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undefined CoyoteJen's About Me About Me

What should people know about you?
You should know that I'm a Christian and I'm totally in love with Jesus. That also means that it really bothers me when people use bad language so please don't do it in my tagbook or in notes to me. I'd really appreciate it :) Also, you should also know that my profile is wrong, I'm really only 14 though my profile says I am 16.

What's your favorite song right now?
I love music so much that I really don't have a favorite song. Right now I am really into worship music and I love to sing whorship songs. I love to sing with my friends. We have a great time praising God together and harmonizing. It's our way of giving our talents back to Him.

Who's your favorite band or musician ever and why?
My all time favorite musician would have to be Rebecca St. James. She has been my favorite for as long as I can remember. I got "hooked" on her because she was homeschooled. That sparked my interest because I have been homeschooled through 6th grade. I still really enjoy her music. Her lyrics totally glorify God.

What's your favorite movie ever and why?
I don't watch a lot of movies so it's hard for me to pick a favorite. I really liked Signs. I also have enjoyed Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

What's your favorite book ever and why?
I have really enjoyed the Harry Potter series. J.K. Rowling is a very creative and talented woman. I admire her writing.

Where do you go to college or university -- or where do you want to go?
College is getting closer and closer each day. I have about one more year before I really need to make a decision (scary). Anyway, I've been thinking about mainly three colleges: Westmont, George Fox, and Azusa Pacific. I think my first choice is Westmont right now because they have both excellent music and English programs. But who knows what God has in store for me.

What's the one thing you believe in most strongly?
Right now I'm going throught some difficult times. I'm not sure what I believe. I am being challenged on what I have always thought to be true. I'm beginning to wonder if everything I have believed all my life has been a lie. Please pray for me as I do some serious searching to find the truth.

Describe an experience you'll never forget.
One thing I will never forget is my grandpa dying. It was so sudden. One day my mom woke me up and told me that my grandma found my grandpa dead that morning. I went to school that day and I couldn't stop crying. My grandpa died on tuesday and we flew out thursday to michigan for his funeral. It happened over a year ago, but I still can't believe he is gone.

What's the easiest way to get on your nerves?
Snobs really get on my nerves. When people act all superior, that really bothers me.

What's your pet's name?

Please let me know what you think of my profile! :)