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The Magick and Power of Futhark

Raido, R Uruz, U Nauthiz, N Ehwaz, E Sowelu, S


Signing and Sending of Runes- Sign Magick- Spells and Rituals- Invocations -

Preliminary Exercises- The Gods' Runes- The Oracle of The Self-
Bind Runes- Numerical Symbolism- Color Symbolism-
Transliteration of Modern English into Runes- Making a Talisman-
Magickal Tools and Attire- Correspondences -
Meditations - Stadhagaldr- Runic Streams- Intake of World and Earth Streams- Divination-
Definitions of Terms- Books About Runes

Signing and Sending of Runes

The practice of making Runic gestures or signs was well known in ancient times. The Norse priests (godhr would make the "sign of the hammer" (Old Norse hamarsmark, an upside down "T") or a white magick swastika over goblets before drinking. The rite of signing to bless people and objects with holy signs was an established practice long before the advent of Christianity, and in fact they adopted this practice from the Indo-European tribes because they couldn't get them to stop doing it.

A Rune can be traced or drawn in the air in front of the magician using the palm of the right hand, the right index finger, the right thumb, or the Rune wand. Some of the staves can be signed with both hands in a smooth and graceful manner.

Visualization is an important skill in signingar. The magician should actually project (send) the image of the stave from a sphere of brightness in the center of his body, along a shaft of red light to the Rune's appointed destination. Once the beam has reached this place, the magician then traces the stave from the light's substance. The color of the light may be red or a color that is symbolically significant to the ritual's intent (see the Colors

A special rhythmic breathing should be used during this practice. Inhale as the arm is raised, concentrate on the intake of önd. While you exhale, send and sign the stave while singing the Rune's name and/or mantra, either to yourself or aloud.

When the Runes are invoked before the magician, the energy may either be reabsorbed into the Rune caster's personal sphere, infused into an object to charge or change it, or it may be sent to do work elsewhere. It is good to practice this procedure on a daily basis because it is one of the most powerful techniques available to the magician, but one that must be practiced and mastered with extremely strong concentration and visualization to be completely effective. This technique is also used in charging talismans.

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Sign Magick

Sign magick is the techniques of
signing and sending blended with those of galdr (incantation). This is the most difficult form of Runic magick because of the necessary skill level one must obtain in the areas of concentration and visualization in order to perform it effectively. Once one has mastered the techniques, though, it is the most direct and effective form of galdr that the magician can employ.

Signingagaldr, the magick of signs, differs from the signing used for charging tines in that the energy is projected into already living systems, such as wights and dynamistic fields of Runic force.

Sign Magick is the art of cutting Runes into the living fabric of the multiverse, blending the might of the Rune with a symbolic target that has been created by the magicians hugr through concentrated visualization, for the purpose of altering said chosen target. There are, of course, other ways in which this form of magick may be used, as well. This process can either be performed entirely through meditative visualization (hugauga) or with physical ritual work. In both cases, the techniques are the same; however, the magician may want to begin by using visualization, for it is easier to perform than the ceremonial rituals.

The three steps of signingagaldr:

1. Formulation of and/or concentration on a goal (target).
To formulate a target the magician must designate a "target area." This is a framework within which the visualized goal will be held, so that the Rune might can be directed into it. The frame can either be a rectangle or triangle, if using a triangle it should be an equilateral form that points to the east (>). In a full ritual a frame can be physically created from wood and painted or otherwise decorated in a manner appropriate to the magician's goal. If one likes, one may also construct a symbolic form of the goal to place inside of the frame, though eventually, one should work toward being able to magickally build the image through ones powers of concentration and visualization.

2. Formulation and projection of the willed Rune might.
Once the target has been firmly established and is bound within the frame, one begins to formulate the willed Rune might in ones own physical center. This power is then sent into the target area and signed according to the method used in signing and sending Runes. The mantra that one creates, whether sung or spoken, should clearly state ones intentions and give specific form to the Runic power one is employing.

3. Blending the two into a single force field so that the projected energies affect the desired change in ones chosen target.
While signing the Rune one should feel the energy of the sign actually infusing the living fabric of the target with its power. The magician will immediately see the target transform when this infusion is complete.

Before attempting Sign Magick one should have mastered the art of signing and sending Runes, for here is where one's mantric skills will be honed. There are two forms of galdr: sound form and poetic form. Both forms can be used in sign magick, but the poetic form, though more complex, is much preferred for both its precision and flexibility. These magick formáli can be found throughout old Germanic texts, for the art of Teutonic poetry (as well as that of other Indo-European peoples) developed from the power of magick.

Poetic mantras serve to assist the magician in invocation and evocation of the Rune might and in forming it within the magician's body. It also aids in the projection and linkage of that energy to the target via its principal quality - vibration.

The following techniques should be used throughout the practice of signing and sending, for all of the elements of this form of magick must be understood as the multifold expression of a single force - the will of the magician.

1. Focus on the breath throughout the mantra.
~While inhaling focus on the flow of Rune might into your personal center.
~~Hold the breath long enough to instill it with its exact purpose.
~While exhaling turn your intense focus upon the part of the mantra that describes the projected intent.

2. Perform one line of the incantation with each breath.

~While using poetic galdr Runically focus upon the sound of each letter of the incantations words, without thinking about their meanings, so as to feel their power.

The main points of focus for the magician are the sound of the incantation and the form of the stave and the beam of light through which it is projected, all contained in the common Runic vibrations. Meditational exercises will help one to master this process. Incantations can be sung loudly, softly, or silently, within one's own hugr.

Because the power of sign magick lies in the magician's visualization and concentration abilities, it is necessary for one to memorize the entire Ritual prior to enactment. This is generally good practice for all Runic rites, but it is especially important here.

When creating one's mantra one should put a lot of thought into its form and content. While galdrar are effective when composed in English, the use of one of the old Germanic dialects, such as Old English, Gothic, and Old High German, vibrate with the qualities of mythical magick that just aren't present in Modern English. What is most important, though, is that one finds one's own magickally potent language and poetic form that speaks with the voice of one's unconscious realms.

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A general purpose invocation to call on the
Gods of Norse legend.

God within me, God without,
How shall I ever be in doubt?
There is no place where I may go
And not there see God's face, not know
I am God's vision and God's ears.
So through the harvest of my years
I am the Sower and the Sown,
God's Self unfolding and God's own.
-Author Unknown

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All information in these pages comes from the following sources:

and The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum.

A now out of print and rare book and stones set.
It can still be bought, used, at the above link, though.

Lisa's Planet- The Land of Fae- Norse Mythology-
Celtic Goddesses, Queens, Gods & Kings- Angels- My Web Rings
Samantha's Moon (Temporarily Out of Orbit)
Jay Jr's Moon (It's gone Void of Course)