First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am T. Sai Roop. I am a student of class 9th B. I take this opportunity of becoming the student editor of the news bulletin of our school as a privilege & I am very grateful to the directors of the school for this. I will try to make this news bulletin as interesting, educative and useful as I can. Now about the news bulletin, this is not a product of hard work. (If you want to see the product of hard work, look at out exam papers.) This is a product of creative team work and interest. I would like to thank all who participated in this grand event from parents and students to the staff of the school. This is the first web based e-magazine from the school and it is filled with lots of great stuff. There are some rib-tickling jokes and some paintings which are very realistic. The parents of the students should receive a big applause for their articles also. There are also stories, essays poems & many other articles. The best part of it all is that it encouraged us to be creative. These are the days when being academically sound though is important is not every thing. A student has to be good in all fields and I am glad the school has really progressed in this matter. A part from the good education it imparted, it also encouraged us to be creative and this must continue. I hope that this magazine is a success and is well received by parents as it was intended to be. I am very grateful to all the students of the school for their excellent articles & the tremendous interest shown by them. Without them & their interest, this news bulletin would not be a piece of a cake. I am also grateful to all the teachers, who took some time out of their busy schedule for contributing their articles, which were very educative as well as informative. I also thank the parents of the students who contributed their marvelous articles. I would also like to thank the following persons 1. Majusha, who is my counterpart 2. Ankit Agarwal, who is the web master 3. Shwetha Agarwal & Spandana, who are the web designers of this news bulletin. I also would like to thank Vishnu Prasad sir, K.V.Rao sir and Aruna madam for their co-operation. The whole idea of putting the magazine on the web itself [of theirs] is revolutionary and deserves applause. It not only saves lots of paper but also gives flexibility to us. It also helps us to see the benefits of the newly arrived internet. I wish more such e-magazines come every year from the school and each one should surpass its ancestors. This is an experiment which is well thought of and well executed thanks to the rapport between all the persons involved. So, I take leave of one & all. By T. Sai Roop (The Student Editor)
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