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Welcome to my new background, like it? I made this one because it’s spring now and it looks like spring in it. I think for every season I am going to have a new one ^_^. Well my web site is doing good on I seem to be getting more hits so keep on voting plz!
Kaiso-chan Mar/17/03
YAE!!! I got a cool transition on my web page now as u may have noticed ^_^ blend… I have added a few more pages to my site and some links but I have also lost a few. No more Music or Music Videos… I have my reasons (hehehe I was bad…) but if I cant find another way to put them on my web site your just going to have to live without. That’s all for now BYE! Oh ya happy saints patties day!

Well now. I got my site listed on and I hope it makes more traffic so if you want to help with that click HERE to vote for my web site ^_^ thx for the help!

Konichiwa! So my site is finally getting somewhere. This is the farthest I have ever gotten on a web site, usually I stop by the time I get around to making reviews and stuff… BUT I got a review now, Fruits basket (I recommend everyone in the world watch that show) I also have a few music videos, but this is what I am planning to do since Music videos take up SOOO! MUCH FRIKIN SPACE… I’m going to change the music videos on the web site every now and again, I can only have 3 on at a time or I will run outa space. Same with Music, even though they don’t take up as much space the files are still kinda big. So… maybe u should go look at all the new things on my web site. Bye-Bye ^-^

Feb/15/03 11:16pm
LALALA!!! 0.o' howz it going hahaha... it's way past my bed time hah not.. but i think the staying up late-ness is making me go wack!!! well I think u should all go to my friends web site ^_^ HERE and I think im going to be caching some Z's now byebye!!

Welcome to Anime Dream… I am still working to complete the site but right now I have a few different collections of pix in the pictures page for u to look at, but that’s about it, lol. I am working on gifs and other things like music videos, but u are going to have to be patient because its going to take me a while. Thanks!