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Merry Meet

I love the wolf for he is always in my soul
I am a loner but also a loyal 'pack' member
My childeren and my mate are the most importend beings im my life
I love the wolf for he is like me and I am like him


Hear my plea when I call out!
We are innocent, we are harmless to our
World, what is this all about?

The home we have hunted on is
Deteriorating before our eyes.
We can no longer look up to the clear
Blue skies.
Our throats are being slashed, our
Families taken away,
Believe me when I say this, somone
Will have to pay.

Our pack will not die, even though
We are extinct,
We will come together as one,
And kill before we blink.

To us you are the enemy,
To you we are the prey,
Unlike you, we live life to its fullest,
Day by day.

No need for "I'm sorrys" there
Is no tomorrow,
And you can't bring back yesterday!

©Marsha Lamas


Soft white snow now covers the ground.
A female wolf treds softly back to her loving mate.
Something warm and lovingly soft,
to cling to in her harsh world.
Life is made bearable with him,
and all is then made well.
But soon shall she know that
what she knew is lost to her.

As she returns her spirit abruptly dies,
her mate lies before her in a snowy grave.
Red streaks stain the snow around him,
leading her eye to him.
His heart which beat so fondly is now silent within his once proud chest.
His organs which provided survival,
are spread about the scene haphazardly.
Man had taken his life.

Gentle, quiet snows drift from the sky,
so foreign it appears in the wolf's collapsing
Her love is dead, and his body
stretched before her as proof.

She stands half of what she used to be,
alone, with her mate.

Lifting her white muzzle to the sky
she sings a story....
Of love, time, man, injustice, hate, death,
and of a battle of life
far beyond comprehension.

-Author Unknown-


He walks on silent feet through the trees
Weaving in and out of the silvery moonbeams...
Sifting down from the night sky above.

My heart beats heavily, surely he can hear...
Backed against a tree...where do I run...where can I hide?
I can feel nothing but the fear boiling up inside.

Is he really the things that legends speak of?
Protector of women and children...
Strong, sure, and brave.

My thoughts swirl in eddies
The world spirals down into those eyes
For they speak of the ages...the horrors...and the lies.

Untold atrocities committed upon each and every creature...
His eyes speak to me of these stories of eons ago,
As the rage, tears and passion rises up in this old, old soul.

Steel jaws of the trap
Close tightly around his leg...
Now there is no freedom to live and breathe again.

I can feel his pain and deep sadness
For our Creator is the same...
The sun, moon and stars all know our shame.

This trail of tears is a river overflowing,
Running swiftly to the sea...
But will time alone dry what our eyes will not see?

I hear his voice in my head,
Be still, be quiet, listen to your heart...
For you must look in between, for all these things unseen.

Echos of all memory...and the time is drawing near.
Have you walked the path in harmony with your brother...
Can you find any peace with the past and find a way to live here?

The gray wolf speaks to all of us,
If only you could listen and see...
For some day all of this could become our reality.

©Rita Carrington Bryant


He's been worshipped and he's been feared,
He's been pushed from state to state thru the years.
But now we know him, now we understand the fragile balance
between nature and man.

He's the call of the wild with a spirit strong and true,
And each and every child should have a chance
to listen to the call of the wild.

Brother to brother, father to son,
have told the stories of this nobile one.
Proud as an eagle and free as the wind,
and you can hear him, if you only listen.

You'll hear the call of the wild with a spirit strong and true,
and each and every child should have the chance
to listen to the call of the wild.

Please let them hear
The call of the Wild.

By Unknown


The frozen wind blows through the needles of pine,
a lone wolf shivers and remembers the time when he and his shewolf
would frolic and play in the sweet smelling fields that
were blossoming in May.
When the pack was on the hunt they would fall far behind
to gather, and hide all the treasures they could find.
Now comes the memory of that dreadful day,
when the two-footed hunter came and took her away.
He watched in horror as she fell to othe ground,
his ears still ringing from that terrible sound.
His great loss of her cuts like a knife,
for when wolves mate it's always for life.
The viciousness of man has set her soul free,
she now guards the great worriers at the Chippewa trees.
So live your life well to the very end,
for to survive mans ignorance is your greatest revenge.

By NightWolfe


Through the heavy fog on a dark winters night,
peered haunting blue eyes with their
soft glowing light.
The powerful stare with its brilliance and majesty,
brought on a shivering response full of caution and mystery.
They seemed to float through the air with great charm, in an effort to tell you
"they meant no harm."
Yet as ghostly as the movements had tried to be,
an eerie feeling abruptly overtook me.
As I fell to the frozen, unforgiving forest floor,
I noticed two eyes had been accompanied by two more!
Soon there were three enchanting pairs upon me,
watching and listening, hiding in the trees.
With one final shiver the dark night became black,
I knew as I slept I would not be coming back.
The bright morning sun was the next thing I saw,
which was followed by the touch of a rather large paw!
And after providing a wet kiss on the nose,
the wolf disappeared and I arose.
In the snow at my feet there were paw prints all about,
and the surrounding outlines of the bodies,
which helped keep the cold out.
The howl that followed never seemed to end, conveying the message


by NightWolfe


Silent paws trotting
on a well-beaten trail,
alone in the wilderness,
so young and so frail.

Little yips go unanswered,
the moon is now his guide,
looking for ones just like him,
or have all of them just died?

He sniffs the damped ground
and senses man everywhere,
the silence is deafening
no howls in the air.

Oh why did he venture
so far from his den,
while his pack fell silent
at the hands of men?

His stomach is growling
but the hunger he'll endure,
his pack family is out there
it's their blood he smells for sure.

He stops in his tracks
and raises his head up high,
the terror overwhelms him
as he lets out another cry.

But still there's no answer
he can't understand why,
he'll follow their trail
or he surely will die.

For days now he's traveled
his spirit and body gone weak,
he lies down in white clover
no more energy left to speak.

Soon the soul hovers
over this tiny, frail pup,
whose future now will be guarded
as his soul travels up.

What right does man have
to take life from a living thing,
that has no way to voice its defense
against a human being?

The wolf is a symbol,
a brother, a friend,
it's time now for action,
before his existence comes to an end.

by Gerri K. McCann

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