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Prizes Won

:Prizes Won :

        The school is proud to announce the winners of Inter School Competition conducted by Nachiketa Tapovan in which 40 schools took parat.  The children who brought fame to our school are K. Sravani of IV A  1st prize in sub junior level solo and P. Meghana of V B won 1st prize in junior level solo singing.  Our school children are excelling not only in academics but also in various competitions held by different communities and societies.

List of children who have won various (outside) competitions.

1.      V. Soujanya VI B

        participated in Dance Competition conducted by LEDA family club.

        Prize  -  Certificate.

2.      A. Advitiya Reddy VII C

        Participated in play let colony summer camp.

        Prize - Certificate.

3.      Grace Ledonna V A

        Participated in painting competition and secured second place.

        He bagged a shield and certificate.

        Prize -  Shield and Certificate

4.      Swathi Mohan V C

        Participated in Bharatha Natyam. Conducted by Maanagar Tamil Sangham.  She bagged a prize and a certificate.

        Prize - Certificate.

5.      Swathi Nair  V C

        Participated in Bharatha Natyam and she secured participation certificate. Conducted by Maanagar Tamil Sangham at Ravindra Bharathi Auditorium.

        She bagged a prize and a certificate.

        prize -  Certificate.

6.      V. Sree Mitra  VIII B12.     B. Jyotsna VIII C

        Secured I prize in Music competition held at Shankar Matham and Erramanzil Mahila Mandal for seniors group on the eve of 15th August.

13.     B. Gayathri  VI C

        Won the II prize in Music competition held in Shankar Matham and won I prize in (juniors Group) of Erram Manzil Mahila Mandal on the eve of 15th August.

14.     K. Spandana VIII C

        Won I prize in running race held by Rajeev Nagar Association.

The school has given an excellent opportunity for the tiny tots, of  Pre-Nursery and Nursery by conduction ‘Fancy Dress Competition’ to bring out the hidden talent in them.  The children participated enthusiastically and impressed everyone in their suitable and colourful atlires.


        1st prize       -       V. Aditya as ‘Lord Sri Krishna’

        2nd prize       -       Sardar Tejinder Kaur as ‘Rose girl’

        3rd prize       -       Sardar Charanjeet singh as ‘Abdul Kalam Azad’


1st prize       -       Sai Rukmini as ‘Rajasthani Dancer’

        2nd prize       -       Nirala Jani as ‘Rajasthani Dancer’

        3rd prize       -       Sai Bhargav as ‘Atal Bihari Vajpayee’


        1st prize       -       D. Vaishnavi Shriya as ‘Bharathanatyam Dancer’

        2nd prize       -       K.V.S. Kaushik as ‘Rajasthani Dancer’

        3rd prize       -       Samreen Kareem as ‘Son Pari’

        Prizes were given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of Fancy Dress Competition by the Directors.

        On 15th August, 2003 the school has felicitated the children of X and VII class Common Examination 2002-2003 who secured the highest marks.  A cash prize of  Rs. 1000/- was given to Ms. Supriya Chauhan, Second prize of Cash of Rs. 750/- was given to Ch. Pratima and third prize of Cash Rs.500/- was given to B.B. Divya.  Mr. K.V.R. Rao, Director - Finance gave away the cash awards.  Mrs. Aruna Yasoda Director of Academics gave away cash prize of Rs. 1000/- to Ms. Naga Sudha VII Class Common Examination Topper,  Second prize of Rs. 750/- to Ms. N. Deepthi and the third prize of Rs. 500/- to G. Swathi.  The school also presented the rolling shields to X class topper N. Akhila who secured 560/600 marks in the First Unit  Test.  VII Class topper shield was given to S. Chanakya who secured 675/700 marks.  Lower classes Best Academic performance shield was won by class II B and the middle classes Best Academic performance shield was won by V C and for the higher classes,  VII A won the shield.  School Best Attendance shield was bagged by V C and the school Best Display shield for lower, middle and higher classes were won by LKG  A,  VII B and X C.  The class teachers of these classes received shields from the Directors.