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Ok, you’ve started at a new school, what do you do to make friends?

a)Sit staring longingly at the people who you admire, hoping they will come over and speak to you?

b)Be your self, who needs friends unless they like you for you?

c)Go out to the local club, and try and cop off with some lad/lass, getting around is the best way to make friends?

d)Start some bitchy gossip of about the class loner, you don’t want to associate your self with the less popular part of the school?

e) try talking to people, being nice and confident attracts friends, but don’t be to in your face or desperate about the situation?

You’ve got a good friend, but someone much more impressive is asking you to hang around with them because you know something they don’t want others to know. What do you do?

a) you’ve forgotten your friend, so you go out with this person, you think they are genuine and fail to see past anything.

b)no-way, a real friend is worth 10 of her. You go out and get food drink and a good video.Have a girly night in with your friend instead.

c)this girl is everything to you, plus going out with someone like that gives you a good chance once they have drunk to much, anything is possible.

d)forget your friend, go out with this person. Anyway. Your friend will have time to gloat later. Your what is important not her.

e) invite your friend along too. That way everyone is happy.

Your in class and one of the class jerk is having a personnal dig at you infront of everyone, what do you do?

a)sit there quite, staring daggers. Plotting some kind of revenge that couldn’t be traced back to you. Not quite realising the consequences of your actions.

b) stand up and have a good rant, really put this jerk in his place. No-one speaks about you or your friends like that.

c)join in, go along with the joke, people may like you if they think you enjoy a good joke.

d)sit there and bitch about them at the same time, making sure they can hear you but its not so personnal that they can retaliate.

e) storm out the room, that kind of situation chokes you, theres no need to cause a row over it so you just have to get out of there.

A group of class mates are sat across the room from you, there talking about you in hushed voices, and laughing. What do you do?

a)what, your to busy in your own thoughts to notice what other people are doing, even when your staring at them you don’t think they don’t like you in any way.

b)listen in, don’t cause a fuss as you wont get to hear what they think of you. Its funny the things you can hear when people don’t think you are listening.

c) walk over to them, and start a rude joke up about someone in the room, change the subject away from you but share in the joke.

d) join in a similar conversation with a friend, but make it loud enough for them to hear, and laugh a little more that you should too.

e) again, leave the room. No cause for a confrontation.

ok... time to add up your scores....

mostly a's = you are mostly like cassie, living in a dream world. you spend most of your time watching people and hoping that they will come to you, you need to take the initiative and make th first move when getting to know each other. theres nothing wrong with being reserved, but good things dont always come to those who wait, and wait, and wait.

mostly b's = you are mostly like Thelma, your very out going and confident, if you want something you go and get it. your friends sometimes say your a little brash with your opinions. its an excellent way to be, but be aware you may someimes scare away possible friends, and people may have a false opion on who you really are.

mostly c's = you are mostly like Leon, this is no way to go about things, people wont trust you, they will either think you are only after one thing, or that you are extremly shallow or insecure. try and get to know people before seducing them, you may find friends easier.

mostly d'd = you are mostly like Gemma, calm down, stop always being on the defensive, care and be cared about. sometimes you may gt carried away having a laugh at other peoples expense, but be aware that you dont like it when the shoe is on the other foot. think before you speak.

mostly e's = you are mostly like Troy, ok, so you've got the nicey nicey approach to everything, you rarly make enemy's, but have you got real friends, or are you just someone who doesnt answer back. dont let people walk all over you, try and be more vocal with your opinions, people will respect you more for it.