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Music....One Of My Loves

People quickly learn with me that I love music. It is a big part of who I am. I must listen to it everyday. It fills me up and lifts my spirits. If a person was to ask me what my favorite genre is, it would be hard for me to answer. I like so many different types and I often call my cd collection eclectic.

So, on this page you will find things dealing with music. I love so many different kinds, I know I can't possible go into all of them....but I will list some of my favorite artists. The ones that I will buy their cd's the day they come out. I try to get everything of theirs to make my collection complete. I may throw some other stuff in on this page, don't know yet..I'm just taking it one step at a time. Hope you enjoy! :-D

Tori Amos. She is by far my favorite artist. Click here for my Tori Page :-D


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