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show reports

Playing lead character Cassie required Christina Cole to star in every scene in the whole of Hex. We ask her how she did it!

You have both passionate friendships and relationships, but you also have to act out horror scenes? How do you switch on the fear?

Well it was just placing myself in that moment. She's a nobody - she has always managed to be invisible and all of a sudden there is a man following her around, and that's very scary. She has no-one to turn to, apart from Thelma, although to some extent she cannot share everything with Thelma because of the love relationship they have, so she is alone a lot of the time which is very scary.

How on earth did you do the telekinetic moments?

Well I was really worried I would be cross-eyed throughout the whole thing trying to make things move, all that straining. It was just making sure that I pin point the exact movements to match what was going to be eventually shown so it really does look like she is moving things. But it is the intention behind what she is doing that's important.

Looking at the whole experience of Hex what was the biggest challenge for you? As you were in every single scene, how did you pace yourself?

I don't know how I got through it! I did just pace myself, I made sure I didn't have crazy nights out, my weekends were just looking over the scripts and knowing what I was doing the next week and then it was just maintaining my energy levels, lots of coffee, chocolate, being so passionate about a project I loved every single minute of it, the cast and the crew made it so easy to get through it.

And what was the biggest challenge do you think?

The biggest challenge was being in every single scene and not having those moments of rest in between, but I would have said getting through those tired moments and making sure I wasn't losing my way.

Were there any moments when you felt that it was all about Cassie or where you oblivious to it?

It was all about Cassie but I tried not to focus on that but it is her interaction with all the other characters that makes her who she is, how she turns out and how she discovers who she is, it was something I tried not to think about

Which one was your favourite: Cassie at the beginning or bad-assed Cassie? Which one did you enjoy playing the most?

I love all the levels of Cassie, but I did like playing bad assed Cassie 'cos she finds it so difficult to be herself, to find herself, to express herself, so it was quite liberating.

How long were you in hair and make up everyday?

For about two hours. It takes just ages to get the hair and make up looking like that, worth it I think though.

Through the three films you get to snog quite a lot of people don't you?

Yeah but not enough! I did try and ask for more. Jemima was best at it I think

So you get to snog a lesbian and a fallen angel, all good!

Yeah I get to snog a lesbian, a fallen angel, Troy, Leon and the girl in the dream.

Not bad going

Nope not bad going, definitely.
