Success and Victory
Norn-rune fend off the fetters of wyrd and turn the need.
Grow and thrive through fehu
Speed overcomes in me!
Steering might of Sowelu (the sun)
lead me from success to success.
Tyr - Tyr
Fruit of the fight - victory!
My deeds make me grow,
forever in might and main.
Mannaz! Word of fullness
be the fulfiller of my wishes.
Make all the good wax great.
Hail and fullness
work through the year!
Well-being waxes
happiness grows in itself.
Our deeds make us grow,
forever in might and main.
Norn-rune fend off the fetters
and turn the need!
Warding might of the World, stream to me.
Warding might of the World, work in me.
Warding might of the World, work through me.