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Going to a live WWE event can be an extremely enjoyable experience. There's nothing like feeling the energy of a WWE show live; it's an entirely different feel from just watching it on TV. The lights, the pyro, the music, the excitement- it's really hard for me to put into words just how much fun going to a WWE show can be.

At the same time, live events can also be damnably frustrating. Having horrible seats is one of the worst parts of all. Yeah, you'll be excited thinking that you're "only" eight rows from the ring, but when you actually get there and those seven rows in front of you fill up and you have people standing in front of you all night long and you can't see anything going on in the ring at all, you'll rethink getting floor seats next time (because they suck unless you're within about the first four rows- trust me). But what can be even worse than having horrible seats, is having great seats with a great view but having some MORON in front of you holding something up to block your view ALL NIGHT LONG.

Welcome to my world.

At Wrestlemania XX, my most common view during every entrance and every wrestler finisher was this:

Yes, the Giant Blow-up RVD Hands of Death. When I got my Wrestlemania photos back, that giant hand was in at least twenty pictures. Granted that it wouldn't have made a difference as to the picture quality, because our seats were directly in line with the Titantron which totally negated my flash, but it's the PRINCIPLE of the matter. This imbecile girl two seats down from me had to constantly hold these ridiculous hands up, from start to finish throughout the almost FIVE HOURS that the show was on. Half of my voice was lost screaming for different wrestlers; the other half was lost yelling at this broad. I must've invented a new dictionary of names to call people that night, but of course she never heard me; then again, she was an RVD fan, so what should I expect.

Between this girl and the four foreigners holding up their wall of signs and flags non-stop, which got about the entire five rows behind them yelling obscenities, I was rather pissed by the main event. Thankfully, she began to tire out around this point and actually *gasp* WATCHED THE MATCH instead of holding up those monstrocities.

While there's really no other way to get idiots to put down their signs, other than going to security and making a complaint, there IS a solution to the problem of people holding up giant inflatable hands:

Yes, a dart. Bring a few of these along, and if somebody in front of you has a pair of blow-up hands and won't put them down after being told repeatedly, the only right thing to do is to POP that shit. Throw a dart or two, and whether it hits the inflatable hands, or the person holding them, either way your problem will be solved. Don't worry about being reported to security, because 1) that idiot isn't going to know who threw it and 2) the people sitting behind and around you will probably be glad you did it, because no doubt those huge hands were obstructing their view as well.

And if you're a person who goes to live WWE events and holds up inflatable hands constantly- you look ridiculous and you're preventing other people from having a good time. Stop being a dolt and take consideration of others.

*****The webmistress in no way condones the throwing of darts at human beings. It's called a joke, Einsteins.*****
