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In Power Rangers Zeo: The Return. After Rita and Zedd had gained control of the Zeo Crystal, and turned Karone back into Astronema, someone shot a scattering laser at Zedd’s hands, splitting the six pieces of the Zeo Crystal, and flinging each one to a different part of the Universe. Now, Rita, Zedd and Astronema have fled off in search of the Zeo Crystal in their new Serpenterra, only unknown to them, they are being followed by the same ship which scattered the Zeo Crystal. Meanwhile, the Space Rangers remain on Earth, wanting to take care of the Center Back monster that Zedd sent down, before they leave on their own search. What will happen to the Universe? Will it end up in evil’s hands? Next on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo……….


The mystery ship sped after the new Serpenterra……..

"I knew Andros would let Zedd gain all that power. Its just like him. Good thing I was there to scatter the Zeo Crystal. Who knows what would have happened if I wasn’t over Earth at that exact time. Andros shouldn’t be allowed to lead the Space Rangers. He cost us the battle on KO-35 all those years ago, and even now he’s still treated like some kind of hero. If it wasn’t for him… I would have……. Well, that doesn’t matter for now, I’m sure I’ll have the time to relive my past. Computer, head back to Earth, I want to see how Andros handles this monster. Rita and Zedd couldn’t find anything even if it was right in front of their nose. They’re of no threat right now. Although Astronema is the wild card. Ok, let’s go!"

With that, the mystery ship and the person inside headed back to Earth.

Carlos: "We have to go take care of that monster."

Ashley: "Surely its more important to go after Rita and Zedd. Jason has the power to destroy him."

Alpha 5: "Actually…. That’s not entirely true."

Jason: "What? What do you mean Alpha."

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai, I’m sorry Jason, but when I was conducting the Power Transfer of the Gold Ranger powers to you, I missed out one step which I thought wasn’t that important. I did it, so you could get into battle quicker to help the others. But….. Aiyaiyaiyai, that step was one of the most important ones."

Jason: "Well….. what does it mean?"

Alpha: "…..It means, your powers of the Gold Ranger, only has a short time left. It would have run out earlier, but I was using the combined strength of the Zeo Crystal to keep you powered up. Now that’s gone, the Gold Ranger power only has…. About 30 minutes left at the most."

Adam: "What? Isn’t there some way you could redo the Power Transfer?"

Alpha: "I’m sorry Adam, but once the final step is completed, that’s it, there’s no turning back. The Gold Ranger will soon be no more."

T.J: "Not good. This means we will have to keep coming back to Earth if its attacked."

Zhane: "Yeah, that’s gonna slow down our chances of finding the pieces of the Zeo Crystal before Zedd a lot."

Alpha: "Aiyaiyaiyai, its all my fault."

Jason: "No its not Alpha, you were in a rush, anyone else would have done the same thing. Well, it seems now that my time as the Gold Ranger is coming to an end, you’ve got to take care of Center Back without me. I mean, I’d hate for my powers to run out during the battle, and you’d then have to protect me."

Ninjor: "Have no fear Rangers. I will help during the battle, and if the Earth is ever attacked, if I can handle it by myself, I shall do it."

Cassie: "Thanks Ninjor. We’re gonna need all the help we can get."


Serpenterra chased through space, in its hurry to find any piece of the Zeo Crystal it could.

Zedd: "It seems the Space Rangers are still on Earth my wife. We have got a big head start over them."

Rita: "Yes my husband, and that means soon we shall have the Zeo Crystal and all its powers. We shall rule the Universe!!"

Astronema: "You mean I shall rule the Universe."

Zedd: "What?"

Astronema: "When Dark Specter was destroyed…… I became the ruler of all evil….. Nothing has changed since then….. You will do whatever I say."

Zedd: "Oh no we won’t. You seem to have forgotten, we are the ones who brought you back. We, have control over you."

Astronema: "Silence!"

Astronema shot a bolt out of her staff. It missed Rita and Zedd by an inch."

Rita: "Zeddy…… I think we better do what she says."

Zedd: "I will not take orders from some annoying little girl, who we didn’t even need to turn evil again."

Astronema: "You will do as I say….. Or I will destroy you!"

Zedd: "………Yes your greatness….. I can’t believe I just said that."

Astronema: "Good. Now. Where’s Ecliptor?"

Goldar: "He was destroyed by Zordon’s wave three years ago my Queen. Have I ever mentioned how much I admire you and what you have done in the name of evil?"

Zedd: "What!? Why you good for nothing monkey. You work for me!!"

Goldar: "Quiet Radiator Face! I’m listening to my new ruler!"

Zedd: "You’ll pay for this Goldar, I will become the ultimate evil in the Universe again one day. And when that day comes, your life as you know it will end!"

Astronema: "Silence Zedd! So…. Ecliptor is no more. Nothing that a spell cannot fix. You!"

Astronema pointed towards Rito and Finster.

Rito: "You mean us?"

Astronema: "Yes. I want you two to find a spell for me which can bring Ecliptor back."

Zedd: "Don’t you dare betray me you two. Not along with Goldar."

Rito: "Uuuuh, I never liked them anyway."

Finster: "Yes, they were most frightful. You are our new leader Astronema."

Astronema: "Haha! That’s just what I thought. Rita, Zedd, you two are nothing more than servants now. Double cross me when I ask you to do something, and trust me, you will not live for long."

Rita: "Yes all great one…… annoying little brat."

Astronema: "WHAT….. was that?"

Rita: "Er, nothing my Queen."

Astronema, followed by Rito, Goldar and Finster, walked out of the room.

Rita: "I can’t believe it! We bring her back to being evil, and now she’s running the place. What are we going to do Zeddy?"

Zedd: "We shall wait dear. The day will come when Astronema makes a huge mistake, and when that day comes, we shall be there to take control once again. Rita and Zedd are not down completely yet. We will obey her for now, but soon, soon we shall be the rulers once again!"

Cassie: "Ok, we’ve got to go take care of Center Back now!"

Ashley: "Cassie’s right!"

Andros: "Let’s Rocket!!"

The six Space Rangers morphed and landed in Angel Grove, where Center Back was attacking.

Center Back: "Ah! Power Rangers, I was wondering when you were going to show up."

Zhane: "Well, we’re here, so what you gonna do now?"

Center Back: "Errrr…. Erm….. Oh yeah! I’m gonna destroy you!"

Andros: "Man, he’s not a very smart monster is he?"

Center Back: "Hey! You’ll pay for that!"

Center Back began to charge towards the Rangers!

Andros: "Ok guys! Lets finish this guy off like only the Space Rangers can!" ……………………..


Next time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, the Space Rangers do battle with the Center Back. Will they be able to destroy him? Astronema begins her plan to bring Ecliptor back, will she succeed? And, who is this person in the mystery ship who seems to know Andros? Find out in the next Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo…………….