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Last time in Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, Rita and Zedd began their search on Eltare for what they believe to be one of the Zeo Sub crystals. Zedd sent Darkonda and Rito down to look for it. However, they weren’t the only ones as the Rangers are also down on the planet conducting their own search. Realising this Lord Zedd sent down one of his most powerful monster’s ever, the Pirantishead, who now already has control of the Astro Megazord. With Darkonda and Rito off looking for the energy surge, will the Rangers be able to defeat the monster and catch up to them? Find out next…………………..


Inside the Astro Megazord, Alpha 6 ran around the main bridge as he tried to find a way out of there himself.

Alpha: "Ai yai yai yai yai, I’ve got to find a way out of here."

DECA: "All exits are blocked. The Pirantishead monster controls the Megazord. I am powerless against it."

Alpha: "I’ve got it. I’ll contact the Rangers! Andros, can you hear me?"

Andros: "Alpha? Oh no, he’s still in the Megazord. Alpha are you ok?"

Alpha: "I’m fine but explosions are going off everywhere in the control and engine rooms. I’m afraid I may not make it."

Ashley: "Alpha don’t say things like that."

The Pirantishead, overhearing the conversation between the Rangers and Alpha, put his right hand up to his mouth again.

Pirantishead: "So, your little robot friend is still in there is he? Well, he won’t last long!!"

Another blue beam shot out of his mouth, and collided with the Megazord exactly where Alpha would have been. The last thing the Rangers heard was a scream coming from Alpha.

Cassie: "Alpha?"

Andros: "Alpha? Alpha come in!!"

DECA: "Alpha is non-functional. He is laying on the floor."

Andros: "Thanks DECA. Can you tell if anything’s wrong with him?"

DECA: "Scanning now. It appears that Alpha’s movement, voice and personality chips are gone. They will need to be replaced."

Carlos: "Oh no. You’re gonna pay for this Pirantishead!"

Pirantishead: "I’m afraid, you are mistaken Ranger. I’ll pay for nothing!"


Darkonda began to scramble up a pile of debris, as Rito followed him.

Darkonda: "From the top of this pile we should be able to see a huge proportion of the city."

Rito: "Why would we want to do that?"

Darkonda: "….So we can locate the location of the energy surge."

Rito: "Oh right. And then we blast that baby into a million pieces. Right Darkondu?"

Darkonda: "Its Darkonda you idiot. And for the last time. We will NOT be destroying the sub crystal. We will capture it and harness its powers for evil use."

Rito: "But…. You said we’d get to destroy something."

Darkonda: "No I didn’t."

Rito: "Well, I heard someone tell me that."

Darkonda: "It was probably the voices in your head. Now come on, we’re wasting valuable time."

The two monsters then continued on their trek up the mountain of debris. Meanwhile, Pirantishead was getting ready to order the Astro Megazord to destroy the Rangers.


Zhane: "We can’t let him do this. I’m calling on the Mega Winger now."

T.J: "Zhane, don’t!"

Zhane: "Mega Winger Transform!!"

The Silver Ranger’s zord flew out of its base and made its way to Eltare, transforming into Megazord mode when it reached the surface. Zhane flew into its cockpit.

Zhane: "Alright. Let’s see how you handle this Pirantishead."

Pirantishead: "Let’s see how you handle losing another zord."

Lord Zedd’s monster put his hand to his mouth, and shot out another blue beam which engulfed the Mega Winger. The controls froze, as Zhane battled with them to try and stop the Mega Winger from going under the monster’s control.

Zhane: "No, I can’t let this happen."

Pirantishead: "Too late Power Ranger."

The monster ordered the Megazord to tip over. It did so, sending Zhane hurtling towards the ground. He landed by the other Rangers.

Zhane: "Oh, no. What have I done?"

Cassie: "What are we going to do now?"

Andros: "The monster has control of not only the Astro Megazord but the Mega Winger too. I hate to say it, but there’s nothing we can do."


Lord Zedd looked down onto the planet from his shuttle with pleasure.

Zedd: "Ahahahaha! Carry on my Pirantishead monster, and crush those Rangers!!"

Rita: "Zeddy, why is it you are always the one, to carry out a fiendishly evil plan?"

Zedd: "Because my dear. I am Lord Zedd. And you… you are nothing more than my wife."

Rita: "Nothing more? Listen tinsel teeth. If it wasn’t for me, you would have been beaten by those Power Pukes long ago."

Zedd: "If it wasn’t for you, I would have kept my position as Dark Specter’s right hand man!"

Rita: "Now don’t bring up that again. You played just as big a part in losing that position of yours."

Zedd: "Just be quiet Rita.. Now, where’s that brain dead brother of yours? Ah, they are making good time. It will not be too long before they get to the location of the energy surge. Pirantishead! Keep those Power Rangers busy. We can’t afford to lose this battle!"


Back down on the planet’s surface, a fork of lightning ripped away from the clouds and soared down onto the ground causing the surface to crack. Another one flew down from the sky, and this time connected with a pile of rubble. The debris began to shake, as something began to move from below. The height of the building made hill began to lower, as whatever was moving started to climb out. Another fork of lightning shot down as a hand reached through the rubble, and felt the air again….


Carlos: "Come on guys. We’ve got to think of something. This monster, can’t be unbeatable."

Andros: "Without our Megazords though. He is."

The scanner in Andros’s pocket suddenly began to beep. The Red Ranger took it out and looked at it to see what was going on.

Ashley: "What’s wrong?"

Andros: "It’s the energy source. Its… its moving."

Cassie: "Moving?"

Andros: "And it looks to be heading our way."

T.J: "Well, at least now we know, its not one of the sub crystals."

Cassie: "Or someone’s already gotten to it, and is coming here to use its power against us."


Darkonda and Rito continued to walk up an abandoned street, as the scanner Darkonda was holding also began to beep.

Rito: "Hey. We’re being attacked! Quick, run for cover!!"

Darkonda: "Shut up you fool. Its only the scanner. Its found the energy surge."

Rito: "Oh….. I knew that…. I knew that!"

Darkonda: "…..the energy surge. Its moving."

Rito: "Wow, that’s one funky little crystal we got on our hands here Darkondu. Should be fun destroying it."

Darkonda: "Would you knock some sense into that tiny little brain of yours. Firstly, if its moving, its not a sub crystal. And secondly, even if it was. We would not be destroying it!!!!"

Rito: "Well, where’s whatever it is, going anyway?"

Darkonda: "It seems to be heading in our direction. This is perfect. Quick Rito, we must find who or whatever this is, before anyone else does."

With that said, Darkonda began to run down the street.


Speeding through space, the Vengeance Ranger’s ship continued its search for the Space Rangers. Inside, Owen was talking to the Psychos.

Owen: "Have you located them yet?"

Psycho Black: "We’re in space. Our voice matching system doesn’t work as well, unless we’re on the same planet they are."

Owen: "I don’t care! Try harder. I just know somewhere Andros is in a battle, and I’m missing him lose."

Psycho Red: "No one tells us what to do!"

Owen: "Quiet! Or you’ll see just how powerful my Vengeance Cannon is!"

The Psychos went back to work. Trying to locate one of the Ranger’s voices.


Back on Eltare, Pirantishead was getting ready for the final blow.

Pirantishead: "I have played around long enough. Its time for you to be crushed by your own Megazords! Ahahaha!!"

A blue beam shot out of the monster’s mouth, hitting both Megazords. There was a second of quiet, before both the Astro Megazord and Mega Winger began to slowly walk towards where the Rangers were standing.

Ashley: "We’ve gotta do something."

Andros: "Try using the Quadro Blaster against Pirantishead. It may weaken him a little."

The four Rangers joined their weapons together.

Carlos: "Quadro Blaster, ready to make fish stew out of this monster. Ready, and fire!"

The Rangers together shot off a blast from the Quadro Blaster. It soared towards Pirantishead and connected with him. An explosion went off as smoke filled the area around the monster.

T.J: "I think we did it."

Pirantishead: "Its not over yet Rangers!"

The smoke cleared and the Rangers saw Zedd’s monster walk through, unharmed."

Carlos: "No, that’s not possible."

Cassie: "What are we going to do now?"

Andros opened his mouth to answer the question, but the ground shook, and all the Rangers lost their balance, falling onto the floor. They looked up and saw the Astro Megazord and Mega Winger standing right above them.

Pirantishead: "Say goodbye Power Rangers. Ahahahaha!!!"


Darkonda quickened his pace, disappearing one moment, and reappearing further on down the street the next.

Rito: "Hey, slow down. How are you doing that?"

Darkonda: "Hurry up you walking bag of bones."

Rito: "I’m coming….. just give me a second to catch my breath."

Darkonda: "Fine, I’ll go on without you. We’ll just see how pleased Rita and Zedd are when they find out I had to do all this by my…….."

???: "…..Hold it right there!!"

Darkonda: "What? Who dares interrupt the great Darkonda?"

Darkonda and Rito turned around to see five shadow figures standing 20 metres away from them in the street.

???: "You’ve caused enough trouble on this planet. Its time for you to go down."

One of the shadow figures stepped forward.

Darkonda: "Reveal who you are to me this instant!!"

???: "Alright then. You ready guys?"

The four figures behind what seemed to be the leader nodded.






Next time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, the Space Rangers try to form a plan to regain control of their Megazords, and Darkonda and Rito do battle against some old friends. Who will survive in this huge battle? Find out next time in Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo…………