam: "Alpha’s right, it could be the Machine Empire, Divatox, Rita and Zedd, Master Vile or even….."

Adam stared at Karone as though he had just seen a ghost.

Adam: "….Astronema."

Billy: "I doubt Karone would become Astronema again, the Zeo Crystal picked her, obviously knowing that we would be needing the powers to fight soon…and Karone was right there when the blue bolt of energy shot out from the Lost Galaxy book. If one of those two villains were her, the Galaxy Rangers would have known about it immediately."

Rocky: "But that still leaves all those that were turned to good by Zordon’s wave."

Tommy: "Well I’m pretty sure we’ll find out soon."

The blue bolt of energy shot into space flying past Onyx, making its way to a distant planet. On Triforia, Trey the Gold Ranger was still amazed to this day how he had been swarmed by Rita and Zedd, during the United Alliance of Evil’s attack on the universe. He had been so overwhelmed that he couldn’t even call for his zord.

Alpha 5: "Trey, come in, Trey, Aiyaiyaiyai!"

Trey: "Alpha, is that you, what’s up?"

Alpha: "Two old villains are coming to Earth, we may need your help defending the planet. The Zeo Rangers are back to help as well."

Trey: "The Zeo Rangers? I’m on my way, just give me time to get my zord in order."

Just as Trey finished talking to Alpha the humans that were formally Rita and Zedd danced pass. Trey, looked to the ground, the sand of all Rita and Zedd’s minions were still their. The wind could not move them at all, and nobody on Triforia wanted to touch it.

The blue bolt flashed across the sky. Trey looked up to see what it was, it came down at an incredible speed and collided with the people formally known as Rita and Zedd. Trey covered his eyes to keep himself from being blinded. The sand of Zedd’s minions began to move, and the blue energy reformed them all back to what they originally had been. Trey took his hands away from his eyes in time to hear…

Rita: "Aaaaahhhh!! I’ve got such a headache. Zeddy what happened?"

Zedd: "It seems Zordon’s wave must have missed us somehow…."

Trey couldn’t believe it.

Trey: "Its morphin time"

Trey morphed into the Gold Ranger just like he had done 3 years ago when Rita and Zedd invaded.

"Master watch out."

Trey lunged at Zedd with a high kick but Zedd heard the voice and moved out of the way causing Trey to fall on to the ground with a loud thud.

Trey: "What? Who said that, it wasn’t Rita’s voice."

Zedd: "Aah. Thank you Goldar, that pesky Ranger would have knocked me down."

Goldar: "Shall I finish him off?"

Rito: "Hey Edd, I want to finish that Gold Ranger off."

Zedd: "My name is ZEDD! Even after 3 years when you showed up and destroyed the Thunder Zords you still can’t get it right!!"

Rito: "Uh sorry Edd!"

Trey stood up, positioning himself for defence.

Trey: "It’s the year 2001 Zedd. Zordon’s wave turned you and Rita good whilst destroying everybody else including Astronema. A spell has brought you back, but I’m gonna make sure it’s a short stay."

Rita: "2001? Zeddy we’ve been good for 3 years!! Bleh!!"

Rita started to spit on the floor at an alarming rate.

Zedd: "2001. I think its time we got back in the game then. Tengas attack!!"

An army of Tengas charged towards the Gold Ranger.

Rita: "That won’t work Zeddy. Everybody attack!!"

With Rita’s demand, Goldar, Rito, Scorpina, an army of Putties and any monster which Zedd could get his hands on again 3 years ago attacked the Gold Ranger. Trey tried to call for his zord but every time he made an attempt, he was attacked. His powers began to weaken....

Zedd and Rita: "By the power and forces of Evil, make our Goldar grow!!"

They combined their staffs and a fork of lightning shot out, hitting Goldar causing him to grow.

Trey: "This isn’t good."

The army of monsters continued to attack the Gold Ranger whilst Goldar stood towering above everyone. Trey was knocked to the floor by an electric shock from Zedd’s staff.

Zedd: "No more fooling around with Rangers. Goldar, crush him!!"

Goldar lifted up his now huge sword, and brought it down with one quick strike, going straight through the body of Trey. His Ranger power vanished and now it was there for all to see. The sword had gone through Trey, and his blood was spilling everywhere. Goldar lifted the sword out with a menacing laugh, as Rita and Zedd looked on.

Zedd: "Finally after all these years, we have destroyed a Power Ranger. Hahahaha!!"

Rita: "We did it Zeddy. We destroyed the Gold Ranger. Ahahaha!"

Zedd: "Now I think its time we headed off to give Earth a visit. Rito, call for Serpenterra!"

Within an hour Serpenterra was fit to burst with the army of monsters inside. It took off into outer space, leaving a dead Trey lying on the floor.

Rita: "Watch out Earth, we’re coming back."

Alpha stood at the Power Chamber’s communication speaker.

Alpha: "Trey. Trey. Come in Trey. Why won’t he answer?"

Billy: "Something must be wrong. If I remember correctly, Rita and Zedd attacked Triforia. If we can’t contact him then…."

Tommy: "Look!"

Everybody stared at the screen in shock as they saw Serpenterra heading towards the moon.

Rocky: "Rita and Zedd! They’re back, that’s who the spell brought back."

Adam: "And if I know them, there going to want to destroy any Ranger they can get their hands on….."

They all paused as the sudden realisation came to them that Trey had been killed by Rita and Zedd. A new beginning had started for the Zeo Rangers but that beginning could be short lived with a more vicious Rita and Zedd than there ever was. The future is full of surprises…….


Next time in Power Rangers Zeo: The Return, Rita and Zedd arrive back at their palace on the moon, but are none too pleased to hear of how many Rangers they are on Earth. And the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers try to defend Mariner Bay without any Zords. Find out what happens next time……