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Previously on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo; The Vengeance Ranger told the Psychos of his past. A past in which Andros caused a chance to destroy Dark Specter to slip away. Meanwhile, Darkonda believes he has discovered the location of one of the Zeo Subcrystals. Now Rita and Zedd travel to the planet of Eltare…. Zordon’s home planet in the hope that they will be first to capture a subcrystal in this Universal race………….


The shuttle carrying Rita and Zedd’s troops finally went into orbit, travelling around the deserted planet of Eltare. Since the planet was attacked, and Dark Specter made off with Zordon, it had remained uninhabited. Buildings were left destroyed as there was no one there to rebuild them. Bodies of the dead remained on the street, a great place for any travelling scavengers, as the monster who found Zordon’s key cards found out 3 years ago. In the shuttle, Darkonda stepped into Rita and Zedd’s temporary throne room.

Zedd: "Ah, Darkonda. Now, are you certain that down on that miserable planet’s surface, there lays on of the Subcrystals?"

Darkonda: "Whatever is down there, it is sending off masses of energy. It would be foolish of us not to check what it was that is causing these energy surges to be given off."

Zedd: "Mark my words Darkonda, if you are leading us on a false chase, you will not live to tell of the day when you betrayed us."

Just then, the door the throne room opened again, and Klank rushed in carrying Orbus as always. He came to a halt near where Zedd sat, obviously with something very important to say.

Klank: "My Lord, it seems we are not the only ones investigating this here energy reading. Sensors have detected 6 life forms down on the planets surface."

Zedd: "Blast! Nothing in this Universe is ever easy. Darkonda, go find that miserable excuse for a monster, called Rito, and head down to the surface. I want you to destroy whoever it is, that’s down there."

Darkonda nodded and made his way out of the throne room. Down on the planet Eltare, a wind swept up, picking a few pieces of debris from fallen buildings off the ground, and flying them across the surface. It was dark and gloomy, just like it had been everyday since Zordon had been captured. Legend had said that the planet would reflect the state of all Eltarians. If they were all well, the planet would be sunny, and a great place to live. However, if this was not the case, the planet would be gloomy and dark like it is now. People of other planets knew it would forever be this way, now that nobody who was an Eltarian was alive.

As the small pieces of debris settled back down onto the ground as the wind died down, someone came and placed his foot down on where the pieces had landed. He took out what seemed to be an energy reader and began scanning, before putting it back into his cloak, and looking up at the other 5 people around him. One of them spoke to him.

Cassie: "Get anything this time Andros?"

Andros: "The scanner still says that somewhere on the planet there is an energy source giving of huge amounts of it, but it just can’t track it down. We’re going to have to look for this on our own."

Ashley: "I hope it doesn’t take us long. This planet isn’t exactly the place where I want to spend my day."

The Rangers then continued searching through the piles upon piles of debris. Hoping that they would find one of the scattered pieces of the Zeo Crystal.

Aboard Rita and Zedd’s shuttle, Darkonda stepped inside the room that had been given to Rito. It was small and damp. A room Darkonda thought, that is fit for the lousy bag of bones that is Rito Revolto. The monster who had destroyed Dark Specter, scanned the room before spotting Rito lying on his bed asleep.

Darkonda: "Wake up you fool!!"

Rito: "Wah, what? Where am I? More to the point, who am I? Oh yeah, I got it, I’m Rito, duh!"

Darkonda: "Your stupidity will cost you one day you rotting carcass. Now, Rita and Zedd have ordered us to go down to Eltare’s surface. We have to destroy whoever it is that’s down there, and make off with whatever the energy source on the planet is."

Rito: "Right, I got it. Destroy the energy source, and make off with the visitors."

Darkonda: "No you numbskull. We DESTROY whoever it is down there."

Rito: "My bad! Destroy them, destroy them. Hey, don’t worry, that energy source is as good as gone!"

Darkonda let out a sigh. He better not screw things up. He then walked out the room, as Rito grabbed his sword and followed him.

Andros: "Wait a second!"

The Rangers stopped digging, and looked up to see what Andros had found.

Carlos: "What is it?"

Andros: "The scanner’s got a trace on the energy reading….. its about a mile away from where we are now."

T.J: "Then we better get moving. Who knows who else is down here searching for the sub crystal."

The Rangers heard a rumble, and looked toward one of the fallen buildings, as a sudden bright flash blinded them. They regained their sight to see two figures standing on top of some wreckage.

Darkonda: "Ah, Power Rangers. So nice of you to join Rito and I."

Ashley: "Darkonda?"

Darkonda: "At your service you puny Ranger. Now, don’t tell me your searching out this energy reading as well. I truly hope your not, because if you are, you won’t ever be leaving this planet."

He began to chuckle away to himself as the Rangers readied themselves to morph.

Andros: "Let’s Rocket!!!"

Smoke appeared and then sank into nothingness once again, as Darkonda and Rito saw the Rangers powered up, ready for a fight. Aboard Rita and Zedd’s shuttle, Zedd was not to pleased to see the Power Rangers had arrived on Eltare.

Zedd: "No!! Those pathetic Rangers could ruin my first vital victory. How dare they intrude on my great moment. If I leave Darkonda and Rito to deal with them, I will lose the sub crystal. It is time to call upon one of my greatest monsters."

Rita: "You don’t mean….."

Zedd: "Yes, it is time for Lord Zedd to stop playing around. I summon…… Pirantishead!!!"

Lord Zedd aimed his staff at the planet, and shot lightning out of it. The power sped down to the surface, as Lord Zedd brought back the monster which almost cost the Rangers their Dinozords all those years ago. Down on the planet, the Rangers stood in an attack formation, ready to strike. Zhane was about to call on his Super Silverizer when the lightning from Zedd’s staff plunged into the ground around him. The area around both the Rangers and Darkonda and Rito began to shake, as everyone tried to keep their balance. A crack appeared in the ground and a figure rose from underneath.

Cassie: "What’s happening?"

T.J: "Someone must be summoning a monster…. And it doesn’t look good from where I’m standing."

Darkonda: "Rito, come on, we can use this distraction to our advantage!"

Rito: "We can? How?"

Darkonda: "……We make our escape from the Rangers whilst this is happening, and we find the sub crystal before they know what’s going on."

Rito: "Oh….right, right. And then we destroy it! I got it now!"

Darkonda: "No, you walking marshmallow. We take it back and present it to Zedd."

Rito: "Zedd? Who’s Zedd?"

Darkonda: "Your brother in law you fool!"

Rito: "Oooooh, you mean Edd! I get it, I get it."

Darkonda: "Finally! Now, let’s go before we waste anymore precious time!"

Rita and Zedd’s two henchman then walked off in their search for whatever was causing the energy surge on the planet. As soon as they disappeared from the Ranger’s view, the shaking around them stopped, as the smoke from where the figure had risen slowly began to fade away, and the Rangers saw what they were up against.

Pirantishead: "Hello Rangers! I’d like to be able to say I missed beating all you good guys up… but with all your hi-yahing, you took the fun out of it."

Cassie: "What…. What monster is that?"

Andros: "Its Pirantishead. Seven years ago he was sent by Zedd to attack your planet. He took control of the Jason’s and Tommy’s zords and used them against the Rangers. Unfortunately, the only way to beat this guy is to use our zords. He’s just too powerful to fall to anything else."

Ashley: "How… how do you know all this?"

Andros: "……An old friend told me about it, after he had been given something by Zordon… it was then Zordon had relayed everything that had happened to Earth, and what he feared would happen to the Universe. That’s how I know."

Carlos: "Well, we better do something quick. This guy doesn’t look like he wants to stand around and talk."

T.J: "He’s right. What are we gonna do?"

Pirantishead: "It doesn’t matter what you do Rangers. You can’t win. Ahahaha!"

The Rangers stared at the regenerated monster, as they tried to figure out what to do.

Andros: "We’re gonna have to call on the Astro Megazord. Its our only hope."

T.J: "Right, Astro Megazord online!"

In orbit around Eltare, the Astro Megaship opened its mouth, and the space shuttle the Rangers had taken from Nasada, shot out, and spun back around, as the Megaship began to transform into the Astro Megazord. The shuttle completed its run, and formed the head as the Rangers appeared inside its cockpit. The Megazord then appeared down on Eltare’s surface, as the Rangers prepared to open fire on Pirantishead.

Carlos: "Charging up the Astro Megazord Sabre."

Andros: "We’ve only got one chance at this guys."

Pirantishead: "You think you can beat me with that thing? Ahahaha! I’m afraid you’re going to be left out, in the cold!"

Pirantishead put his right hand to his mouth, and began to move what one would assume to be his fingers. A cold, blue beam shout out from his mouth, and engulfed the Astro Megazord.

Ashley: "Main energy levels dropping."

Andros: "The control sticks aren’t functioning."

T.J: "We’ve gotta do something."

Just then, Pirantishead, blasted the Megazord with another of his blue energy beams, and the Megazord began to tilt to its right, causing the Rangers to fall from their cockpit. They landed with a thud on the ground next to Zhane.

Cassie: "Why’d the Astro Megazord do that?"

Pirantishead: "Because you don’t control it anymore Rangers. I do! Your little Megazord is now under my power!"

Andros: "No!! He’s doing it again! If we can’t regain control of the Astro Megazord, we won’t stand a chance!"

Zhane: "I’ve got to call the Mega Winger!"

Carlos: "No wait!"

T.J: "If you do that, Pirantishead will only take control of that too. We can’t risk losing two megazords."

Pirantishead: "That’s right Rangers. You can’t stop me now! Ahahaha!"

Above the planet, Zedd stood in his throne room, looking down on the proceedings with joy.

Zedd: "Excellent, the Pirantishead monster has gained control of the Astro Megazord. And this time, that bothersome Billy isn’t around to put a stop to his power! The Rangers have lost my dear!"

Rita: "Yes, and with the Rangers main megazord down, the zeo sub crystal residing on the planet, is ours for the taking!"

Zedd: "What a glorious day this is! The Rangers have finally met their match. Lord Zedd will be the first to have control in this race!"……………….



Next time on Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo, the Rangers try to find a way to counteract Pirantishead’s spell, whilst Darkonda and Rito continue to search the planet for whatever is causing the energy surge. Will the Rangers be able to defeat what maybe Zedd’s most dastardly monster? Find out on the next Power Rangers In Space: Chase for Zeo!!