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Oracular Interpretation Key Words Mantra Stöödhur(Positions) Magickal Uses

Algiz- Ansuz- Berkana- Dagaz- Ehwaz- Eihwaz- Fehu- Gebo- Hagalaz- Inguz- Isa- Jera- Kano- Laguz- Mannaz- Nauthiz- Odin's Rune (blank)- Othila- Perth- Raido- Sowelu- Thurisaz- Uruz- Wunjo-

Teiwaz or Tiwaz (Proto-Germanic): the god Tyr; Teiws (Gothic): the god Tyr; Tir (Old English): the god Tyr (Old English Tiw); Tyr (Old Norse): the god Tyr

Phonetic value: t
Esoteric interpretation of name: the sky god.
Ideographic interpretation: the vault of the heavens held up by the universal columns, and sometime the spear point.

Teiwaz is the embodiment of Asa-Tyr's power. Tyr is the Norse god of law and justice who governs proceedings at the Germanic general assembly. Tyr's energy is that of passive regulation. In Norse Mythology, it is he who comes closest to having a transcendental quality. these characteristics are exemplified by the major Tyr myth in which he sacrifices his hand to Fenris the wolf to save his fellow Ćsir from destruction. Thus Teiwaz is the Rune of self-sacrifice and of kings and great leaders of the people.

The word Teiwaz, Tyr in Old Norse, has the exact same meaning as the Sanskrit word dayus, the Greek Zeus, and the Latin Jupiter. Teiwaz holds a threefold mystery: justice, war, and world-column. Specific aspects of each of these concepts are an intimate part of the Runic cosmology. Teiwaz is mainly the power of divine order in the multiverse, and especially among humanity. However, Tyr is also important as a god of war because of the special judicial and spiritual qualities that were given to conflict by the ancients of northern Germany. Vápnadómr ("judgment by arms: war), an Old Norse word, defines this concept quite well. Combat was seen as a fight between divine forces in conjunction with mundane ones. Both of these are considered to be extensions of the same ultimate source. The man, or army , with the most divine power (that is developed by right and honorable actions of the past) will receive the help of Orlog to win the battle. Tyr reigns over the administration of this type of justice, so he is invoked for victory and is therefore an important war god. The world-column aspect is that which divides heaven and earth. This separation creates a phenomenological quality, as is therefore an essential part of multiversal manifestation as we know it. This column maintains world order, and protects mankind and the gods from the destruction that the collision of the heavens (energy) and earth (matter) would bring.

Teiwaz is represented by the Irminsul of the Saxons. This world-column is the axis mundi (the center of the multiverse) and has its heavenly termination at the pole star.

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Key Words:
World order
Victory (according to law)
Spiritual discipline

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Galdr (Mantra):
teiwaz teiwaz teiwaz
tu ta ti te to
tur tar tir ter tor
ot et it at ut
(Tyr Tyr)

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Stödhur (Positions):
I. Stand straight, your arms slanted down and away from your body in the form of the Rune. Your palms should face the ground, although you may also experiment with your palms up.

II. This stadha was developed as a bind rune of sowelu, and is popularly known as the Sig-Tyr Rune: Stand straight with your arms as in the above stadha, then bend your elbows so that your arms form "V" shapes to either side. This stadha embodies the combined forces of these two powerful Runes. The galdr "sig=Tyr Sig-Tyr Sig-Tyr" should be used when invoking its force.

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Magickal Uses:
Obtaining just victory and success.
Building spiritual will.
Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice.
Develops the "force of faith" in magic and religion.

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Oracular Interpretation:

This is the Rune of the Spiritual Warrior. Always the battle of the Spiritual Warrior is with the self. Funding a will through action, yet unattached to welcomes, remaining mindful that all you can really do is stay out of your own way and let the Will of Heaven flow through you - these are among the hallmarks of the Spiritual Warrior.

Embodied in this Rune is the energy of discrimination, the sword like quality that enables you to cut away the old, the dead, the extraneous. And yet with the Warrior Rune comes certain knowledge that the universe always has the first move. Patience is the virtue of this Rune, and it recalls the words of St. Augustine that the reward of patience is patience.

Here, you are asked to look within, to delve down to the foundations of life itself. Only in so doing can you hope to meet the deepest needs of your nature and tap into your most profound resources. The molding of character is at issue when you draw Teiwaz.

Associated with this Rune are the sun, masculine energy, the active principle. The urge for conquest is powerful here, especially self-conquest, which is a lifelong pursuit and calls for awareness, single-mindedness and the willingness to undergo your passage with compassion and in total trust.

When this Rune comes in response to a relationship issue, it indicates that the relationship is both timely and providential. The bond is a real one; there is work for you to do together.

If the issue concerns devotion to a cause, an idea or a path of conduct, the Warrior Rune counsels perseverance, although at times the kind of perseverance called for is patience.

A Rune of courage and dedication, in ancient times Teiwaz was the glyph that warriors painted on their shields before battle. Now, the same symbol strengthens our resolve to align the self with the Self.

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The danger is that through hasty or ill-timed action, life force leaks out or is spilled away. If an association is short-lived, do not grieve; know that it has fulfilled its span. Matters of trust and confidence are at issue here, and with them the authenticity of your way of being in the world.

Reversed, Teiwaz calls for examining your motives carefully. Is it self-conquest with which you are concerned, or are you trying to dominate another? Are you lusting after outcomes, or are you focused on the task for its own sake?

You will find the answers within yourself, not in outside advice. When you consult the Runes, you are consulting the Self, an action appropriate to the Spiritual Warrior.

--Copied word for word from The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum

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All information in these pages comes from the following sources:

and The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum.

A now out of print and rare book and stones set.
It can still be bought, used, at the above link, though.

Lisa's Planet- The Land of Fae- Norse Mythology-
Celtic Goddesses, Queens, Gods & Kings- Angels- My Web Rings
Samantha's Moon (Temporarily Out of Orbit)
Jay Jr's Moon (It's gone Void of Course)