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Merry Meet

The she wolf had been waiting for three days and nights now,
she was so cold and hungry.
Her mate had gone to find food and she was
waiting for his return.
But now as each day passed,
she grew more fearful that he
would not be returning.
Not this night,not tomorrow,
not ever again.
On the day that he had left her side
she had heard off in the distance
a sound that she feared very much.
It was the sound that she had heard before,
but it was only now that she knew
what that sound was and what it could do.
It was the reason she could not
follow her mate on the hunt.
It was the reason that even now
though some time had passed that
she still felt the pain in her side
that she had recieved from that sound.
A sound she would remember
and fear the rest of her life.
She was drinking at the stream
when she looked up and saw the man standing
there with what to her looked
like a very long stick.
In a flash this awful sound had come
from the thing and she had felt
something strike her side.
Oh the pain,why was she hurting so badly,
the stick had not touched her,
why was there blood now coming
from her side,
she did not know why.
But she did know that it was the man
and that stick that had made this happen,
and with every ounce of strength
she had left within her,
she had turned and fast
as the pain would allow her to,
home to her mate she had to
make it back to him.

This need kept her strong enough
to almost make it home before she
had weak now from the loss
of blood to go on.
But as she knew he would,
her mate had already started out to her
when he too had heard that sound.
As he drew nearer and saw his
lifemate...his love laying on the ground,
he saw that her side was opened
and that she was in much pain.
He knew that he might lose her
to the spirit world,
and he would be alone..without his love.

As he too seemed to feel the pain
that she was feeling he raised his head
to the heavens,
and a howl came from within him
that carried with it,
all the pain..the sorrow...the fear..
the need that he now felt.
Seeing his mate
laying there on the ground,
not able to move,
and over and over he kept sending
all those feelings to the heavens
with each howl.
They seemed to grow louder and longer
each time,
why he did it he didn't know,
he only knew that it was something
that came from deep within.
That this was his only way of letting
all of those things he was feeling
out as he looked at his mate
losing her fight to live lying
on the ground...
The earth growing red with her blood he howled to the heavens
one more time before going to her.

He licked her face with what
could only be for them a sweet kiss.
Then he started to lick her wound,
he had to help her,
he had to do all that he could
to save her.
She was his soulmate,his love,
And as he licked her wound
the blood began to stop
coming out as much.
The hole that she had in her side
seemed to close just enough
that the bleeding did stop all but
for some drops that still fell to
the now red earth.
She had only been deeply grazed
and the bullet had not entered
into her body.
She still had lost
a great amount of blood,
and she was much to weak to move.
So he laid down beside her
and kissed her face,
and she opened her eyes and looked
at her love before she fell asleep,
so weak,so tired,and in so much pain,
that sleep was a blessing now.
And so they lay together two souls as one
for two days.

He refused to leave her side
in all that time,
he would not leave her here helpless.
To weak to protect herself from
other animals that had smelled her blood,
he knew they would have to kill him
to get to her.
He was a very strong,young,
and healthy wolf,and would not
go down easily.
But for whatever reason
he had not had to fight another animal,
he and his mate had been left alone.
Now after two days and nights
she begain to move,very slowly
and in much pain.
She was healing,
and now was able to get up and walk
very slowly down to the water,
both were very thristy,
he had not left her for even
a drink of water,
for fear of her being attacked.
After they had drank their fill,
they walk slowly homeward,
he was very careful
as they walked to watch and listen
still fearful of his mate being attacked.

Soon home was in sight a small den ,
under some rocks with trees all around,
and how good it looked to her,
she needed to lay down so bad,
but she knew she had to make it home,
where she could rest,and heal.
So side by side,he only walking
as fast as she was able to.
They made it safely home,
were she had then layed down
and once more found comfort
from the pain by falling asleep.
Knowing as long as her mate was beside her
she would be safe from harm.
So she slept and healed.

He was only going a very short distance
to hunt for food,
for them,the rest of the time
he would lie beside her,
or out in front of the den,
ever watchful.
Now enough time had passed
that she had healed and regained
most of her strenght,
but not enough to hunt.
So she had stayed behind
while he went further away to hunt.
Now she was also feeling a movement
inside of her,for she was soon
to have her first litter of pups.
Now days had passed and she feared
for the life of her mate.
After hearing that sound once more
that had nearly taken her life,
not long after he had left.

She truely thought she would never
see him again.
He would never see his pups,
they would have no father to guild
and help protect them,
she was now alone.
Two more days and nights passed,
then on the third day she heard a sound
very close to the den.
Not knowing what or who it was
she went as far back into the den
as she could.
She still had some of the fear
that man had put in her,
so unlike her she hid in the den
at its darkest place.
Soon she saw a shape
at the entrance of the den,
and her heart raced with joy,
because there at the entrance
stood her beloved mate.
She ran to him and began to lick

his face and kissed him
in the way that wolves do.
What joy she felt,
but she soon saw that he was hurt
and bloodied.
Not fom man but from a pack of wolves
that had attacked him,
he had been in a fight
that most wolves would not
have survived,but he had.
He had been making his way home,
but found that he had to stop
and rest so much of the way,
that it had taken him many days to return.

But at last he was home,
now it was her turn
to clean his wounds as he had hers.
She did the hunting now,
it was limited to small mice
and other things that she was able
to catch with out a lot of effort.
But they were together once more
and that was what mattered most,
she had not lost her beloved lifemate.
He healed quickly
and soon she went into labor
and they were then mother and father
to three adorable pups.

copyright July 30thby Winters Child

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