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Last time on Power Rangers in Space: Chase for Zeo, the Space Rangers travelled to Eltare in the hope of finding a piece of the Zeo Crystal. However, all they found was Pirantishead, one of Lord Zedd’s monsters. A furious battle commenced which involved the Robot Turbo Rangers coming to the aid of the Space Rangers. But, Zhane the Silver Ranger was seriously injured in the battle, and now resides in the Power Chamber’s healing bay. Plus, the Robot Rangers are destroyed, with the Space Rangers only surviving through an unlikely assistance by the Vengeance Ranger. Now our heroes travel to Earth to see how they’re friend is doing. What fiendish plans lie in their way? Find out in Power Rangers in Space next……………….


In the Power Chamber, Billy walked over to the Space Rangers after examining Zhane, with a worried look on his face.

Billy: "I’m afraid it doesn’t look good guys. Zhane’s body has almost been completely crippled. His ribs are broken, a muscle in his leg has been torn to pieces, and we’re having trouble sustaining his breathing. I think you’re going to have to survive without the Silver Ranger for a long time."

Andros: "This is not what we need right now. Two evil groups fighting against us, and now the re-arrival of Owen. We need the Silver Ranger. Billy, what about Alpha 6?"

Billy: "He’s being worked on by Tommy, Zack and Alpha 5 right now. It shouldn’t take too long, he’ll be back up and running in no time. But who is Owen?"

The other Space Rangers looked towards Andros, and nodded showing they too wanted to know the story of this new Ranger.

Andros: "I guess I should tell you guys……. On KO-35, a year before Zhane and I received our powers, Zordon travelled to our planet, unknown to anyone on Earth. He came with news which sent a fear throughout everyone on the planet. Zordon was afraid that one day all evil would join together as one and make a huge attack on the Universe…………."

On the planet of KO-35, a small group of people had gathered in the city square of the capital. News had spread quickly of the great Zordon’s arrival, and everybody wanted to here what he had come to tell them. Zordon’s energy tube sat outside the main governing headquarters, a big building shaped like a triangle. Whilst the inhabitants of the planet sat on the ground in front of him, some at the back standing, all eager to here what he had to say.

Zordon: "People of KO-35, I have grave news to bring to you all. I have received a prophecy from the future telling me that one day, all evil will band together, and strike down on the Universe with no remorse."

As soon as he had finished his sentence, a huge gasp went off throughout the audience, with screams of panic quickly following.

Zordon: "Please, people of KO-35 calm yourselves. There is hope for the Universe. On the planet of Earth are 6 Power Rangers, who I have great faith in, they will be able to protect the Universe, but even I know that six Rangers will not be enough if an attack such as this happens. That is why I have come to your planet now. To give a very special individual a morpher myself and Alpha 5 have been working on, along with a brand new zord. With this morpher and the technology I shall be giving you, I will need your planet to research it, and create six more morphers based around the one I shall be giving out today. You shall be creating your own team of Power Rangers, a team which will have the capabilities of Space Power. They will become the Power Rangers in Space."

A roar of approval went off throughout the gathering area of people, as they now knew why Zordon had come.

Zordon: "But, four of the morphers you create, will have to be kept away from anyone, and only handed out in a true emergency. Three Rangers will be enough to defend your planet for now, but when the time is right, hand out the other four morphers, and become the ultimate team."

Suddenly, people began to shout out questions, but one person was heard over them all. That person was Zhane.

Zhane: "Who gets the morpher you’ve created?"

Zordon: "That was a very difficult decision to be made, but Alpha 5 and I have studied you all on this planet and have come to an answer. Zhane, Andros and Owen, please step forward."

Three young teenagers emerged out of the crowd and walked towards Zordon, kneeling before him, as whispers went off through the crowd.

Zordon: "Andros, Zhane, Owen. You three have been selected to become the defenders of the planet. Now, I realise the powers you will be creating based on this morpher will not be as strong as the original, that’s why the decision on who has it, was even more difficult. But Owen. You will have the morpher, and become KO-35’s first Power Ranger."

Commander Kinwan, the main leader of the planet stepped forward and handed the morpher to Owen, as Andros looked on feeling a slight bit of jealousy as he knew, even though he would become a Ranger, he would never be as strong as Owen. Something which he had been all his life, up until now.

Back in the Power Chamber, the Red Space Ranger finished telling his story.

Andros: "And that’s how Owen became a Power Ranger. A year later, the scientists on the planet along with Owen’s help, cracked the code in the morpher and the zord, and created the Silver Ranger powers and my powers, along with the Astro Megaship. We did not quite know how the Astro Megaship could transform into a Megazord, but Zordon had promised us that one day, all would be revealed. Several months later, the other four powers were completed, and stored on the Megaship. Then the attack on KO-35 happened, where Zhane was injured, and Owen lost his chance to destroy Dark Specter, then fleeing. I never saw him again, up until on Eltare."

The Rangers looked around at each other, slightly relieved they now knew who this Ranger was, but still with a question on their minds. Finally, Cassie decided to speak up.

Cassie: "But why does Owen want to kill you?"

Andros opened his mouth, about to tell his friends of the story of the battle on KO-35, when a door in the Power Chamber gushed open, with steam flowing through it. Tommy and Zack followed by Alpha 5 wandered out.

Ashley: "Hey! How’s Alpha 6?"

Zack: "Well, we managed to get everything inside of him fixed, and he looks slamming thanks to a bit of Zack’s Wax!"

Tommy: "You’re not still going on about that stuff are you man? Well, anyway, Zack’s right, we did fix him…. But we also ran into a few problems."

A sudden concern swept over each Space Ranger.

Carlos: "What kind of problems?"

Alpha 5: "Well, his whole circuitry needed re-wiring, and…. Ai yai yai yai, we didn’t have the proper facilities here to replace some chips. If we were on Edenoi where he had been built, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But unfortunately, we had to use some spare chips which we had here, that had survived the Power Chamber explosion."

T.J: "What does this all mean?"

Tommy: "Well, take a look for yourself."

As the steam continued to flow through the door, the figure of Alpha 6 appeared, and began to walk through, as everyone looked on to see what was about to happen. The robot made it through the steam, to find everyone staring at him.

Alpha 6: "Yo, yo yo! Watcha alls lookin at me for? Have I gots a ‘stare at me’ sign on or something?"

Carlos: "Haha! Excellent, he’s back to the way he was when we first met him."

Alpha 5: "Ai yai yai yai. I’m sorry we couldn’t give him the same personality and voice chips as before Rangers, but this is all we had."

Cassie: "Are you kidding me? This is great!"

Ashley: "Yeah! And its certainly going to be a lot easier telling you two apart."

Alpha 6: "Yo, yo, yo! What are we’s all standin round here for, shouldn’t there be a big evil you all should be hi-yahing at right now?"

Andros: "Hopefully, Astronema and everyone else will stay away from Earth on our little visit here."

Everyone nodded their agreement. However their hopes were dashed when the alarm in the Power Chamber went off, and the Rangers all dashed to the viewing screen to see what was happening.

Alpha 6: "Yo, yo, yo, some monster is attacking the business district in Angel Grove. I thinks yous all better get over there pronto."

T.J: "What monster is it?"

Alpha 6: "I’m getting a readin on it. Yo, yo, yo, its Rito Revolto."

Cassie: "Oh no, Rita and Zedd must have followed us here."

Andros: "I don’t think Rito’s going to be much of a problem. Come on, Let’s Rocket!"

The now team of five Space Rangers morphed and teleported to Angel Grove. Meanwhile, in the hidden desert where the sacred temple that Ninjor resided in was located, the creator of the ninja powers stepped back from his project, letting out a sigh of finality.

Ninjor: "Ah, stage one of my project is now completed. Oh boy, the Rangers will be pleased when they see what I’m cooking up for them."

A shadow figure began to walk up beside Ninjor, stopping directly behind him.

Owen: "Oh, I’m sure they would be pleased…… if they ever get your little present. Hahaha!"

Ninjor: "What? I demand you to tell me who you are at once. No one enters the sacred temple without Ninjor’s permission!!"

Owen: "Me? Well, you could say I’m an old friend of Andros. Haha. Then again, you could say I’m your newest enemy Ninjor!"

Ninjor: "My newest enemy? You do not want Ninjor to be your enemy little Ranger. Now, tell me why you’re here."

Owen: "Well, my friends and I came to Earth to watch what my old friend Andros was doing. But, upon arriving…. Lets just say, a source of mine, told us all how you were about to finish a stage of a project you’re working on. We’ve come here to take it."

Beyond the doorway, five colors flashed, before little bolts began to fly around the room, then coming to a rest behind Owen. The Psycho Rangers appeared in front of Ninjor.

Ninjor: "The Psycho Rangers? How dare you poison the atmosphere of my temple. Leave at once!"

Psycho Red: "We’re not going anywhere old fool!"

Psycho Black: "Now step aside, and let us take what we came for, or suffer at the hands of the Psycho Rangers!"

Ninjor: "I will not let you take my hard work."

The Vengeance Ranger moved his left arm behind his back, calling on his Vengeance Cannon, and whipping it out, taking aim on Ninjor.

Owen: "Well, I’m sorry to hear that Ninjor. But we’re taking your project whether you like it or not."

He gripped his Vengeance Cannon tighter, before firing a blast out towards Ninjor. The shot connected on Ninjor’s hips, sending him flying back against one of the temple’s walls, knocking the ancient one unconscious.

Owen: "Ok, now that he’s taken care of, let’s get what we came for, and then go show the Rangers our new toy."

The Psycho’s nodded each laughing away, as they took stage one of Ninjor’s secret project.


Back in the business district of Angel Grove, the Rangers teleported in around an office block, where Rito Revolto was standing waiting for them.

Rito: "Ah, nice to see you guys finally show up. Do you know how boring it is on this planet? You think you Rangers could at least turn up on time."

Carlos: "What do you want Rito? You’re not exactly a big threat to the city anymore."

Rito: "Hah! Shows what you know Power Puke. Look what I have!!"

Rito, reached back and pulled out the Dragon Dagger. Something which hadn’t been seen since the DragonZord was destroyed almost 6 months ago. What wasn’t known to the Rangers though, was that Rito Revolto had kept the Dragon Dagger to himself, and hidden it from everyone up until this very moment. The Space Rangers all stepped back in shock, as they saw what Rito was waving about.

Ashley: "The Dragon Dagger! I don’t believe it, how does he have that?"

Rito: "Haha! Foolish Rangers. Now, prepare to bow down to the might of my weapon!"

The skeleton brother of Rita Repulsa, put the Dagger to his lips and began to play on it, sending out the theme used when calling on the DragonZord. However, Rito’s plan of using the Dragon Dagger to bring back the DragonZord failed, as nothing could be heard afterwards except for the wind blowing some boxes about on the ground.

Andros: "It seems your little musical score didn’t work too well."

Rito: "Oh yeah! Well check this out!"

He played another tune, this time causing a green cloud in the shape of a ball to form near his chest, before shooting towards the Rangers and knocking them all down. They all slowly got back to their feet, feeling the pain flow through their bodies.

T.J: "Oh man, that dagger sure packs a punch."

Andros: "Come on, we can take care of him. Call on your weapons now!"

Just as the leader of the Space Rangers finished giving out his order, the ground began to shake uncontrollably, then stopping for a few seconds, before the rumbling started again. The Rangers looked around puzzled, even Rito seemed quite confused as to what was going on.

Cassie: "What in the world is happening?"

Carlos: "Yeah, earthquakes don't happen in Angel Grove."

The shaking of the ground started up again, sending everyone stumbling about on the floor trying to maintain their balance. After what seemed like several minutes, the "earthquake" stopped, enabling the Rangers to turn around, and see what was really causing the shaking. There standing in front of them all, were the five Shogun Zords. Each zord rested its arms down by its side, coming to a halt.

Ashley: "Guys, look at that!"

Cassie: "I don’t believe it. It’s the Shogun Zords!"

Andros: "But who’s piloting them?"

Owen: "I think I can answer that!"

In the distance, Owen, the Vengeance Ranger, stepped out from behind the Red Ape Shogun Zord, and made his way towards the Rangers, stopping several metres away from Andros.

Owen: "Some friends of mine are piloting them. I believe you all know them quite well. Say hello, to the Psycho Rangers! The new owners of the Shogun Zords, compliments of Ninjor!"

Andros: "What?? Ninjor gave you those zords? Why?"

Owen: "Oh, he didn’t want to. But he had to after… let’s just say a little persuasion. Hmm, I wonder if he has regained consciousness yet."

Rito: "Ermm….. hello? Big bad skeleton over here! Oh nevermind."

Rito teleported back to Rita and Zedd’s shuttle, whilst the Space Rangers continued to stare on at the now Psycho controlled Shogun Zords.

Andros: "I don’t believe you Owen. Not only are you hurting allies of good, but you’ve brought back the Psycho Rangers too?"

Owen: "That I have. But you must realise Andros. This is all for the good of the Universe. Now, before we leave you to mull over the threat you all are now facing, let me just show you one more surprise."

The Vengeance Ranger, held his right arm close to his mouth, before speaking into what Andros quickly realised was a battlizer.

Owen: "Delta Megazord Online!!"

Another rumble began, and the Delta Megazord landed directly opposite the Shogun Zords.

Owen: "Look Andros. I have my old Zord back! The Zord, that Zordon originally gave me, and the zord we based the Astro Megaship on, even giving them a link up option. Of course, after the battle on KO-35, I didn’t want anything more to do with it, so I created another battlizer, and gave it to the Phantom Ranger, as I still respected him. Unfortunately for him, he decided to give the Megazord to you, and like everything else, you destroyed it. Thankfully for me, I was able to rebuild it. But its now totally under my control. Your little battlizer won’t be able to control it."

The Red Space Ranger’s fist began to shake in rage, as he realised what they would now be coming up against.

Owen: "Well, I’d love to stay and chat some more, but we have to be somewhere. Goodbye Andros."

With that, the Shogun Zords, Delta Megazord and Owen, all disappeared. On Rita and Zedd’s shuttle, another heated argument was going on between the married couple.

Rita: "You sent Rito, my brother down there to attack the Rangers?"

Zedd: "Of course I didn’t. Why would I send an idiot like that down there alone to attack them?"

Rita: "Oh stop trying to cover yourself up Zeddy. You failed once again. I don’t know why I put up with you."

The wife of Lord Zedd then stormed out of the room, leaving him alone to boil in his fury. Zedd slammed a fist down onto his throne, igniting the room in red, as his anger reached melting point.

Zedd: "That is it! I can no longer put up with this! Cogs, get in here!!"

Several Cogs suddenly arrived, and bowed down before Lord Zedd.

Cog 1: "What can we do for you my Lord?"

Zedd: "It is time to end this little charade, go and bring me the travelling vehicle!"

The Cogs all bowed once again, before leaving the room in search of what Zedd had just ordered…….. Back in the Power Chamber, everyone had not noticed what had gone down in Angel Grove, as a discussion about what to do still went on.

Alpha 5: "But its too dangerous for any of you to risk it. The Zeo Crystal may not be with us, but you are all still connected to its energy patterns. If you try and combine that with another source, it could have disastrous effects."

Tommy: "But one of us has to try, we can’t let them be a Ranger down. One of us has to take control of the Silver Ranger powers."

The former Zeo Rangers looked around at each other. They all knew that to take on the Silver powers, could destroy them, but its something they had to risk, in order to give Andros and the others a fighting chance.

Adam: "I’ll do it."

Alpha 6: "Yo, yo, yo. What are you nuts? You saw what happened to yous, when you used your old power morpher. You was almost killed by it. Do you want to risk that again?"

Adam: "That’s exactly why I want to do it. I was able to morph into the Black Ranger again. If I can do that, I can morph into the Silver Ranger. Connected to my sub crystal or not. I can do it."

Alpha 5: "I’m sorry Adam, but I just can’t let you do that. Zordon would have never……"

Adam: "….Zordon would be telling me to do what’s in my heart. Look at Zhane, he’s going to be out for a long time. There’s no two ways about it. I’m going to become the Silver Ranger until Zhane gets better."

The rest of the Rangers voiced their concerns on the matter, but Adam was having none of it. He had made up his mind, now all he needed to do was convince the Space Rangers of his idea.

On the planet of Onyx, in the same bar Andros had discovered Zordon’s key cards, an auction was going on for any gruesome item you could think of. On the stand, holding a hammer, the fighting flea was conducting the auction.

Fighting Flea: "…..Going twice…. Sold! And the monster with the purple tail wins the jar of eyeballs from the planet Vulax. A very lucky buy if I do say so myself sir. Well, that about wraps up the auction for today….."

Just then, a small elf came running up to the Fighting Flea and whispered something in his ear as the rest of the monsters began to make their way out of the bar.

Fighting Flea: "Wait a minute everyone. We have a last minute addition to the auction proceedings. We have just received a very rare item, which I’m sure each and everyone of you will want."

All the monsters sat themselves back down again, eager to hear what this apparent rare item was.

Fighting Flea: "Its like no other item ever brought here before. Something you’ll never lay your eyes on again unless you win today’s auction for it."

A small box was handed to the flea monster, and he opened it up, to a stunned audience.

Fighting Flea: "Monsters and Mutants, I present to you, one piece of the Zeo Crystal!!"……………………………………






Next time on Power Rangers in Space: Chase for Zeo, a bidding contest takes place on the planet of Onyx for a piece of the Zeo Crystal. But who will win it? Find out in the next Power Rangers in Space: Chase for Zeo!