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Last time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, the Rangers continued to battle Pirantishead as he gained control of Zhane’s Mega Winger as well. Whilst the energy surge was discovered to not be a sub crystal but 5 people, who are now ready to square off against Darkonda and Rito. With the Rangers about to be squashed by their Megazords, can they survive? Find out next…………..


The 5 shadow figures each took out a key, before moving their arms and placing their keys into what seemed to be a morpher. A different color flashed as soon as each key went inside. After all had been placed, a bright flash blinded Darkonda and Rito, as they then began to hear voices.

Robot Justin: "Mountain Blaster, Turbo Power!"

Robot Ashley: "Dune Star, Turbo Power!"

Robot Cassie: "Wind Chaser, Turbo Power!"

Robot Carlos: "Desert Thunder, Turbo Power!"

Robot T.J: "Red Lightning, Turbo Power!"

With each call said, the bright flash faded away, and Rito and Darkonda looked up to see who it was. There standing opposite them were the Robot Turbo Rangers.

Darkonda: "What!!? I thought I destroyed you all when Dark Specter and everyone else raided Eltare and captured Zordon!"

Robot Carlos: "It seems you’ve been mistaken."

Rito: "Hey, Darkondu! Who are these people?"

Darkonda: "5 years ago, the people of Eltare were given technology from Zordon to build their own Robot Rangers based on the powers that were currently being used by the Rangers on Earth. They were sent there for some test runs and they proved successful, so were sent back here to protect the planet. However, when the United Alliance of Evil invaded, they were of no match for us. I destroyed a building which fell on top of them all. I thought that would have crushed them into nothing more than wires."

Robot T.J: "Look around Darkonda. We’re doing fine. The Turbo Rangers live on!"

Darkonda: "Well, it seems I’m going to have to do what I thought I did 4 years ago, and that’s destroy each and everyone of you!! Rito are you with me?"

Darkonda turned around to see Rito’s answer, but all he could see was an empty street.

Darkonda: "Why that good for nothing rotting bone pile! He’s run away back to the shuttle."

Robot Justin: "Think you can handle all of us?"

Darkonda: "I know, I can handle a little kid robot like you!"

Robot Justin: "We’ll see about that!"

The Blue robot Turbo Ranger ran towards Darkonda before jumping up into the air, and coming down on him with a spinning corkscrew kick. The monster was sent down onto the ground.

Darkonda: "You’ll pay for that!"

All: "Turbo RAM Cannon Mode!"

The Turbo Rangers joined their weapons together with the Turbo RAM, and aimed at Darkonda.

Robot T.J: "Prepare to say your last words Darkonda!"

Darkonda: "We’ll see about that Ranger!"

He began to run towards the Robot Rangers, drawing his sword out ready for a quick attack.

All: "Turbo RAM Cannon Mode! Fire!!"

The Rangers shot off a blast from their weapon, and it sailed across to the running Darkonda. It connected with him right on the forehead. He began to spin around, as his head cracked, and his lower body began to explode. He fell onto the floor, just as his whole body exploded into nothing. Darkonda was gone.

Robot Ashley: "Yeah! That’s the end of him!"

Robot T.J: "Come on. We have to go about seeing if there is anymore trouble on the planet."

Robot Cassie: "Right. We’ve got to protect Eltare just like……."

The Pink Turbo Ranger was stopped mid sentence as the ground began to shake again, and they fought the movement to retain their balance.

Robot Cassie: "What in the world was that?"

Robot Justin: "Look! Up there!"

The Turbo Rangers looked up to see the Astro Megazord and Mega Winger.

Robot Carlos: "What are those Megazords doing?"

Robot T.J: "I don’t know. But I don’t think they’re here to welcome us back. Come on lets get going!"

With that the Robot Turbo Rangers began to run down the street at an incredible speed.


The Space Rangers waited with worry, as their Megazords loomed above them, ready to strike whenever they felt like it. But they just stood there, only stomping the ground every so often to send the Rangers down to the ground.

Andros: "What are you waiting for Pirantishead? If you’re gonna attack us, do it now!!"

Pirantishead: "I like seeing you suffer Rangers… But if you insist!"

The monster put his hand towards his mouth again, and shot out another blue beam, this time going towards just the Mega Winger. The zord, bent down and put its right hand into a scooping position. It swept across the floor, as the Rangers ran to try and escape it. They all managed to, except for Zhane. Who got caught in the Mega Winger’s vice like grip. The zord stood back up straight and awaited further orders, as the Silver Ranger struggled to get free.

Zhane: "Let me go!"

Pirantishead: "Now, how fun would that be for me? Mega Winger, crush that puny Ranger!!"

Zhane’s zord, began to tighten its grip around the Silver Ranger, squeezing out all the oxygen inside of him. He began to choke and lose consciousness.

Andros: "No! Let my friend go!"

Zhane choked out his last breath, as the Rangers saw his face go blue, as he began to stop breathing.

Pirantishead: "You want me to let him go? Fine, here’s one dead Ranger for you all to enjoy!"

The Mega Winger opened up its hand, and dropped Zhane, as he flew towards the ground, landing and twisting his body, as the Rangers ran over to check on him.

Ashley: "Is he alright?"

Cassie: "He’s breathing. But not very well. If we don’t get him out of here, he could die!"

T.J: "We can’t teleport him onto the Astro Megazord."

Carlos: "Yeah, that thing has already toasted Alpha, we can’t risk putting him in there with a monster controlling it."

Andros: "I’ve got an idea."

The Red Space Ranger put his communicator towards his mouth.

Andros: "Power Chamber! Power Chamber come in. Please anyone! Answer me!"

Billy pulled himself out from underneath one of the control desks, as he heard someone’s voice come in over the communication frequency.

Billy: "Alpha. What’s happening?"

Alpha 5: "Ai yai yai yai yai! Its Andros. He appears to be in trouble."

Billy: "Andros, come in. Its Billy. Do you read me?"

Andros: "Billy? Alright! Billy, we’re on Eltare, we came here because we thought one of the Zeo sub crystals was here, but it seems there isn’t. Zedd’s here too. He sent down his Pirantishead monster, who has captured both the Astro Megazord and Mega Winger. He’s just crushed Zhane with his zord. He’s barely alive. Can you teleport him to the Power Chamber?"

Billy: "You’re on Eltare? Amazing. Where are you on the planet?"

Andros: "I…I think we’re in the main city, I don’t know its name. Please Billy, hurry!"

Billy: "Ok… there. I’ve got his co-ordinates locked in. He should be teleported here any second now."

Zhane’s body began to be covered in silver, as he was teleported away to the Power Chamber.

Billy: "Alright, Andros he’s here. We’ll put him in our healing chamber immediately."

Andros: "Thanks Billy. I owe you one."

Billy: "Just be careful against that monster. I know we had enough trouble with it last time."

Andros: "We will, Andros out!"

Alpha 5: "Quick Billy. Put Zhane in our healing chamber."

Billy: "Affirmative."

The former Blue Zeo Ranger picked Zhane up off the floor, and carried him over, placing him in the healing chamber. He then walked back over to his communicator.

Billy: "Guys. Come in."

Tommy: "Billy what’s up?"

Billy: "I’ve got Zhane, the Silver Ranger in the Power Chamber with me. He was injured in a battle on Eltare with Pirantishead. I’m gonna need all of your help."

Adam: "Ok Billy, we’re on our way."


Back on the planet Eltare, Pirantishead aimed to do the same thing again, this time using the Astro Megazord. But the Rangers again managed to escape from being caught in its grasp.

Pirantishead: "Curse you Power Rangers! Just stand still!"

Andros: "Spiral Sabre! Now you’re going down Pirantishead!"

The Red Ranger began to run towards Lord Zedd’s monster.

Ashley: "Andros, no!"

T.J: "Its too dangerous!"

Not listening to his team-mates advice, Andros kept running, whilst he could hear Pirantishead laughing to himself. I’m gonna make you pay for this Pirantishead. I nearly lost Zhane long ago, I’m not gonna let you make that happen again. You’re going down!! He continued to run, when a sudden purple light appeared in front him. He stopped and put his hands towards his eyes so as not to be blinded by it. The light faded away as he looked up to see who it was.

Astronema: "So… This is where you’ve all been hiding. Well, its time for the Queen of Evil to get involved in the battle. Ecliptor, Goldar! Destroy them!!"

The two henchman who had been standing behind Astronema made their way forward, along with an army of Quantrons.

Elgar: "Hey! What about me?"

Astronema: "Silence!"

Pirantishead: "Hey, this isn’t an invite yourself party! Get out of here before I destroy you too!"

Astronema: "Elgar. I’ve found a use for you. Go take out that annoying monster."

Elgar: "You got it Astronema. I’ll squash him so bad, you won’t even be able to make a fish stick out of him. Boy, I’m telling you. He’s gonna be so dead, you won’t even begin to know how to reward me. But that’s ok. Its all in a days work for me! All bow down to Astronema!"

Astronema: "Quiet! Stop talking and go crush him!"

Elgar: "Oh, you got it!"

Elgar then called upon his sword of cards, and began to run towards Pirantishead, just as the Robot Turbo Rangers rounded the corner. They looked into the battle, and saw the Space Rangers doing battle with Ecliptor, Goldar and some Quantrons. Elgar was off to the right trying his best to at least make one blow on Pirantishead, as the monster continued to shoot blue beams at the two Megazords, now not only trying to squash the Rangers, but Astronema and her army too.

Robot Cassie: "Man. Someone’s having a major party, and they forgot to invite us!"

Robot T.J: "It looks like that monster is controlling those two Megazords."

Robot Carlos: "We have to break them free."

Robot Ashley: "You’re right. But how can we do that?"

Robot T.J: "I think we’re going to have to bring out our own heavy artillery. But first, we’ve got to make the right entrance!"

All: "Right!"

The Robot Turbo Rangers then began to run towards the huge battle that was taking place in the centre of the city.


Aboard Rita and Zedd’s shuttle, Rito was standing in front of them in the throne room.

Zedd: "You idiot Rito! Not only do you run away from the one thing I told you to capture. But you leave Darkonda down their all by himself against those Robot Rangers, and now he’s been destroyed. Do you realise what you have done?"

Rita: "Because of you, what was a battle which was leaning in our favor, has now turned into a battle where we have only one monster down there! One monster, against ten Rangers, that annoying brat Astronema and her idiotic minions!"

Zedd: "We may only have one monster down there Rita. But he’s in control of two Megazords. He can crush each and everyone of them whenever he feels like it! We are still the ones who are going to win my dear! Just be patient. You have to be when destroying ten Rangers! Hahahahaha!!!"

The Yellow Space Ranger nailed a Quantron with a shot from her Star Slinger.

Cassie: "Good shot Ashley!"

Ashley: "Thanks…. Hey wait. Who’s that?"

She pointed towards five figures running towards Astronema. They appeared through the mist, and the Space Rangers saw the five colors of red, blue, green, yellow and pink.

T.J: "No way. It can’t be."

Carlos: "Its, it’s the Robot Rangers!"

The Robot Turbo Rangers made their way to Astronema and stopped right in front of her.

Astronema: "Who… are you?"

Robot T.J: "We’re Turbo Rangers. And we’ve been programmed to take all evil down."

Robot Justin: "Yeah! And that means, this isn’t your lucky day!"

Astronema: "More Rangers? Eeww. This is a sorry site. And you’re not even human. Haha. Truly a pathetic batch of Rangers. It’ll be easy taking you down."

Just then, the Astro Megazord swung its sabre down into the ground right next to Astronema. She was sent to the ground, landing near Ecliptor, who picked her up and checked if she was ok. The Turbo Rangers once again managed to maintain their balance.

Robot Carlos: "Oh man! I think we better take care of those two Megazords first!"

Robot Ashley: "You’re right! But do you think ours still works?"

Robot T.J: "There’s only one way to find out!"

All: "We need Turbo Megazord Power now!!!"




Next time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, with the return of the Robot Turbo Rangers, and their calling on of what they hope to be the Turbo Megazord, will they be able to break the two Megazords away from the control of Pirantishead? Will the Rangers be able to handle the late arrival of Astronema and her army? Find out in the next Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo………..