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Last time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, Rita and Zedd brought back their army consisting of Darkonda, Klank and Orbus and an entire army of Cogs. Meanwhile Astronema managed to get her hands on the Galaxy Book, and the mystery Ranger brought back the army he wanted. Who is it? Find out in Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, next……………….


Astronema paced back and forth in the new Serpenterra. She had been waiting eagerly for Finster to find her the spell she needed to bring Ecliptor back. But Finster was having any luck in finding it.

Astronema: "Finster, you better find me this spell soon."

Finster: "Oh dear, I can’t seem to find it, I wonder where it is….."

Ashley: "Astronema’s got the Galaxy Book?"

T.J: "This isn’t good. That means she can bring back Ecliptor."

Carlos: "And do who knows what else."

Kai: "Well…… she may have the book….. but she doesn’t have the spell!"

Kai pulled out a ripped page. He gave it to Andros who scanned it.

Andros: "This.. this is the spell she wanted."

Kai: "I ripped it out after the second time those blue bolts shot out. She won’t be getting Ecliptor back anytime soon."

Astronema: "Impressive. But now you will be destroyed. Finster, have you finished using your monster-matic to make me what I told you to do?"

Finster: "Yes my Queen! They are ready for battle now."

Astronema: "Excellent! Quantrons Attack!!"

Almost three dozen Quantrons landed beside Astronema and began to charge towards both sets of Rangers.

Cassie: "Quantrons?"

Zhane: "We better morph."

Andros: "Let’s Rocket!!!!!!"

Leo: "Go, Galactic!"

The Rangers morphed and then began their own charge as they met the Quantrons half way……..

"I asked you a question Ranger! Why have you brought us back!"

Mystery Ranger: "Because I need your help in getting rid of a little problem of mine."

"This problem better be good, otherwise we will destroy you!"

Mystery Ranger: "Oh I promise, you’ll want to help me. I want you to aid me in destroying the Space Rangers.……So, do you think you, the Psycho Rangers can help me?"

Psycho Red: "The Space Rangers? Those pathetic fools!! We will be happy to aid you in destroying them. But the Red Ranger is mine!"

Mystery Ranger: "No! Andros is mine. You Psycho Red will take care of Zhane, the Silver Ranger."

Psycho Red: "You will take care of this Zhane. I only destroy Red Rangers!"

Mystery Ranger: "If that’s the way you want it. Fine. You and I will destroy Andros together. Hahaha!"

Psycho Blue: "I can’t wait to see those pathetic Rangers again! When do we first strike?"

Mystery Ranger: "We will strike when the time is right……. I have waited all these years to achieve my revenge on him. Soon, the dice will be rolled, and it will be time to play the game!"

Psycho Pink: "Do not worry Ranger, I have already destroyed a Pink Ranger before, I can do it again!"

Mystery Ranger: "Ah yes, the Pink Galaxy Ranger. But you didn’t destroy her did you? Her powers moved on and were given to Karone, Andros’s sister, who is now once again Astronema. And, Kendrix was brought back when they placed the Quasar Sabres back into the stone. You may have thought you had destroyed her Psycho Pink, but you did nothing at all. That is why I am going to give you a special present. Follow me."

The new Ranger team consisting of the Psychos and the mystery Ranger, boarded his ship. It took off and blasted into space.

Bulk and Skull joined the Professor in the cockpit of the ship he had lead them into. They gazed around as they saw more gadgets and buttons than they had ever seen before. Skull leaned past Bulk and was about to press a button when Professor Phenomenus grabbed his arm.

Phenomenus: "Don’t touch that. It is delicate equipment. Press the wrong button and this ship will go KABOOM!"

Skull: "Err…. KABOOM? I think I’ll just sit down over here."

Bulk, with a concerned look on his face followed Skull over to the row of chairs.

Bulk: "So Professor, where are we going to first on our search for…….aliens."

Professor: "We shall be going where ever the ship takes us. It is set on auto-pilot. Whenever it reads an alien life form it will take us down onto the planet."

Skull: "Right…….well, I suppose we better get going."

Professor: "An excellent idea."

The Professor took the controls, and the ship blasted off into space. They careered off, and had to veer sharply left all of a sudden. Narrowly missing the mystery Ranger’s ship which had also just entered space.

Professor: "Crazy drivers!!!!"

The Rangers met the Quantrons half way, and all began to battle them. The Space Rangers met each one with a flurry of fists and kicks, being experienced in how to take Quantrons down. The Galaxy Rangers however weren’t fairing as well. A Quantron hit a dropkick on Kai who flew in the air and landed next to someone. He was picked up off the floor, and was greeted by Astronema’s smile.

Astronema: "Ah! The Blue Galaxy Ranger. I believe it is you that has the page I am looking for……….Hand it over…..NOW!!!!"

Kai: "Your not getting anything from me Astronema."

Andros sent a Quantron flying with a powered up punch from his battlizer. He turned around and saw Astronema holding Kai up in the air. He took the spell page from his pocket and began his walk over to his sister.

Andros: "He doesn’t have what your looking for Astronema. I do!"

Andros waved the page in front of her, only to have Astronema strike him back with a menacing grin.

Astronema: "Give me that now, or I will kill your little blue friend here."

Kai: "Don’t do it Andros. She could bring back anything she wants with that."

Andros: "Karone, you’ve got to remember, you’re my sister. Your not evil, your good. Look deep into your heart."

Astronema: "You bore me Red Ranger. Give me the page, or lose your friend!"

Andros stared at Kai’s reddening face. Astronema’s grip around his neck was sucking out all the oxygen from him. He then looked down at the spell in his hands. His curled his fist up, and screamed out loud before jumping into the air and pressing 2 on his Battlizer. He came flying down and his punch connected with Astronema. She fell to the ground, letting go of her grip on Kai as she did.

Andros: "Kai, go back and help the others."

Kai nodded at Andros and climbed back up onto his feet before rejoining the other Rangers in their battle with the Quantrons. Andros then walked over to his fallen sister and bent down offering his hand to help her up. Astronema gave him a puzzled look. They held each other’s gaze for a few seconds before Astronema smiled and shot a purple bolt out from her staff. It hit Andros’s helmet and he flew back, landing with an almighty thud on the floor. He was met by Ashley who rushed over to check on him.

Ashley: "You ok?"

Andros: "Don’t worry, I’ve still got the…….."

Andros paused as he searched around on the floor. He knew before Astronema hit him with that bolt, that he had the spell in his hands. Where could it be? He looked up to see Astronema with an evil glint in her eye waving the page back and forth.

Astronema: "Looking for something?"

Andros: "Karone, give it back. You don’t know what you’re doing!"

Astronema: "Oh but I do Red Ranger. Soon, I will have Ecliptor back by my side once again. And there is nothing you can do to stop me."

Damon: "Maybe he can’t."

Maya: "But we can!"

All: "Light’s of Orion, Activate!"

The Galaxy Rangers punched the ground and put their fists up into the air. The Light’s of Orion powered them up, and they stood in fighting stance against Astronema, ready to attack her.

Andros: "No…. don’t do it, you’ll kill my sister."

Leo looked past Astronema, and down into Andros’s eyes. As much as he wanted to rid the Universe of Astronema, he knew that look Andros had on his face. It was the same look he had as he held Mike’s hand before he fell down that pit. Thankfully for him, the Magna Defender had saved his brother, but he knew if they attacked Astronema, Andros would never see his sister again.

Leo: "OK Rangers, power down."

The other stared at him in amazement.

Kendrix: "What do you mean power down? We have a chance to destroy Astronema."

Leo: "We can’t destroy Andros’s sister. Not like this."

He looked back over to Andros who nodded his thanks. Astronema then turned around and stared at Andros again.

Astronema: "You know your problem Red Ranger? If you didn’t let your emotions get tangled up in everything, you wouldn’t be in so much trouble."

Purple lines then appeared around her before she vanished with the spell in her hand.

Carlos: "Andros, you ok?"

Andros: "I’m fine, but we have to get going. If Astronema is going to bring back Ecliptor, we have to make sure we are ahead of her in our search for the Zeo Crystal. That means we have to leave now."

Darkonda: "Are we going to search for the Zeo Crystal, or are we just going to sit here?"

Rita: "Quiet melon breath. We’re getting ready to leave now."

Klank: "If I may so my Empress, you look quite stunning."

Orbus: "They’ve already brought is back, you don’t need to suck up to them."

Klank: "Uh, quiet you floating pest."

Orbus: "How rude."

Zedd: "Silence!!! It is time to leave for outer space. If Astronema ever runs into us again, she won’t live to regret the day."

Rito: "That’s telling ‘em Edd!"

Zedd: "Remind me again, why did we let him back into our army?"

Darkonda: "That’s a good question. When you have me on your side, you don’t need anybody else!"

Rito: "Hey!! Err….. was that an insult?"

Rita: "Would you be quiet for one second you walking bag of rotting bones! Its time to leave. Come on!!"

Rita and Zedd along with their brand new army walked up the ramp, and the door closed behind them. The ship then launched off into space………..


Next time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo…… the mystery Ranger leads the Psycho Rangers towards his surprise for them, and Astronema puts her plan into action. Next on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo……..