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It's official, Triple H is not the most hated wrestler on the internet. That title goes to none other than...




Yes, it sounds utterly unbelievable, yet it has to be true. If you want proof, go to and do a search for Lita. Not only will you find a great deal of Lita sites, you will also find a large number of anti-Lita sites. It's incredible just how much hatred there is on the internet for this woman, who has done absolutely nothing wrong at all to deserve it.

Most of these "sites" are simple Yahoo clubs and groups run by what must be a bunch of petty, pitiful 13-year-old girls. Honestly, about 90% of the people who are members of these groups are girls. Humorously enough, they also tend to be either a) hardcore Hardyz fans or b) hardcore Trish fans. This, in itself, is confusing. What, just because you love Trish, you automatically have to hate Lita? This seems to be the rationale of some of these brainless brats. Here are some examples, copied and pasted straight from their piece of trash groups (which I refuse to honor by actually giving their URLs):

Self-described purpose of Yahoo group "lita_is_a_man_really" (yes, that is the actual name of this group, sad but true):

Bashing the trailor trash lita! she is nothing but one disgusting man!

My, I feel very enlightened after reading that. So that's the reason why young girls spend valuable time creating and visiting hate groups and hate sites for Lita. She's really a man. What a life-changing revelation.

Idiots. Anyway, let us continue:

Site description from Yahoo group "antilitaprohardyz" (yes, that is the actual name, sad but true):

We don't like "Lita".It's just as simple as that. We haven't like "Lita" since she first came out. We aren't jealous of her. We just recognize that she has absolutely no talent and is quite ugly in fact.

Wow, isn't that lovely? Big time Hardyz fans, but they're not jealous of the woman who is extremely close to both of those men. Hmmmmm... Also, if you do happen to venture upon this *lovely* little group, you will notice the clearly heavily doctored photo of Lita to the left of this little paragraph. These girls have way too much time on their hands.

Speaking of people with too much time on their hands, that leads to my next example:

Webmistress' reasons for disliking Lita, from "The Original Anti-Lita Website!" (wow, aren't you special, dumbass):

But honestly I can not stand how she does the same two moves over and over again, is a glory hog, resorts to T&A (yes I know the CHARACTER Lita did this, and I am speaking about the CHARACTER Lita, NOT Amy Dumas) anyway the list goes on but at this point in time I feel I have said my peace, so that is all. Also on another note I do not feel I have to explain myself to anyone, if my reasons for disliking Lita do not satisfy you then oh well.

The same two moves? Is this site about Lita or Goldberg? And she hates Lita for being a glory hog and resorting to T&A? Like no other WWE Diva does that? Can you say Stacy Keibler, Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, etc, etc, etc? Nice logic you moron. Those reasons certainly constitute making an entire website, complete with anti-Lita wallpapers, images, and "campaigns". Yikes.

This next one is actually fairly amusing, if only for the pure immaturity of it. You really have to wonder about the mental stability of some of these people.

Excerpts from the "Are You Like Lita?" page on the "AmyDumasDislikers" site- a site dedicated not to hating the character of Lita, but the person Amy Dumas, whom this person probably doesn't know a damn thing about:

Do you talk like a man, and may I add, even MORE than a man sometimes ?. Maybe she swiched hormone tablets with Slim Shady.

This kind of stuff always kills me. I can't understand why so many people seem to hate this woman just because she has a deep voice, but I've been given that as a reason by a lot of people. Honestly, the woman can't help the way she talks. Not every woman in the world has a high-pitched voice, just like not every man in the world has a deep, masculine voice. Get the hell over it and grow up.

Now, another example from the same site:

After being slammed through a table, do you often find yourself, much like a miricle, able to stand and latch ahold of the nearest male? Hallelujah! It's a miricle :)

The only MIRACLE will be when this moron learns to spell the word MIRACLE.

That's enough of that; my IQ just dropped ten points from reading those asinine comments. I'm sure your's did too. Honestly though, I just can't understand the amount of hatred directed at this woman. It's incredible. I attribute it not to her wrestling ability like these girls are trying to claim it is- because Lita is no doubt more entertaining to watch than the vast majority of WWE Divas, hands down- but to shallow things like her looks (god forbid she actually dress differently than the majority of women do. A woman with her own personality, how horrible...), her voice (again, not her fault), and the fact that she's close to Matt and Jeff Hardy- and none of these brats are. Anti-Lita sites suck and the people who run them are shallow and have no lives. End of story.
