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About Me

Fire Fairy

Name: Jessica C. O (Yes, just the letter O)

Age: 18

Birth date: April 1st, 1985

Sign: Aries 

What do I look like?: I have shoulder length brown hair, and brown eyes. I'm 5'3" and 103 lbs.

My hobbies: I love to read, and sketch. (You can see some of my work on the contests page) I love to go horseback riding. (I LOVE Horses) I wish I owned one for real. Maybe that's why I made this game, lol)

Uh, well, I can't think of anything else to tell you, so I'll just leave off here. If you want to know something, just ask.


S O M E    P I C T U R E S    O F    M E

A younger me

Me a few years ago

Me and my boyfriend at my Junior Prom (2002)

(Well, these were taken at my house before prom)

This is the picture taken at the dance