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Modern age is the age of science.  Science had made progress in every sphere of life.  It has left no area where it cannot be utilised. It is the contribution of science that man has been able to have accurate results of every thing.  It’s finest examples are televisions, communications, means of transport and calculators.  Computer also is such type of machine which gives accurate answer to the problem or questions fed into it.  Scientists made continuous efforts and the result is the invention of computer.

The computer can be fed with a set of instructions to perform a specific application.  It can then be operated solve the desire problem.  It can be used to specified a classified reference database.  The computer tells us the climatic changes, the condition of waste land and events the accuracy or machines or their parts computer is also used at home also.  It is like home appliances.

        The use of computer is increasing day by day.  Computers collect various datas and then selected the correct ones. They are used in calculations and figures.  Many big firms like Tata, Dalmia, I.T.C, Modi and Birla are using them to find correct answers.  The balance sheet, salaries of the employees, the results of the school and college are all prepared in a short time and with accuracy.  Thus they do physical and mental labour.

Many government departments are being computerised. Railways have computerised their functioning in various fields. Reservation system have been computerised at Big railway stations.  Computers have been introduced to control the traffic also.  But one thing is to be noticed that all brain work is done by man. Thinking of any thing is also done by man. Thinking is not done by a computer.  Man feeds the computer with his thinking and the rest of the matter is done by computer.

Computers are becoming popular in these days.  They have become a source of Industry.  People get employment in different capacities.  But it is feared that they will create unemployment at least in those countries which are heavily populated.



D. Charan Kumar