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Enter the Unknown

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GOTU fanfiction
Bogus GOTU site ((Tahara's version of a tabloid))
Andy's Image Gallery
Andy's GOTU masterpieces *coughcough*

~~ENTER THE UNKNOWN~~((page last updated 2/8/07; 10:44 PM US Central Time))

Welcome to the homepage for Guardians of the Unknown!!! Here you will find updates on the writing of the book, comments by the authors, GOTU fanfiction, and maybe even some artwork! ((if I manage to get someone to scan pictures...CAN ANYONE LET ME USE THEIR SCANNER????)) So check back often, you never know what you'll find!!!

State of Current chapter: writing

-Notes by the Authors-

Andrea(Writer)~Chapter 14 has been typed and finished...only took me AEONS. ::fails at life:: Anyhoo, update-ness...crazy, ne?

Nyssa(co-writer) Oh . . . Ehehhehheh . . . No, that wasn't intentional. ^_^;; But, Andy has finished chapter 13 . . . was it 13? ::shrugh:: Yes, shrugh. I found out that "Moroni" is actually a prophet in the book of Mormon. I found that out from that "Moroni's Daughter" girl. ^_^;; So, in turn, I told her my story. Which was considerably longer than hers. XD;; Oh, and . . . NEW FANFICTION!!

Kirsta(graphic designer) What's the new fanfiction?

-Quotes from the Book-

"Don't fall asleep THIS time, Xantos!"

"...It contains power like none you've ever seen..."

"THIS is lunch?!"

"Something about his merciless eyes gave her a terrible sense of danger..."
-Kirona's feelings on Aycan

"But Kirona, even I wouldn't be that stupid!"


"Well, then what are we waiting for? Open it already!"

"What? The Unknown is in peril, and we're going to a tavern."


A Closer Look at the GOTU Charries: Serina

By: Moroni of the Mount of Ro

Hosted By: Moroni of the Mount of Ro

Moroni: ::Ahem:: Welcome ladies and gentlemen! I am your wonderful (and gorgeous) host, Moroni!

Loons: ::La-loon! La-loon!::

Moroni: ::mutters:: Fine. I never liked you anyways.

Loons: . . . .

Moroni: Anyways. ::Smiles:: Today we shall cover Serina, an important and likable character in the GOTU plot.

::Diagram of Serina appears::

Moroni: ::sighs:: ANDY!!

Andy: ::Pops out of nowhere; a skill she learned from Sovester:: Yes?

Moroni: WHY are her shorts so SHORT?!

Andy: Uh . . . ::Dodges question artfully::

Moroni: -.-’ Whatever.

Andy: ::sneaks off::

Moroni: Anyways. This is Serina. She likes cookies.

Serina: ::Bashes through the wall:: WHERE?! SHOW ME THE COOKIES AND NOBODY GETS HURT! . . . . Except for you. ::Points at Aycan who was skulking in the back:: I will always hurt you.

Aycan: Damn you . . . ::Mutters:: It’s all because you ate me last Christmas.

Innocent Bystander: Double-YEW-Tee-Eff?!?!?

Moroni: Go away, Innocent Bystander. You need to find a way to occupy yourself.

Innocent Bystander: How about locking myself up in my house and retreating to a dark corner with a baseball bat.

Moroni: Sounds good.

Serina: So . . . Where are the cookies?

Moroni: In the lounge. Have whatever you want, just not the Thin Mints.

Kirona: ::clutches Thin Mints:: Miiineee . . . ::frothfrothfroth::

Moroni: ^_^;; Anyways . . . Since our “Cut-To-Scene-Machine” is broken, I have prepared a slide show for you. LIGHTS!

Lights: ::dim::

Moroni: Ahem. This is Serina talking to the Guardians in chapter 10, I believe. This is Serina kicking Roikus butt when he smashed her cookie. This is Serina flying. This is Serina walking. This is Serina talking. This is Serina sitting. That’s Luna on her left. Luna is gasping. Gasping is Luna’s hobby. And that’s . . . O_O;; Uh . . . Heh, heh, heh . . . That’s me on our backpacking trip. ::skips ahead:: That’s . . . O_O;; Uh . . . Trail food. ::Skips ahead:: That’s . . . ::cracks out laughing:: That’s Fluffy-Chan in my car before my birthday . . .

Fluffy-Chan: NOOOO!! ::Smashes slide-show with sledge hammer::

Moroni: o_o;;

Fluffy-Chan: Now I’m off to be depressed! Bye! ::Skips off::

Moroni: Uh . . . Okay. Anyways . . . ::Ahem:: Now, a bit about Serina. She is a fairy and is currently excluded from the love plot along with Song. But, we’ll soon fix that. Serina also tends to have “A Bad Case of Serina”; which is the unfortunate tendency to be very corny . . . .

Serina: ::From offstage:: Mmm . . . Good cookies!!

Moroni: ^_^;; Anyways . . . We already had our interview with Andy, though she artfully dodged out of it. ::Glares offstage where Andy is pigging out on Thin Mints:: Anyways . . . Any questions?

Random Audience Member: ::raises hand::

Moroni: None? Okay.

RAM: . . . .

Moroni: Join us next time for another random look at a random GOTU character!! ::waves::


Q: Can I be a water mage?

Andrea: NO! One second I don't have ENOUGH, the next i'm practically swarmed by them. So no, you can't be a water mage. Unless the quiz tells you that you're best described as a water mage. Then, reluctantly, I shall oblige. But if I find out you just went through and tried to pick the ones that fit the element you want, oooh you're in for it...*looms and glares* Oh, and if you turn out psychic, it doesn't mean you're evil. A little baby dragon is psychic and he's the cutest darn thing you ever saw! SO THERE!

Q: What are the Elements?

Andrea: Earth, Water, Sky, Fire, Light, and Psychic

Q: Why do you have a ton of quotes on the bogus site but only a couple on the REAL site?

Nyssa: Take a trip into our mind. Then you'll understand.

Q: I'm lost, where is everything located in Tahara?

Andrea: I have maps drawn up of Tahara and the Unknown, but until I get a scanner, you've got to come find me and hope I've got my drawing folder with me.

Nyssa: OR You could just come over to MY house Andrea. I HAVE A SCANNER!! ^__^

Andrea: Update!!!! The maps are on my image gallery, though chunks are cut off because Kirsta's scanner is evil. >__> So yeah. But check them out anyway!!! *points to links section*

Andrea: Update again! New versions of the maps are on my image gallery. And they're not cut off!! YAY!

Q: Why does it take you so darn long to write a chapter?

Andrea: If you want to get them done quicker, please talk to my teachers and tell them that they can't give me homework cause I have to write my book. Then I will have more time to write.

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