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Straight Up
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
A Year and For Sadness
Mood:  spacey
Uh oh, here we go again. Once again, I find myself awake in the middle of the night, and coincidentally on the exact same night as one year ago, working the websites on my computer.

I visited a show tonight at Playhouse 1960. Interesting, really. Like junior high production...only I wasn't involved in junior high. My grandparents enjoyed it at least. Afterwords we all went to Fridays to eat very little (which ended up being steaks for my older family and cheese sticks for me). I didn't get home until past midnight.

It's officially saturday, I suppose. Tomorrow is my birthday. You know, nineteen, where you're still stuck in the "teen" era, yet nothing new and exciting is available. It's an in-betweener age.

I've completely revamped the site (actually, to tell the truth, I practically deleted it all and started over. But it was not me. At all.) I've got many neat ideas to work with, including a map-front that's basic and circular. Or maybe I could use angles or a certain photo and make it look like my room (could be neat...or incredibly stupid...even both, yes!)

I have Tenacious D stuck in my head. "Couldn't remember the greatest song in the world. This is just a tribute."

This has gone on long enough.

Posted by debelle at 2:42 AM CDT
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Monday, June 6, 2005
It starts...
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: silence
Topic: Straight Up
Man i've just been on this computer for the last five hours or so and I have loaded all my new pictures AND created an entire website plus two photo albums and a blog.

It's like the later it gets, the more I want to be on the computer right now, not in the morning.

ugh, and tomorrow morning will be early.

i've been working out with ballew and theatre peers--much better than typical b/c it is not only healthy but entertaining as hell--but it starts at 8am.

freakin 8am.

on the upside, my FRIGGIN EIGHTEENTH BDAY WAS SATURDAY so i'm excited. i'm finally an adult! yay!

and b/c it is so late and i'm so gone, there will be no insightful writings for now. just plain speech.


Posted by debelle at 2:38 AM CDT
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