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About Us


BlackhARdT Productions was first established in 1995
when I worked at a Newspaper "The Johnstown Republic" in Johnstown PA.

I was initially brought on as a sales associate and ad layout designer for this newly established rag.

However with the small staff load available, positions and work load tended to overlap, I found myself doing a bit of writing and photography. These activities I realized were most enjoyable to me. I found this especially so when it came to concert or other entertainment coverage.

Myself and a co-worker were lucky enough to be assigned to a "Black Crows" show as well as a "Bryan Adam's" performance at the War Memorial in Johnstown.
What a blast! I only wish I still had the exquisite photos that resulted, but the newspaper had ownership of them since it was a JR assignment.

Unfortunately the larger newspaper in the area wouldn't give up a large enough demographic to support sales of the newspaper and it folded in just over a year in existence.

But a seed was planted and I was hooked on the photography part of it.

My education had included a major in Graphic Design and Minors in Computers and Photography, so I was determined to use my experience and education to expand my horizons.

A few little freelance jobs here and there followed, until I settled down and got married and soon after had two wonderful sons.

My main priority became being a full time mom, but my longing to be in the field although on the back burner for a time, did not diminish.

Graphic Art

So now 6 years later here I am again. My son's are well adjusted, I am back to work in the field of Graphic Design part time at a screen printer as well as working on the side maintaining several websites.

I also have expanded in the music industry a bit further by designing t-shirt art for a couple local bands "Shadow of a Martyr" and most recently in production, art for "A Lesson Learned".

My proudest accomplishment in this field stemmed from a t-shirt design contest for my favorite band
MCR sponsored by FUSE. Although I didn't win, I had the privilege of reworking one of my submissions for a friend of Mikey Way's, Mr. Rob Hitt of "I Surrender Records".

The art was completed and submitted to their merch dept. From what I understand they will be in production soon.

*PLEASE NOTE: I will not display that art here, since it hasn't been unveiled by VALENCIA (The band that will be using the design) and it wouldn't be fair to steal their thunder and show the art before they present it to their fans! .

Web Design

The sites that I currently maintain include: Virginia Wildlife Federation) not maintain) recently acquired