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Straight Up  «
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Monday, June 6, 2005
It starts...
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Topic: Straight Up
Man i've just been on this computer for the last five hours or so and I have loaded all my new pictures AND created an entire website plus two photo albums and a blog.

It's like the later it gets, the more I want to be on the computer right now, not in the morning.

ugh, and tomorrow morning will be early.

i've been working out with ballew and theatre peers--much better than typical b/c it is not only healthy but entertaining as hell--but it starts at 8am.

freakin 8am.

on the upside, my FRIGGIN EIGHTEENTH BDAY WAS SATURDAY so i'm excited. i'm finally an adult! yay!

and b/c it is so late and i'm so gone, there will be no insightful writings for now. just plain speech.


Posted by debelle at 2:38 AM CDT
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