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Merry Meet

There is a believe that every human has a spirit guide for me that spirit is a white wolf


Wolf is a pathfinder, who asks you to share your insight and truths with all humanity.
If Wolf is your Spirit Guide, be assured you will always be backed up.
Wolf is fiercely loyal and will stand by you regardless of the consequences.
In the Stars, Wolf is represented by the Dog Star, Sirius. Sirius was thought by many tribes to be the home of the Ancients.
It is through this connection that Wolf is associated with ancient teachings.

Wolf is known to have extraordinary powers of endurence and will willingly lend this power to you when you need it.
Wolf has a strong sense of family, while maintaining equally strong individualism.

Wolf medicine includes, but is not limited to: Ability to outwit enemies, spirit teaching, guidence in dreams and meditation, and loyalty.
Traditionally, someone with Wolf medicine has a strong sense of self, and communicates well through subtle movements and voice inflection.
Also they have the ability to find new solutions to problems, and see the world from different angles.

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