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I take it all back. Raw is just fine.

I've learned a very good lesson over the last month: don't criticize something until you've actually seen it. In my previous editorial, I completely ripped into the current state of Raw, the Diva competition, etc. Pretty much everything. Despite not having actually watched it, but just going off of what I've read and what friends have been telling me.

So then, I go home for Thanksgiving break, and watch all the taped episodes of Raw that I've missed since the beginning of the semester (it was in double digits). By the time I had seen them all, I realized

1) For the most part, I enjoyed what I saw.

2) I shouldn't jump to conclusions anymore based off of other peoples' opinions.

I did, however, fast-forward through certain parts of each tape- like the seemingly perpetual La Resistance/Hurricane & Rosie matches. I watched everything with Evolution, Shawn Michaels, Orton, Benoit, Jericho, Regal, Bischoff, Eugene, the Kane/Lita soap opera, and, even the Diva Search contest segments, which I totally tore into last time I posted an editorial.

Overall, I thought the shows were pretty solid. Before, I had complained that Hunter had regained the belt, and thought that it would hurt Randy, etc etc. You know what? I take it back. Randy hasn't been "hurt" by any means. He's gotten so over as a face, it's not even funny. He comes off in every way like a top guy. And he's been the perfect foil for heel champion Hunter. When he eventually does take the title (most likely at Wrestlemania 21), it's going to go over huge just because there'll have been so much build for it since he lost it to Hunter last.

Hunter, as the 16-time World Champion, has just been incredible all year long, and that goes for the time since he regained the title as well. His recent Raw matches with Shelton, Maven, his tag matches with Batista against Randy and company, and every single one of his promos, have been excellent. While I still don't think he should have the belt back for a good, long while after he eventually loses it, the bottom line is that he is a solid champion and is a helluva lot of fun to watch each week (unless you're a bitter 'net smark who rabidly clings to the "he's bangin' the boss's daughter" phrase, but in that case you need to rocket-launched into the nearest concrete wall).

The entire post Taboo Tuesday storyline where the locker room has begun to gang up on Evolution, was just so well done and well written. That is the kind of thing that, if I was able to watch Raw here at my college, I would be tuning in every single week to see where it's going. And the current "a new GM each week" storyline has been great so far too, seeing how each GM will attempt to yoink the belt off Hunter and destroy Evolution. The Hunter/Batista split tease? Just plain priceless. You could just feel the electricity in the crowd. When that turn eventually does happen, it's going to be big.

I've read a lot of bitching about both Gene Snitzky and Simon Dean since they debuted. And, wrestling-wise, Snitzky isn't the best thing going (by far), but I find him amusing. His promos and mic work are so utterly horrid that all one can really do is just sit there wondering if he's doing it on purpose. Hell, if I get a good laugh out of it, then I'm satisfied, whether it was intended or not. As for Simon Dean: simply hilarious. Quick-witted heels who mock people in the crowd have always been my cup of tea.

Now, for the Diva Search. Were the competitions tasteless? In most cases, yeah. To an extent I guess WWE was trying to humiliate the contestants a little, to see who could deal with it the best. In all cases, Carmella failed miserably, and Christy came through with flying colors. She initially annoyed the living crap out of me, 'cause in general I despise overly cheerful people. But the more I watched, the more she started to grow on me. Her energy and enthusiasm of just being there, were contagious. She deserved to win, and even though I already knew about the results before I watched, I was still glad to see it. I'm a little miffed that WWE is continuing to hire some of the contestants left and right after making all these recent "cost-cutting" releases, but what can you do?

So, that's that. I spoke too soon, and I'm willing to admit the error of my ways. Raw is still my favorite brand, and being able to watch everything I've missed over the break reminded me of that in so many ways. So from now on, I'll wait until after I've seen something before I bitch about it- if bitching is necessary.
