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 School News


1.      Swearing in ceremony of school Head boy and Head girl and prefects :

        The school has celebrated the swearing in ceremony of school Head boy, Head girl and prefects on 11th August.  The Head boy, Master Paul Sandeep and the Head girl Miss Manasa were invested with the power and authority of their respective duties by the Headmaster Mr. Vijaya Kumaran.  Mr. Vishnu Prasad, School Correspondent,  Mr. K.V.R.Rao, Director - Finance and Mrs. Aruna Yasoda Director - Academics presided over the function.

Head Boy        -       Master Paul Sandeep

Head Girl       -       Miss Manasa

IX A Prefects   :       Babli, B. Manjusha, , Nirmala, B. Neelima,  B. Pragna ,  V.Hemanth,  B. Praveen Kumar,  and W.V.Aditya Vardhan

IX B Prefects   :       T.O.Shiny Matahew,      V. Vineela,  P. Bharat, R.Aditya Varma, and T. Sairoop

IX C Prefects   :       Mehnaz Fatima, V. Sahitya,      D. Spandana,  K. Vidya, G. Aditya Santhosh,   B. Satish Chandra,  and Akash Sharma

        Prefects were presented badges by Mr. Vishnu Prasad and Mrs. Aruna Yasoda. Mrs. Aruna Yasoda reminded prefects of their duties and responsibilities during her well-crafted speech.

2.      Independence day Celebrations :

        The 56th Independence day was celebrated by the school with pratriotic fervour.  The school was decorated with tricolour flags.  The function started with the school   prayer and pledge by John Mary, followed by Vandemataram.  The school Head boy Paul Sandeep, in his speech reminded the sacrifices made by our National Leaders.  A fancy dress competition was held for the Pre-Nursery and Nursery children.  Students of VIII, IX and X classes participated in march past, which was well practised.  The head master Mr. K. Vijaya Kumaran gave message to the children.  Prizes, Medals and Shields were given away by our directors Mr. Vishnu Prasad, Mrs. Aruna Yasoda and Mr. K.V.R.Rao. Mrs. Kalpana proposed vote of thanks and the function ended with National Anthem.

3.      Work- Shop for the students of X class :

        The school has organized a work shop on “Art self Analysis” by Mr. Vishwadeep, founded of Nachiketa Tapovan, a social organisation for the students of class X.  The programme was well received by the students who participated enthusiastically and found beneficial to boost their concentration.

4.      Felicitation of Madhuri M.A. (II year)

        The school has felicitated Ms. Madhuri a blind girl studying M.A. Second year in Andhra Mahila Sabha during the Assembly.  She sang some classical songs and enthralled the audience by her melodious voice.  The motive behind her felicitation was one’s handicap would not impede in one’s success if one has an ambition in ope’s life.  Ms. Madhuri will power and determination motivated the children.