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The Magick and Power of Futhark

Raido, R Uruz, U Nauthiz, N Ehwaz, E Sowelu, S

Definitions of Terms

A- B- E- F- G- H- M- N- O- R- S- T- V- W- Y

Books About Runes

Preliminary Exercises- The Gods' Runes- The Oracle of The Self-
Bind Runes- Numerical Symbolism- Color Symbolism-
Transliteration of Modern English into Runes- Making a Talisman-
Signing and Sending of Runes- Sign Magick- Spells and Rituals- Invocation -
Magickal Tools and Attire- Correspondences -
Meditations - Stadhagaldr- Elements- Runic Streams- Intake of World and Earth Streams- Divination

{sing.=singular} {pl.=plural} {ON=Old Norse} {OE=Old English} {G=Gothic} (GMC=Germanic}

Æsir sing. Ass, genitive pl. Asa (used as a prefix to denote that the god or goddess is "of the Æsir").
ON. Race of gods corresponding to the funtions of magic, law, and war.
pl. ættir ON. Family or genus, used both as a name for the threefold divisions of hte futhatk, and the eight divisions of the heavens. Also means a group or division of eight.
pl. Name of the group built around the edeology of the German mystic Guido von List (1848-1919).
ON. Religion (trú) of the Æsir. Now a name used by Norse oriented Neo-Germanic religious groups.
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bind rune
Two or more runes superimposed over one another, sometimes used to from galdrastafir.
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ON. Word of uncertain origin, used as the title of ancient manuscripts dealing wht "mythology." THe Elder or Poetic Edda is a collection of poems written between 800 and 1270 C.E., while the Youger or Prose Edda was written by Snorri Sturluson in 1222 as a docification of the mythology of Asatrú for skalds.
erilaz pl. eriloz.
GMC. A vitki and runemaster who is also a priest (godhi).
Developed from ON jötun. A type of giant renowned for strength. Also, a generic giant name (in ON Jötunheimr, etc.)
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See Orlog
formáli pl. formálar
ON. Formulaic speeches used to load action with magickal intent.
An archaic English designation for the swasticka or solar wheel.
fylgja pl. fylgjur.
ON> The "fetch," a numinous being attached to every individual, which is the reposeitory of all past action and which accordingly affects the person's life. Visualized as either a feminine form, an animal, or an abstract shape.
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ON. Projected magickal power and the wand, staff, or stave which contains or expresses it.
(1) The proto-language spoke by the Gemanic peoples before the various dialects (e.g., English, German, Gothic, Scandinavian) developed; also, a collective term for the languages belonging to this group. (2) A collective term for all peoples descended from the Germanic-speaking group (e.g., the English, the Germans, the Scandinavians). Norse or Nordic is a subset of Germanic and refers only to the Scandinavian branch of hte Germanic heritage.
ON. Fire-pot or brazier used in magickal rites.
glyph runes
See galdrastafr
Designation of a now extinct East Germanic language and the people who spoke it. Last speakers known int the Crimean in the eighteenth century.
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hamingja pl. hangjur
ON. Mobile magickal force tahter like the man and manitu of other traditions. Often defined as "luck," "shape-shifting force," and "guardian spirit."
ON. the plastic image-forming substance that surrounds each individual, making up the physical form. It may be collected and reformed by magickal power (hamingja) according to the will (hugr).
ON. "Sayings of the High One." The second poem of the Elder Edda; it contains words of wisdom, initiatory myths, and magickal songs.
holy sign
See galdrastafr.
ON. A portion of the psychosomatic complex corresponding to the conscious mind, intellect, will.
ON. The "mind's eye," a spiritual hvel in the forehead.
hvel pl. hvel.
ON. Kuterakktm this means "wheel" (analogous to the sanskrit cakra, a spiritual center in the human body where magickal forces are collected, transformed, and either assimilated or projected.
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A term desciptive of hte many states of bing (worlds) that constitute the universe. The word is a play on universe (one-being_. "Multiverse" is used when emphasis is placed upon the multiplicity of being, while "universe" is used for a unitary emphasis.
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Devloped from the ON words nídh (insult) and nídhingr (a vile wretch). Used in the context of cursing by the use of satirical or insulting poetry.
Norn pl. Nornir.
ON. One fo the three complex cosmic beings in the femal form that embody the processes of cause and effect and evolutionary force.
numen adj. numinous.
Living, nonphysical, or magickal aspects within the cosmic order, not necessarily meant in the animistic sense; that which partakes of this spiritual power.
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ON. Exciter or stirrer of inspiration. THis is both a name of the magico-poetic mead and its container.
Old English
The language spoken by the Anglo-Saxon tribes in southern Britain from about 450-1000 C.E. Also known as Anglo-Saxon.
Old Norse
The language spoken by West Scandinavians (in Norway, Iceland, and Britain) in ht eViking Age (ca 800-1100 C.E.). Also, hte language of the Eddas and of skaldic poetry.
ON. Vital breath.
ON. Literally analyzed, this means "primal layers" (primal laws) i.e., the past action (of an individual or the cosmos) that shapes the present and future conditions. Roughly translated as "fate." Root concept of the English "weird" (wyrd).
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ON. Tool for carving runes.
From ON. rynstr, "one most skilled in runes" (rune vitki).
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See signing.
signing. pl. signingar.
ON. Magickal signs or gestures made with motions of the hands to trace various magickal symbols in the air around an object or person to be affected by their power.
A poem of the Elder Edda in which the hero, Sigurdhr (Siegfried), is initiated into rune wisdom by the valkyrja, Sigrdrîfa. THe title means "THe Sayings of Sigrdrîfa."
ON term for a poet who writes hightly formal, origianlly magickal verse.
ON> "Posture magick": the magickal technique of assuming RUnic postures coupled with incantational formulas.
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ON. Talismanic magick, a talisman.
From the ON thurs pl. thursar. Giants renowned for their witlessness and strength.
Developed from the ON word teinn (talisman).
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valkyrja pl valyrjur.
ON. "Chooser of the fallen" (i.e., the slain). Protective fylgja-like numinous qualities that become attached to certain persons who attract them; a linking force between men and gods (especially Ódin).
Vanir sing. Van.
ON. The race of gods corresponding to the fertility fundtion. THe principal deities of this group are Freyja, Freyr and Njördhr. After a long war with the Æsir, they all exchanged hostages and lived inpeace. THe Vanir who came to the Æsir camp became assimilated into the Æsir, while retaining their special characteristics.
ON. "Sacred enclosure": the place of working magick. THe name of Ódin's "brother."
vitki pl. vitkar
ON. "Magician, wise one": a magician and one versed in Rune lore, who is not necessarily a godhi (priest) within the Faith of the Æsir but who remains within the natural laws of that Faith.
ON. "Prophecy of the Seeress." The first song in the Elder Edda, it deals with cosmogony, anthropogony, and eschatology.
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(1) The entire cosmos or universe. (2) One fo the nine levels of being or planes of existence that make up the ordered cosmos.
See Yggdrasill.
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ON. The cosmic tree of nine worlds or planes of the multiverse.
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All information in these pages comes from the following sources:

and The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum.

A now out of print and rare book and stones set.
It can still be bought, used, at the above link, though.

Lisa's Planet- The Land of Fae- Norse Mythology-
Celtic Goddesses, Queens, Gods & Kings- Angels- My Web Rings
Samantha's Moon (Temporarily Out of Orbit)
Jay Jr's Moon (It's gone Void of Course)