CV Hand-Puppet Summary Parts 7-11: You're Not Special ~*~ Thanks to the people at who concocted the whole hand puppet thing ^_^. ~*~ When we last left our heroes, Ran and Ken had just arrived in Valdemar and been felt up by Schwartz. Well, subsequent to being felt up by Schwartz, they meet Carly. Hand-puppet Carly: ^_^V Who is electively mute, wears a key around her neck, and, let's not forget, doesn't like Brad for SOME reason. Oh, and did we mention Yuriko is her footwoman? Hand-puppet Yuriko: You may remember me from such dubiously short instances of Ken-exposition as Episode Five! <3 Hand-puppet Ken: Are you gonna feel me up now too? Hand-puppet Yuriko: Nah, I'm gay, so I'm just gonna pinch your cheeks. Hand-puppet Ken: OW! So, they all pile into the carriage and head for the Villa, which, it is revealed, is not dilapidated, but rather recently renovated. Not to mention broke. While Ran angsts about this, he also gets to cuddle Ken. There is this REALLY HUGE HONKING LONG description of the Villa. Which looks like a cross between a tomb and a church. If that mixed metaphor wasn't enough for you, we then start the one comparing Ran and Ken to Vanyel and Tylendyl from The Last Herald-Mage books. The whores all get pissed because Ken orders them to dress before he'll have an audience with them. Hand-puppet Whores: -_-; Hand-puppet Ken: Nice to umm... meet you. I've... well, let's keep this short. You're all fired. In the mean time, Schwartz gets to rent an UBER EXPENSIVE hotel room, in which Brad shortly deigns to fuck Kira, the doorman. Because he is doomed :D. Hand-puppet Kira: WAH! I didn't even get any cool lines! I hardly introduced myself and you people decided... Schuldich, apparently not in the mood for doomed porter fuckage, takes Nagi swimming! They play the hush game. Hand-puppet Schuldich: That means putting ice cubes up his butt and seeing if he can keep from screaming. Hand-puppet Nagi: Well, you do fuck me too. Hand-puppet Schuldich: Oh yeah... Did we mention the whores are not pleased? And that Ran is somewhat disconcerted by Carly's uncanny ability to control goings on at the villa? Hand-puppet Carly: *bangs whores on their heads with spoons* Well, not like that, but you get the idea. Ken announces his plans to make the Villa into a flower shop, and retrain some of the whores, starting with their making preparations for that evening. And Ran gets to pick a place for him and Ken to live. Hand-puppet Fiona: Can I help? Hand-puppet Ran: Well no, I... what the hell are you wearing? Hand-puppet Fiona: Nurses costume, hey! Where are you taking me!? Shopping! Which is right where they go, following a brief flashback. Hand-puppet Little Saffie: Come and sit with my scary brother while he watches his lover play piano. Hand-puppet Little Fiona: OK! It's not like I have anything better to do while the narrator establishes Schwartz is my only family. Right! Shopping Dans le Pamplemousse Rouge... Hand-puppet Fiona: I like vinyl. Hand-puppet Ran: I want you to wear natural fibers ONLY! Hand-puppet Fiona: I like tacky yellow dresses. Hand-puppet Ran: OK, I guess I can live with that. Hand-puppet Fiona: I've never worn sneakers in my life. Hand-puppet Ran: Poor thing, but look! We've bonded. Hand-puppets Fiona and Hand-puppet Ran: EWE! There is then a scene with a very interesting checkout clerk ^_~ and some exposition about children on Terra, of which, there are understandably few. Hand-puppet Ran: *angsts* Hand-puppet Ken: I'm drunk! Hand-puppet Ran: OOOOOOOH *_*. Ken is drunk for awhile and then there is a bonfire. Wheeee! Lots of burning mattresses. And lots of scary people from Valdemar come to watch it and make fun of Ran and Ken, who are too busy talking about Aya-chan to notice. Hand-puppet Ken: I love your sister, even though I've never met her. Hand-puppet Ran: Aww... can I give you a hickey now? Hand-puppet Ken: Sure. Hand-puppet Ran: Wah! I don't know how! Hand-puppet Ken: Like this! *HICKEY* Hand-puppet Ran: O_O;;; In that enormous hotel room Schwartz is in, Saffie and Brad have a few moments together. Hand-puppet Saffie: I like to smoke <3. Hand-puppet Brad: Whatever. Hey, you hold your cigarette exactly like your brother does. I find that endearing in a warped sort of way. They order dinner, Kira goes splat, nobody gives a flying fruitloop about Kira going splat except the people minding the allegories, and Schuldich and Nagi come back in time for the previously mentioned dinner. A lot of Profiteroles also meet untimely ends but it's for a good cause! Honest. Brad ends up going for a walk and while he's at it, has a flashback! Hand-puppet Richard: I brought you a sandwich. Hand-puppet Little Crawford: I don't want it! Hand-puppet Richard: Aww, c'mon! Hand-puppet Little Crawford: Oh fine! Least I'll have something to eat while I sleep in the park. Hand-puppet Mysterious Voice: Are you tried of sleeping in the park, 'cause I can fix that! Hand-puppet Crawford: Coolies. But its over, and Brad finds himself once again walking on the Hotel grounds. Schuldich joins him, and so do a lot of moths. Hand-puppet Brad: Tell me about your thoughts? What do you think about... stuff? Hand-puppet Schuldich: Well I think... wow! Look! A Blimp! Hand-puppet Brad: Where? Hand-puppet Schuldich: *flee* And having fallen for the old blimp routine two times in a row, Brad is understandably pissed at Schuldich, who bursts back into the hotel room just in time to interrupt the moment Saffie and Nagi are having. Hand-puppet Saffie: Angel Moy <3. Hand-puppet Nagi: Wow... no one has ever bothered to speak to me in Russian before, this moves me... Hand-puppet Schuldich: Saaaaaaffie! I wanna cuddle. Thusly, everyone goes to bed in a shitty mood :D. The next morning, Ran tries to find a job. Not because he has to, but because being all noble, it is his duty. *lines of Noble Light(tm) surround Hand-puppet Ran* This being complicated by 1) the fact all the establishments in Valdemar he could work in require some degree of nudity 2) the fact the Villa has become the new meeting place for the Breakfast Club... Hand-puppet Fiona, Hand-puppet Yuriko, Hand-puppet Primera: *wave* Hand-puppet Ran: Primera? Hand-puppet Primera: Actually, I'm your new secretary. I was put into the story for the express purpose of running messages between you and Ken. I'm really short, and my mother is a snotty bitch who I hate. And I'm dating Yuriko. However, I am not the third thing hindering your search for work. Hand-puppet Ken: *ASSGRAB* Enough said. Ran goes to try and find work at an ice cream parlor. On the way there, he runs into Schuldich. Hand-puppet Schuldich: Look at my new bike! WHEEE! Isn't it pretty? Hand-puppet Ran: NO! Fuck off. Hand-puppet Schuldich: Well, that went better than expected. Ran's attempts to find work do not. Hand-puppet Claire: *poke* Hand-puppet Ran: Do not touch me! Hand-puppet Claire: That's one hell of an attitude you got there! You're hired. Hand-puppet Ran: I don't know if I want to work here! You're all MAD! But being as it's Mme. Claire or frilly aprons, he takes the job. And a new admirer. Hand-puppet Ran: Umm... what do you want, old man? Hand-puppet Lord Vyx: I'm sorry, I was lost in your eyes *_*. They're my favorite color. Please don't interpret my purple fixation as being my only interest in you (or lecherous for that matter)! You and I are going to become the best of friends. Hand-puppet Ran: When pigs fly. Hand-puppet Lord Vyx: Oh, well the thing about Terra is... Meanwhile, back at the hotel room Schwartz has moved into, Schuldich comes back, and breaks into Brad's bedroom for the sole purpose of announcing... Hand-puppet Schuldich: I'm afraid of getting old, that's something I think. Hand-puppet Brad: Well... OK, I forgive you. But I get to brush your hair with the hairbrush from Schu-baby, Part 3. ****ED. NOTE: If you don't know, Go read!**** Well, they do that, and Schuldich confesses he's actually blond, and then, they have a make up 69! Hand-puppet Schuldich: This being after I confess to doing bad stuff to myself with wigglers when I was a kid. Hand-puppet Brad: O_O you... did...? TAKE ME NOW! *Jumps Hand-puppet Schuldich* And while they do not-so-innocent things, in the upstairs bedroom, Nagi makes a bunch of yellow roses dance for Saffie, then saves her from falling out of a window. Hand-puppet Nagi: Somehow watching you go "splat" didn't seem like the right thing to do. *SMOOCH* And if that wasn't inscrutable enough for you it's now flashback time... Hand-puppet Kaze: I have lots of whores <3. Oh, hello, Carly-sama. Hand-puppet Carly: *SMACK* Hand-puppet Kaze: OWIE! Stupid straight person you. Hand-puppet Yuriko: What do we do about Ken? Hand-puppet Carly: Umm... how about I startle you by speaking, and then I'll think of something? End flashback. Ran and Ken go outside to play soccer. While they're playing soccer, Ran admits to having spent many years admiring Ken from afar. Aww. This inspires Ken to let Ran kiss him, and touch him, and try to tell him what he wants. Hand-puppet Ran: I wish you'd touch me. Take me to our room some night and undress me, and just touch me. Kiss me while you do it. Make me... Make me... Hand-puppet Hiroe: I want you to touch my pu-pu-... my pu... Hand-puppet Ran: My angsty orgasm-wanting scene! Not yours! *Both Hand-puppets run off, but for different reasons [1]* Anyway, Ken chases Ran, and ends up getting all touchy-feely with him... Hand-puppet Readers: YAY! Ran X Ken Fuckage! You wish! **WORST SCENE CUT EVER** Anyway, the part ends with Schwartz purchasing that old church they were talking about buying. The realtor seems awfully glad to see it go, and Schuldich molests the bells for awhile. Meanwhile, back in the world of UST... Hand-puppet Youji: *flee* Yuuji attempts to console Omi regarding his boyfriend suddenly leaving the house and having a knocked up girlfriend, but Omi's interest seems to be in a glass of milk. Hand-puppet Yuuji: This despite the fact you ended up hiding inmy room. Baby, can't you feel the UST? Hand-puppet Omi: Uh... yeah, that's why I was planning on running out suddenly after caressing you in a distinctly childlike manner. Hand-puppet Yuuji: ^_________^ He'll be back. I think I'll go tear up Uekiya's mansion in the mean time. Oh, Masato-kun... Anyway, while he does that and Youji goes out and gets drunk/hangs out in the office where he used to work with Asuka, Omi... goes to a bar called Tenshi no Mon, and there he meets a very interestingperson. Hand-puppet Naru: Hi! I appear to Omi to just be some insanely bombastic teenage, but in reality, I am Pawn, brother in arms with Yuuji and Masato, romantic waif, angsty UST partner of Yuuji's... hey, what is it with you and having UST with people? Hand-puppet Yuuji: Umm... I have issues? Hand-puppet Naru: Well, duh. You wouldn't be in this fucking story if you didn't! *points to link-back banners* Hand-pupper Yuuji: I guess I just don't know how to love! *runs off to join the Blue-Heart Organization [2]* Hand-puppets Masato, Omi, and Naru: *wave bai bai* Naru doesn't actually end up telling Omi all that stuff about his beinga Crasher and wanting to have Yuuji screw him- the two of them just get really drunk together and make friends. In the end, Naru hands Omi over to Yuuji for the sake of both their happinesses. Hand-puppet Naru: ;_;. Youji also made a new friend the night before... not. Hand-puppet Hiro: Hey you! You knocked up my sister a long time ago. She had an abortion and then killed herself. Somehow all my misery is your fault. Hand-puppet Youji: Wow, look at all the pink elephants. Hand-puppet Hiro: And now you won't even listen to me. WAH! *KNIFE* Youji has to go to the hospital, needless to say. While he is there, he has a conversation with Manx regarding the unhappy end of his and Omi's romance. Yuuji makes some attempt to call Omi about Youji, but gives up in favor of ring hunting and Masato USTing. Akiko drops by the house at one in the morning and leaves Ran and Ken's note behind, but you don't have to worry about that for another 200 pages or so :). Next morning! Yuuji awakens to discover Omi in bed with him. Oh, and a lot of fresh bruises and torn stitches. Owie. Hand-puppet Omi: Can I play doctor? Hand-puppet Yuuji: Eeep! I was trying not to wake you... but OK. Hand-puppet Omi: Being doctor involves my sucking the yucky stuff out of your shoulder. Hand-puppet Yuuji: *nosebleed* Say... you wouldn't want to have... resolved sexual tension with me, would you? Hand-puppet Omi: *nods* Hand-puppet Fans: *SQUEAL* Yes, folks! The moment you've all been waiting for. Yuuji and Omi do it! Hand-puppet Omi: Touch me. *chu* Hand-puppet Yuuji: Tell me all your kinky desires. *chu* Hand-puppet Radio: If you go say goodbye Hand-puppet Omi: Do me. Hand-puppet Radio: There'll be something missing in my life Hand-puppet Yuuji: Well I... *POUNCE* Hand-puppet Radio: 'cause you know Hand-puppet Yuuji: O_O;;;;;; Hand-puppet Omi: I SAID DO ME! Hand-puppet Radio: That all I really want is you... Hand-puppet Yuuji: Kay. Let's see that again! This time, in Spanish. Hand-puppet Omi: Los limones son asustadizos. *chu* Hand-puppet Yuuji: Tengo un tej¢n en mi oido. *chu* Hand-puppet Radio: Si te vas, con tu amor... Hand-puppet Omi: Friame. Hand-puppet Radio: Razones de vivir me faltaran... Hand-puppet Yuuji: Odio las cucharas... *POUNCE* Hand-puppet Radio: Tu sabras... Hand-puppet Yuuji: O_O;;;;;; Hand-puppet Omi: A veces, consigo el impulso de poner encendido las bragas y de ir a skydiving Java excesiva! Hand-puppet Radio: Que todo lo que quiero eres tu Hand-puppet Yuuji: šEst  eso tan? And Omi gets to go to the hospital too! That can't be a good thing. After all, Mitsuki is now at the hospital. Hand-puppet Mitsuki: Patient out of bed! Youji gets stuffed back into bed by a surly nurse, is subsequently let out of bed by Mitsuki, who he convinces to undergo genetic testing before he pays for anything related to her being knocked up. Anyway, he most certainly does find Omi in the hallway. Hand-puppet Youji: What happened to you, bishonen? Hand-puppet Omi: I ripped a big hole in my you-know-what having kinky sex with Yuuji-kun. Hand-puppet Youji: WHAT!? Hand-puppet Yuuji: I win! All of Omi's sweet, little, [injured] ass is mine. MINE! *socks Youji in the kisser and drives off* While all this is going on, Naru mooches some dinner and some Chartreuse off Masato and they have a slightly drunken heart-to-heart. Hand-puppet Naru: I'm Terran. I came to Tokyo as Takatori Shuiichi's bitch after my parents caught me getting skanky with my older brother *hic*. Hand-puppet Masato: I come from a broken and badly reassembled home. I used to work for the Yakuza. I also got jerked around by Shuiichi Takatori *hic*. Hand-puppet Naru: I let Yuuji have Omi, that Weiss. We should keep an eye on 'em. Hand-puppet Masato: YOU DID WHAT!? Ah well, I'm a mellow drunk. I don't care <3. In conclusion, Omi shows Yuuji some pics of Schwartz, Ran and Ken, which would have gone better if he'd had a pic of Ken and not just his shadow. Omi commiserates over not getting to raise Youji's child and... Hand-puppet Ran: Kya! Ken, what are you doing? ^_^V Anyway, we get back to our lovebirds on Terra who are, as we find them, shortly rolling around in the grass with not all of their clothes on and very interestingly entangled... Hand-puppet Ran: Touch me more. Touch me anywhere you want. I'll... I'll behave. And so Ran's wish comes true under the burning blue of the late afternoon sky. After 800 pages. (Estimate approximate. Actual number of pages may vary. This offer void where prohibited by fandom law.) Hand-puppet Schuldich: What about my new friend? Hmm? Oh, yes, while this is going on, Schuldich has discovered the church of St. Catherine has owls. Hand-puppet Jasper: *disgraces himself upon Brad's shoe* Hand-puppet Crawford: -_-;;; Hand-puppet Schuldich: Well, my other new friend is the reason no one wanted to move into the church. Hand-puppet Mme. Miranda: Hi, I'm the resident spook. not especially threatening, but my hobbies include watching you two mess around in the chapel. Hand-puppet Schuldich and Hand-puppet Brad: ^_______^ Hand-puppet Mme. Miranda: And pulling up Schuldich's pants. But back to being a voyeur. You guys know Saffie and Nagi are making out in the back room? OK, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but there is some kissing and offers of room-sharing. Straight and cute again? You bet! But Saffie ends up running off for some reason and Nagi gets to ride home with everyone else and let me tell you they are randy! Hand-puppet Brad: And this is unusual because...? No reason :). Ran and Ken get home to find themselves dinner has been prepared and that over dinner, they will be the star attractions. Hand-puppets Fiona, Primera and Yuriko: *leer* Yes, their naughtiness is that obvious. The fact Savil is in fact the one who cooked dinner is not. Ran being put off about Savil cooking dinner? That's another story... Hand-puppet Fiona: I'm ready for my lecture now. Hand-puppet Ran: How about we have another tacit bonding and then you tell me about Carly instead? Hand-puppet Fiona: Aww man! But all complaints aside, that's what they do. Turns out Carly is actually the daughter of a rich duke who got tricked out of her inheritance by said Duke's kept boy, and is electively mute because of how everyone ignored her claim to her father's journals. After this, there's some coffee, some mention of a locked tower and Carly ends up invited over for dinner. Hand-puppet Ken: And then it's bath time! Wheeeeee! *drags Hand-puppet Ran into the tub with him, much fondling ensues* As it turns out, Ran and Ken are not the only ones in the bath at this moment! **Insert shot of Hand-puppets Schuldich, Nagi and Brad all making out with each other while in the shower** Fun, hmm? Schuldich gives Nagi his first ever German nickname... Hand-puppet Nagi: Cool, so I now have one in German, French and Russian. I feel special. I think I'll fuck Brad, and then Schuldich, and they can fuck each other, and someone can fuck me while we're at it, but not in that order per se... Hand-puppet Brad: That isn't how we play. Hand-puppet Nagi: Who's the telekinetic here? Hand-puppet Brad: You are, daddy. Ken, instead of sleeping, flashes back to his tenth birthday, which is full of portents of stuff, not to mention, that after the two both scenes you just read, Ken loosing his virginity to Kaze in the shower. Make of that what you will. Hand-puppet Ran: Knowing nothing about that flashback, I make like Audrey Hepburn next morning. Do do do de do... While he does that, Nagi assert himself. Hand-puppet Schuldich: Oooh! a NONSEXUAL way. OK, well, maybe that is part of the motive. Either way, he kicks Schuldich out of Saffie's room so HE can play dress up with him for once. Hand-puppet Brad: *sniffles* I'm so proud! And the two kids go out for a day back on Antiterra. Meanwhile... Hand-puppet Lord Vyx: Oh! There you are my boy. I... Hand-puppet Ran: I am not interested in having sex with you T_T. Hand-puppet Lord Vyx: O_O Umm... well... actually... that's not... *points to previous summary page where he indicates he has not lecherous designs for Ran.* Hand-puppet Schuldich: I want some ice cream now, Aya-chan. Hand-puppet Ran: KYA! Tasukete! Get it away from me!!!! Hand-puppet Lord Vyx: Hen-shin! *changes into nubile girl in Sailor suit who proceeds to beat the shit out of Schuldich* Well... that's not EXACTLY how things go... Anyway, Lord Vyx and Ran have a little chat and the gist of that little chat is Valdemar is falling apart and lord Vyx is one of the only monogamists living on Terra. Hand-puppet Lord Vyx: Do I get to bond with Ran too? Hand-puppet Brad: No, first I get to have a flashback too, damnit! Hand-puppet Anstruther: How much for the boy? Hand-puppet Crawford Senior: 100 thou and everything I can eat at Denny's... and a hot tub! Hand-puppet Schuldich: That's what I wanted T_T. Hand-puppet Anstruther: Ah, whatever you fancy. Now, if you'll just sign here... and here and *BANG* Hand-puppet Little Crawford: Yay <3. While Brad's doing that, and buying presents I might add, Saffie and Nagi buy a hookah from a talking cat! Come on, now, that shouldn't strike you as shocking by now. Hand-puppet Nagi: I, however, am somewhat surprised to discover Saffie is willing to take me to the apartment where she and Schuldich once lived. Hand-puppet Saffie: It's because I love you, and I have wishes for you. I want to be your muse <3. Hand-puppet Nagi: Hot damn! *kisses* Hand-puppet Claire's staff: EWE! Ah, actually that "ewe" was for the fact the people of Valdemar seem to find flower-shops distasteful for some reason, and Ran happened to mention his lover was opening one on his way out. Hand-puppet Ran: Now I just need to get some romantic stuff for the HOT NAKED evening Ken and I are going to have after dinner... Hand-puppet Yuriko: OOOOH! Lemme help! Lemme help! *drags Ran off* Hand-puppet Villa Basement: I am frightening and not just because all my doors are labeled in French. Hand-puppet Villa Music Library: I am empty. Hand-puppet Bottle Miss Trixie's All Natural (Completely Edible!) Butterscotch Body Balm: I'm kinky! And hey, how do you make a hand-puppet basement anyway? Hand-puppet Villa Basement: *sits on Hand-puppet Bottle Miss Trixie's All Natural (Completely Edible!) Butterscotch Body Balm* Hand-puppet Yuriko: Well, that's two out of three. We could always use a recording of dragons singing instead of music... Hand-puppet Ran: There are DRAGONS on Terra? *_* *goes chibi and starts cheering* Hand-puppet Yuriko: *backs away slowly* So yes, it's a very adorable bonding scene between those two that concludes with talk of going on a vacation to the seashore and imaginary cities which may or may not be there. I wonder why the narrator keeps bringing that up. Anyway... Hand-puppet Dragons: *continue to be elusive* Meanwhile, Ken, having earlier discovered Crawford's missive, does something REALLY... not bright. Hand-puppet Ken: Take it back, you big meaniepants. Hand-puppet Brad: Aww, but I'd rather grope you. Hand-puppet Ken: *spits in Hand-puppet Brad's face... literally* See? Not bright. Hand-puppet Brad: Yeah! And you indirectly made me remember my father too! Get out of my hotel room! *WHACK* Hand-puppet Ken: Great, now how am I gonna explain THIS to Ran? Hand-puppet Brad: Not my problem, I have a date with my hot, little, man vamp. Ciao! Hand-puppet Schuldich: I'm taking an Irish shower in front of people <3. Hand-puppet Mme. Miranda: @_@ What ensues is Brad and Schuldich's eventual "christening" of the bedroom. But first! A romantic interlude- Schuldich lying on top of the piano whilst Brad plays a few pieces by Chopin that result in... interesting vibrations ^_~. Hand-puppet Brad: That, and I bought you a present. Hand-puppet Schuldich: Oooh! A ring! Nifty. I like it, and mostly 'cause it's not a wedding ring. Hand-puppet Brad: Well, the thing about that is... aw, screw it. Let's fuck. They do, and with such enthusiasm, Brad hurts his poor l ittle back. Hand-puppet Brad: Oh, but it was so worth it *_*. Hand-puppet Nagi: You'll be getting an extra bill from the hotel, Saffie and I wrote a haiku on the suit window with India Ink. Hand-puppet Brad: That was worth it too! Hand-puppet Schuldich: How about my freaky dream about you and I and some Rubaiyats? Hand-puppet Brad: I don't know. I don't know anything about you... *sigh* And if you thought THAT was an unhappy note... Hand-puppet Ran: What happened to your face? Hand-puppet Ken: Umm... I walked into a coach door? Hand-puppet Ran: T_T I... am going to believe you for the sake of my own sanity. Hand-puppet Carly: ^_^ *Sign: What about me?* Hand-puppet Ran: What do you mean, what about you? Hand-puppet Negaigoto: Well, for starters, she involves you in this fucked-up Terran custom that has you taking care of me at dinner, and I'm a hummingbird. Hand-puppet Ran: Uh-huh. I can deal with that. Hand-puppet Yuriko: How about my gossiping about you, finding Lorelei and dumb stuff you two did in Tokyo? Hand-puppet Ran: That, also, I can deal with. Hand-puppet Carly: *Sign: What if I told you Ken's a masochist and ergo was never abused by Kaze?* Hand-puppet Ran: O_O;;;;...............-_-; ...............;_:!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Wave bai-bai to the pleasant evening at home, kiddies. Hand-puppet Ken: #O_O# Umm... what's the matter, Ashke? Hand-puppet Ran: You lied to me! And you hate liars! Your character bio says so! Hand-puppet Ken: I didn't! You... never asked. And besides, I figured you'd say... Hand-puppet Ran: The thought of you wanting to be hurt makes me utterly ill. Hand-puppet Ken: ...that. Hand-puppet Ran: T_T. Hand-puppet Ken: I... love you? Hand-puppet Ran: Kay <3. Wanna stay up late, eat ice cream and talk about religion? Hand-puppet Ken: As if I could say no to a plot device <3. Thusly, it is revealed that curiously enough, Ran and Ken both claim to have beheld kami as children. Will we do something with that later on? Damn straight! And after a few promises of going on dates and Ken revealing he was never a whore, our heroes go upstairs for a nice, lazy fuck. Hand-puppet Ken: And by fuck we mean Ran puts his hoo-hoo dilly between my legs and I get him off by rubbing my thighs all over him. Hand-puppet Ran: KEN! Don't tell them that. Come back here and do it again <3. End CV Hand-puppet Summaries 7-11. [1] Hiroe- See the hentai anime F3. [2] A real group of "sensuously challenged" men trying to "learn how to love". They're based in Australia and apparently, they paint cats. As in applying vegetable dye to their feline friends... in fact, I first read about them in a book about painting cats... no, you don't want to know ^_^;